Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Memorandum Books, 1789


Jan. 1. Paid Petit servants wages and etrennes as follows
wages etrennes total
Petit 72  +  24 ₶  = 96
Espagnol  60 + 12 = 72
Bonair 60 + 12 = 72
Lacroix 50 + 12 = 62
Nomeni 50 + 12 = 62
James 24 + 12 = 36
Garçon 15 + 12 = 27
Sally 12 + 12 = 24
343 + 108 = 451

Dr. Cr.  cash actually paid
by balance of Dec. 1. 2400₶
by Amount of acct. Nov. 30—to Dec. 27. 1532–9
to cash Dec. 13. 12₶—19. 120₶—26. 6₶—30. 24₶  ₶
to cash now paid in part of accounts 2000–0  2000
Balance remaining due 1770–9
3932–9 3932–9
paid Petit  for Panthemont
for forage for December

Paid subscription for Pissot’s paper30 for coming year 48₶.
Etrennes to the post boys 6₶.
Court fees to the servants of the Introductors & Secretary 72₶.
Pd. Chanterot for a watch 240₶.
Pd. for fur gloves 6₶ socks 3₶–10.
5. Pd. for washing 20₶.
6. Fur gloves for Patsy 6₶.
7. Pd. for books 7₶.
8. Gave Curé de Chaillot for the poor 42₶.31
Gave etrennes to Cabaret’s garçon 6₶.
Pd. portage of pictures32 from Italy 13₶–16.
Pd.  Court fees at Versailles. to wit
Valet de M. Monmorin 96
Suisse 24
livery 24
Portier de Rayneval 24
Domestique 24
Suisses de la salle des Ambassadeurs   24
Coffeemen 48
Gave Curé of Chaillot for the poor 42₶.
14. Pd. for books 4₶–10.
16. Pd. Petit for redingcote for Patsy 72₶.
17. Gave Polly 12₶.
18. Gave an American sailor 9₶.
19. Pd. Upton on account 24₶.
Jan. 20. Pd. for Encyclopedie de D’Alembert 126₶ (bindg. will cost 87–15 = 213₶.
24. Pd. postage 10₶.
Feb. 2. Recd. of Mr. Grand 5000₶. for my draught of ƒ2285–5s banco on Willinks & Van Staphorsts.
Pd. Mr. Grand for Mr. Paradise 720₶.
Repd. him Bondfeild’s order on me in favor of Vernon for 340₶–10 the price of 250 bottles of Sauterne33 bought for me of the Count de Lur-Saluce.
Analysis of Petit’s accounts.

Dec. 28. Jan. 3 4—10 11—17 18—24 Dec. 28.—
Jan. 24
 17) 155₶–11   19) 183₶–1   12) 216₶    14) 169₶–19   62) 724–11 
(9₶–3 (9–13 (18₶ (12₶–3 (11₶–14
₶  ₶  ₶  ₶ 
Cuisine 129–  4 128–  8 153– 16 139–  3 550– 11
Office 26–  7 54– 13 62–  4 30– 16 174–  0
Pet. dep. 42–  5 22–  8 59–  4 46–  4 170–  1
Washing 54–  5 54–  5
Servants 59– 16 26–  8 86–  4
Wood 26–  5 24–  0 26–  8 76– 13
portage 31–  5 111– 13 5– 13 148– 11
Genl. post 1– 10 8– 11 4–  8 9– 15 24–  4
370– 17 349– 13 306–  0 257– 19 1284–  9
Paris post 6–  0 9–  0 7– 10 9–  0 31– 10

Paid Petit. Servants wages.  Petit 72
Espagnol   60
Bonair 60
Lacroix 50
Nomeni 50
James 24 cash actually paid
Garçon 15  ₶   
Sally 12 343– 0
Dr. Cr.
By balance of Jan. 1. 1770– 9
By amount of accts. as above 1284– 9
To cash now paid on account 1300– 0 1300– 0
Balance remaining due 1754–18
3054–18 3054–18
paid him acct. for forage of January  171– 0
paid him balance of Genen’s acct.  734–16–3

3. Gave in Charity at Versailles 6₶.
6. ( Pd. for a silver coffee pot 309₶ < [as a?] present for Clerissault for his trouble about the draughts & model of Capitol & prison 309₶, to be chargd. to Virginia>.34
Pd. for mending my own coffee pot 12₶ = 321₶.
Pd. for servts. 12₶.
5. Gave Patsy 240₶.
8. Recd. of Nuncio for ream of paper from Engld. 24₶.
Pd. washing 18₶–13.
9. Pd. Romilly35 for a watch for Patsy 554₶.
Gave Patsy 60₶.


£  s
Pd. D. Parker for  6. pr. shoes 2– 11
thermometers36 2–  7–6 = £4–18–6 = 123₶
16. Pd. Mazzei for pictures37 from Florence 145₶–10.
17. Pd. for books 8₶ + 21₶.
Pd. Chanterot 6₶.
19. Pd. Mr. Gardener for B. Carnes for small disbursemts.38 for the U.S. 75₶–9 to be charged to them.
27. Pd. subscription for the Petites affiches for ensuing year frm. 9th. inst. 30₶.
28. Pd. Charpentier for press on account 120₶.
Pd. transportation of 248. bottles of Meursault39 66₶.
Mar. 1. Pd. postage 10₶–2.
Servts. 12₶.
2. Gave Mr. Grand draught on Willinks & Van Staphorsts for 2725 flor. bo. and received of him 6000₶.
Repd. Mr. Grand for Mr. Paradise 480₶.
Repd. him what he had pd. Foulloy on my order 600₶. Note this was for 2. vols. of Deane’s lre. & acct. books40 purchased out of his hands for the U.S. and to be charged to them.
Analysis of Petit’s accts.

Jan. 25—31 Feb. 1—7 8—14 15—21  Jan. 25—Feb. 21
18) 302–14 (16–16 41) 397–7 (9–12 11) 158–17 (14–9 34) 509–3 (15  104) 1368 (13–3
Cuisine  252– 15    317–  4    95– 13    387–  4    1052– 16  
Office 49– 19 80–  3 63–  4 121– 19 315–  5
Pet. dep. 48– 12 78– 10 50–  8 56– 10 234–  0
washing 45–  0 45–  0
daurs. 50–  0 50–  0
servants 11–  0 14– 16 25– 16
clothes 31– 15–6 31– 15–6
wood 59– 14 59– 14
Genl. post 31–  8 15–  5 12– 18 18– 16 78–  7
438– 14 541–  2 328–  8–6 584–  9 1892– 13–6
Paris post. 9– 8– 22– 17– 56–
Extras books 8₶ 8 
1900– 13–6

Dr. Cr. cash actually paid
Servants wages as Feb. 2.  343
By balance of Feb. 2. 1754–18
By amount of accts. as above     ₶ 1900–13–6
To cash now pd. on acct. 2000 2000
Balance remaining due 1655–11–6
3655–11–6 3655–11–6
Pd. him  for Passinge for picture frames
for Cabaret  for book binding 791– 9
for Stationary to be charged to U.S.  155–14
to carry  to Panthemont
to Patsy


Pd. Sellier, Roucouniere, in full to Feb. 5. 271₶.
Pd. Dupré washing 11₶.
Mar. 2. Pd. for a medal41 of Paul Jones 15₶.
Pd. for a lock 7₶–10.
4. Pd. Upton on account 48₶.
6. Pd. Meyer for works of an alarm watch 168₶.
7. Pd. Upton on account 48₶.
10. Gave chairmen at Versailles 3₶.
11. Pd. tuning harpsichord 6₶.—brass mounting 18s.
13. Pd. for a pendule42 at the Palais royal 110₶. (shd. certainly be 210₶.
17. Pd. postage 2₶–8.
19. Pd. Clousier for printing for U.S. 14₶.
22. Pd. Charpentier in full 48₶.
25. Borrowed of Petit 30₶.
Pd. Deltufo for books 80₶.
29. Pd. for packet from Coblentz for J. Rutledge 6₶–8.
April 1. Analysis of Petit’s accounts

Feb. 22—28 Mar. 1—7 8—14 15—21 22—28  Feb. 22. Mar. 28
 16) 254–16   14) 191–18   20) 258– 9   18) 262–11   15) 223– 7    83) 1191–1 
(15–18 (13₶43 (12–18½ (14–12 (14–18 (14–7
Cuisine 201–13  145–19  197–19  215–19  163– 3 
Office 53– 3  45–19  60–10  46–12  60– 4 
Pet. dep.  58– 7  69–14  30– 2  23– 2  22– 7 
washg. 54– 0  54– 0 
servts. 133–10  99– 0  30– 0  262–10 
clothes 41–15  41–15  
wood 58–18  26– 5  92– 5  32–15  210– 3 
Genl. Post 9– 5  10–11  12– 6  10–11  5–16  48– 9 
435– 6  473–13  492– 2  296– 4  314– 5  2011–10 
Paris post 8– 0  8– 0  10–10  7–10  34– 0 
Extras books 11–18  11–18
2023– 8

April 1. Received of Mr. Grand 7000₶. for my bill on Willinks & V. Staphorsts for ƒ3179–3 Bo.
Pd. Mr. Grand for Mr. Paradise  360
Pd. do. for a bill of excha. of £25. sterl.44 wch. I inclosed Trumbull Mar. 16.  637–3–3
Pd. do. Parent’s bill for 248 bottles Meursault   272

    State of Petit’s accts.
Dr. Cr. Cash actually paid 
  ₶   ₶
By balance of Mar. 2. 1655–12 
By cash Mar. 25.  30
By amount of accounts as above  2023– 8  ₶
To cash this day in full 3709–0  3709– 0
3709–0 3709– 0
To do.  for servants wages as Feb. 2.  343– 0
for forage for Feb. & Mar.  357– 0
for Sartorius for M. Limozin  63–10
for Deaugustini for translating  144– 0
total amt. of cash now paid him  4616–10
   ✓  Note of the 63₶–10 to Limosin charge U.S. his postages  10–7 }  16–15–9
his charges on Consulr. papers   6–8–9 
  of the same charge Virginia 17₶–13 his exp. on bust of M. de la Fayette
April 1. Pd. washing 20₶–9.
6. Pd. for clothes for Sally 96₶.
Pd. Guitar master for Polly 36₶.
Pd. for books 8₶.
8. Pd. Charpentier in full 123₶.
Pd. Patsy’s manteaumaker 36f10.
Pd. Upton  for Medal boxes for United states 96₶ on acct.
Pd. do. for do.——144₶. on account.
Pd. Charpentier for 6. spiral springs 9₶.
Pd. at Concert spirituel45 6f12.
14. Gave Patsy 60₶.—chairmen at Versailles 3₶.
Drew on Willinks, Van Staphorsts & Hubbard for ƒ2731–5 banco in favr. of Grands to replace to them 6000₶. they had pd. the 2d. inst. to Ct. Langeac for the first and last half years of my new lease of his house.
16. Pd. for clothes for Sally 72₶.
17. Pd. for 8. pr. thread stockings for myself 64₶.
<From 14. to 17. Apr. is omitted a paiment of 274₶–16s for linen @ 6₶–5, 8₶–10, & 9₶–10 the aune bought for me by Brown au magazin Anglois rue St. Denis v. v. la rue du petit Lion.46 (for Patsy)>
Pd. an acct. for lawn &c. for Patsy 132₶.
Recd. of Mr. Grand 3000₶.
18. Pd. Frouillé 600₶. on account for Encyclopedies for Dr. Franklin, F. Hopkinson, J. Madison & myself.
19. Pd. for linen for Patsy 274₶–16 (bot. by Brown.
20. Pd. for lawn & cambrick for do. 332₶ (bot. by do.
Pd. at Panthemont in full 625₶–15–3.47
22. Pd. Upton in full 66₶. of whch 48₶. were for M. de Corny.
Gave Patsy for vales at Panthemont 81₶.
Pd. for gloves 2f15.
23. Pd. for taking profile48 6₶.
26. Pd. Pelletier old acct. 41₶–4 + new acct. 16₶–16 = 57₶.49
Pd. making clothes for servts. 23₶.
28. Gave chairmen at Versailles 2₶–8.

Pd. Dupré 5. weeks board of Sally       105
  washing &c.  41–9
Pd. Frouillé for 31st. livraison of Encyclopedie 21₶.
Pd. for profile 30₶ books 2f8.
30. Pd. Noseda for set of reading glasses50 72₶.
Pd. Concert51 at Pantheon 6₶.
May 1. Analysis of Petit’s accounts

Mar. 29. Ap. 1. 5—11 12—18 19—25  Mar. 29. Ap. 25.
13) 117₶( 35) 328–10( 21) 127–2( 36) 291–9(  105) 864 (8₶–4½
Cuisine 101–15  257– 4  90– 4  227– 7  676–10  
Office 15– 5  71– 6  36–18  64– 2  187–11  
Pet. dep. 69– 4  22–15  91– 6  123– 0  306– 5  
washing 54–13  54–13  
servts. 52– 2  52– 2  
Patsy 14– 5  16–10  30–15  
wood 31–19  26– 5  31–19  90– 3  
furniture 88     88–   
portage 29– 8  22– 3  51–11  
Genl. post 26–19  11–18  35–12  20– 0  94– 9  
Extras books 12₶ books 24₶ 36    
381– 5  401– 8  388– 4  497– 2  1667–19  
Paris post 7–10  8–   11–   8–   34–10  

May 1. Recd. of M. de Corny 48₶. (See ante Ap. 22.)
Recd. of Grand & co. 6000₶. for my bill on Willinks, V. Staphorst & Hubbard for ƒ2731–5.
Pd. Grand & co. for Mr. Paradise 360₶.
Repd. them the 3000₶. recd. ante Apr. 17.

Paid Petit  for servants wages as Feb. 2. 343 
amount of accts. as above 1667– 19
forage for April 195–
Serrurier’s account (Bataille)      32– 9
Vitrier’s acct. (Rigault) 10– 12
Menuisier’s do. (Lamy) 215– 17
Taylor’s (Hubner) 431– 7 –6
2896– 4 –6
Charron’s do. 34–
2930– 4 –6
 recd. from Petit back again for an error 8–
2922– 4 –6
<Pd. for muslin gown for Patsy 42₶.>
Pd. Petit for calico for Patsy 37₶–16.
Pd. Balbatre52 a month’s lessons to my daurs. on the harpsichord 144₶.
Pd. guitar master a month 36₶.
5. Gave Patsy 60₶.—servts. 12₶.53
7. Pd. for a whip for Patsy 12₶.—pd. for buckles 9₶.
8. Gave Polly 6₶.
10. Pd. sewing acct. for Patsy 24₶.
Pd. Polly’s Spanish master a month 36₶.
11. Recd. of Mr. Grand 2500₶.
Paid for silks for Patsy 229₶–10.


Pd. Petit for  Cabaret. bookbinding in full 257 –15
Chanterot. watch work in ful 393 54
Metman. Patsy’s taylor 303
Abbema & co. by order of Cathalan   152
1105 –15
Note this paiment to Abbema is for Mr. Drayton of S. Carolina for trees, to be credited against the 726₶. recd. by me July 12. 1789.55 for Agricultural society of S. Carola.
13. Pd. for books 5f8—for watch chains 11f4.
15. Pd. for tuning & quilling the harpsichord 12₶.
16. Pd. Patsy’s flower mistress 187₶–11.
17. Pd. for shoes for Patsy 106₶.
Pd. for stays for do. 84₶.
Credit U.S. 509₶–10–7 for my draught of 237–6 on Willinks, V. Stap. & Hub. in favr. of V. Stap. & Hubard. Note ƒ170–15 of this was to pay Van Damme for books.56
19. Pd. for ink pots 4f16.
20. Pd. portage of books from London 62₶.
25. Pd. making clothes for Sally 25₶–2.
27. Pd. for reading desk 7f4.
Pd. at Concert57 at Pantheon 6₶.
29. Pd. Donnet for a hat for myself 24₶.
Pd. do. for do. for Patsy & Polly 42₶.
Gave Patsy 72₶.
30. Pd. Balbatre a month’s teaching 144₶.

Apr. 26. May 2 3—9 10—16 17—23 24—30 Apr. 26.—May 30
25) 28) 33) 35) 28)  149) 1524₶–8–6 (10₶–5
₶    ₶    ₶  ₶ ₶  
Cuisine  280– 1  192– 6 245– 5 246– 1–6 214–14
Office 78–19  54–18  70– 2  66– 6 75–16
Pet. dep. 67–14  35–14  94–15  51– 1 147– 2
servts. 43–18  90–15  15–10
daughtrs. 44–17  40–10  74–13–6  16– 9
wood 31–19
furniture 53– 2
portage 36–16   14–13
Extras books 8₶
Genl. post 15– 3  10–13  11–5   9–02 13– 7   59–10
523–10  463– 0 586–15–6 427– 2–6 450–19  2451– 7
Paris post 13–10  6– 0  4– 0  8– 0 9–10   41–

June 1. Paid the Guitar master 36₶.
2. Recd. of Messrs. Grand & co. 6000₶. for my bill on Willinks Van Staph. & Hubard for 2700 ƒ. Bo.
Repd. Messrs. Grand the 2500₶. recd. ante May 11.
Pd. Petit for servts. wages as Feb. 2. 343₶.

Pd. De Lorme for package of bust of M. Fayette58 219– 10
Pd. Odiot59 for a coffee pot as a present to Clerissault for his assistance about the draughts & model of Capitol & prison 423–
Charge these two articles to the state of Virginia  642– 10
Pd. Petit  for Odiot to correct error of   ₶
 addn. in my acct. Feb. 6. 100       
for do. for pr. gobelets &c. 229 329–
for Delorme for packing my busts60 103– 8
1074– 18
Pd. Petit for forage of May 186–
Pd. do. sempstress’s acct. for Patsy 68– 10
1329– 8
Pd. do. in part of amount of his accts. ante 1251– 7
2580– 15
Remains due to him 1200₶.
Gave Patsy 60₶. Polly 6₶.
Pd. for servts. 12₶.
4. Gave Mr. Paradise order on Mr. Grand for 360₶.
8. Pd. Madme. La Croix washing 39₶–2.
Exp. at Versailles61 2₶–8.
9. Do. 3₶.
10. Do. 2₶–8.
12. Do. 2₶–8.
13. Do. 2₶–8.
14. Exp. at Desert 6₶. books 22₶–16.
15. Pd. for pocket book for Patsy 30₶. cane 1₶–4—book 3₶.
16. Exp. at Versailles 2₶–8—books 3₶.
17. Drew on Willinks & V. Staphorsts & Hubard for ƒ2693–13 banco in favor of Mr. Short,62 which being for arrears of his salary need not be carried into my account.
18. Pd. for 2. lawn cloaks for Patsy 84₶.
Pd. Frouillé for 32d. livraison of Encyclopedie 32₶.
Pd. for books 6₶–8.
22. Do. 5₶–14—24. Do. 1₶–16.
25. Exp. at Versailles 3f.
26. Books 8₶.—pd. Balbatre a month 144₶.
28. Pd. mathemat. instruments to Barradell l’ainé63 42₶.
30. Pd. for a ring for Patsy 48₶.
July 1. Analysis of Petit’s accounts

May 31. June 6 7—13 14—20 21—27 May 31—June 27.
24) 39 30 31  124) 1341–12 (10–16
       Cuisine   224– 3  237– 1 246–11 309–12
Office 82– 8   88–12  69– 3  84– 2
Pet. dep. 73– 2  120–18  27– 124– 1
servts.  15–
daurs. 18–    27– 119–12  24–
portage  28–10
Genl. post 38–13   18– 4  31–10  6–19   95–6
436– 6  491–15 522– 6 563–14  2014–1
Paris post 7–10   8–  9–10  6–   31–0

July 1. Pd. Fraser64 for 2. quarts grass seed 96₶.
Drew on Messrs. Will. Van Staph. & Hubard for ƒ2693–15 banco in favor of Grand & co. & recd. for the draught 6000₶.
Repd. Grand for Mr. Paradise order of June 4. ante 360₶.
Repd. Grand for bill of excha. of £12. sterl. sent to Trumbull 310₶.65
Pd. Frouillé in full 1456₶–6.66 Several articles of this is for J. Madison.
Gave Patsy 60₶.—Polly 6₶.
July 2. Pd. Guitar master 36₶.
Gave in charity 15₶.
State of Petit’s accounts

 Dr. Cr.  Cash actually pd.
   By balance of June 3. 1200– 0
By amount of accounts of July 1. 2014– 1
By pd. for wine of Rochegude67 150–19  ₶
To cash now paid on acct.  2165–0  2165– 0
Balance remaining due  1200–0
 3365–0 3365– 0
To cash  for servts. wages   343– 0
for forage for June   186– 0
for Cabaret bookbindg.   125–17
for Mme. Leroy (flower mistress)    183– 1
July 2. Pd. for a gown for Patsy 31₶–10.
3. Gave Houdon order on Mr. Grand for 1000₶. for busts68 made for me.
Pd. for books 5₶–8.
4. Recd. from Gatteaux69 76₶. which had been overpaid him by Mr. Grand on acct. of the U.S. for medals. Credit it to U.S.
Pd. do. for silver medal of Genl. Gates 26₶–4–9 for U.S.
Charge U.S. also the silver medal of Genl. Greene for which I pd. 31₶–16 ante 1787. Feb. 22. & which I now put into their collection.
9. Pd. Charpentier 6₶. pd. for books 9₶—for inkpot 24s.
11. Lent Mr. Paradise 144₶.
14. Gave in charity 3₶.
15. Gave in charity <at the Bastille> 6₶.
16. Pd. Mlle. Omont for Patsy’s acct. in part 600₶.—pd. for fruit 17s.
17. Pd. expences to Bastille 2₶.
20. Pd. seeing Bastille70 6₶.—renewed sbscrptn. Point du jour71 6₶.
23. Gave charity 3₶.
24. Pd. for a table en pupitre 36₶.
28. Pd. postage of Mr. Jay’s lre. &c. of Mar. 9. 115₶.
29. Pd. for marble table 54₶.
31. Pd. Upton for case for 11. medals for U.S. 24₶.
Aug. 1. Analysis of Petit’s accts.

June 28. July 4 5—11 12—18 19—25   June 28—July 25
37) 23) 24) 36  120) 1331–3 (11–2
       Cuisine 482–16  158–15–6 143–10 265– 7  1050– 8–6
Office 103– 2   36–15  77– 4  63–14   280–15
Pet. dep. 377– 6  214– 4 108–19 137– 2   837–11
Genl. post 38– 8   7–13  44– 2  2–16   92–19
1001–12  417– 7–6 373–15 468–19  2261–13–6
Paris post 7–10   9– 0  8– 0  6– 0  30–10

Aug. 1.
Drew on Willinks, V. Stap. & Hubbard for ƒ2687–10   ₶
 bo. and received for it of Mr. Grand 6000₶. 6000
Borrowed of Mr. Grand 1000
 ₶ 7000
Pd. Mr. Grand for Mr. Paradise furnd. July  1080
Pd. do. my ord. of July 3. in favr. Houdon 1000
Pd. him for a bill of excha. of £124. on London
 which I am to remit to A. McCaul in part of
 my old debt to Kippen & co. &c.72 3195–14
Recd. cash 1724– 6 7000
Pd. Balbatre his month 144₶.
Pd. for books 1₶–10.
2. Gave Patsy 72₶—Polly 6₶.
State of account with Petit
 Dr.  Cr. Cash pd.
    By balance of July 1. 1200
By amount of accts. of Aug. 1.  2261–13–6 
To cash now paid on acct.  600– 0  600– 0
Balance remaining due 2861–13–6
3461–13–6 3461–13–6
Pay him now  for servts. wages   343– 0
for Mlle. Omont. balance of her acct.  268– 1–6
for washing   37–18–

Repd. Mr. Short for macaroni machine and vase73 61₶–3.
Pd. for pamphlets 12s.
Pd. guitar master 36₶.—washing for the girls 45₶.
3. Pd. for prints 36s.
Patsy 96₶.
5. Pd. for walking stick 9₶.
Drew on Will. V. Staph. & Hub. for ƒ268–15 in favr. Grand & co. for Mr. Short for his salary, so need not be entd. in my acct.
6. Pd. for books 10₶.—hatband &c. 3₶–12.
7. Pd. for books 3₶.
17. Recd. from Grand 1500₶.
Pd. Petit 1000₶.
Pd. for Point du jour 6₶.
18. Pd. Prevost for Konig of Strasbg. for books74 135₶–5.
19. Pd. for an Ottomane of velours d’Utrecht 96₶.
21. Recd. from Grand 500₶.
Pd. Brown for linen 281–2.
Pd. for dimity for Patsy 16₶–5.
Gave David Barrett a poor American 6₶.
Gave for widows of those who were killed in taking the Bastille 60₶.75
Pd. for 9 skins of <false Marocco> red basanne76 22₶–10.
Aug. 22. Pd. for pamphlets 1f16—gloves 2₶–10.
24. Pd. for books 9₶–16.
28. Do. 21₶–12—mending watch 1f4.
29. Pamphlets 18s.
31. Pd. J. Trumbull for candlesticks77 & boots on acct. 324₶.
Sep. 1. Drew on Will. V. Staph. & Hub. for ƒ2687–10s banco & recd. from Grand & co. 6000₶.
Repd. Grand & co. what I had borrowed ante Aug. 1. 17. 21. = 3000₶.
Pd. Petit balance due him ante Aug. 2. 17. 1861₶–13–6.
Pd. forage of Aug. 177₶.
Pd. Petit for servts. 343₶.
Gave Patsy to buy sundries 216₶.
Gave Polly 6₶.
3. Pd. for 33d. livraison of Encyclop. 25₶–10.
Pd. guitar master 36₶—gave Patsy 60₶.
4. Pd. Clousier printing for U.S. 20₶.
5. Pd. Balbatre 144₶.
Gave Blanc order on Grand for 304₶–10 for 6 officers fusils78 for U.S.
7. Pd. for a watch chain 9₶.
8. Pd. for pamphlets 1f16.
9. Recd. of Grand 1000₶.
Pd. Pelletier apothecary 39₶–4.
14. Recd. of Grand bill of Exchange on Tessier for £10. sterl. & inclosed it to Trumbul = 263₶.
15. Pd. Cabaret in full 136₶–16.
Pd. Mlle. Omont in full 296–17–6.
Pd. Mahieu tapissier for covering fauteuils79 &c. lookg. glass 263₶–3.
Pd. Vitrier 20₶–8.
17. Pd. for two medallions 18₶.
19. Pd. for guitar strings 7₶–6—for music 10₶–10.
Pd. Jourdan80 dentist 48₶.
Drew on Will. V. Stap. & Hub. in favr. Grand for Mr. Short’s salary 268₶–15.81 not to enter into my acct.

Jul. 26. Aug. 1. 2—8 9—15 16—22
35) 407–782 (11–13 33) 281–7 (8–10 34) 304–14 (9 36) 415–14 (11–11
Cuisine    324–18 221– 5   214– 9  316–12   
Office    82–19 60– 2   90– 5  99– 2   
Pet. dep.    82– 0 120–17   101– 9  48–13   
Genl. post     8– 1 15–10   8–12  10–14   
   497–1083 417–14   414–15  475– 1   
Paris post     8 10      9–    9    

23—29 30—Sep. 5 6—12 13—19 Jul. 26—Sep. 19
42) 361–17 (8–12 22) 305–7 (13–18 29) 279–19 (9–13 33) 358–4 (10–17 264) 2590–9 (9–16
274–15   247– 0    207– 8    254–     
87– 2   58– 7    72–11    104– 4   
79–15   124– 4    356–11    136–11   
19– 7   9–10    16– 9    21–17    110– 0   
460–19   439– 1    652–19    516–12    3874–11   
7      10–10    9       6      68–10   

Sep. 22. Recd. of Grand 6000₶.
Pd.  Petit the following accts. viz.
Blanchisseuse 61– 13
Cordonnier 165–
Coturiere 79– 10
Doreur 98–
Froullé 201–  9
Menuisier 67–
Marchde. des modes 175–
Sellier 296– 16  ₶
Serrurier 166– 15 1311–3
Pd. him also packg. expences & transportn. 
for Dr. Franklin’s box of books 12–  6
P. Jones 4. boxes of busts84 25–  4
J. Madison’s box of books 10–  4
Virginia. pedestl. of Fayette’s bust 16–  4
U.S. box of fusils 12–  2
for myself 93– 18  245–18 85
Pd. him balance ante Sep. 19. in full 3874–11
Gave Patsy 60₶.—Polly 6₶.
Pd. Petit for stores furnished by Piebot86 299₶–15.
Pd. Pelletier Apothecaire 13₶–6.
23. Gave Thos. Walter a poor American 6₶ servts. 21₶.
24. Recd. of Grand 1432₶–10 which with the other monies furnished ante Sep. 5. 9. 14. & 22. make 9000₶. Gave him bill on Will. V. Staph. & Hubard for 4031ƒ 8s banco.
Pd. Balbatre month’s wages 144₶ + bill for music 124₶.
Pd. Dancing master 192₶.
25. Pd. servts. wages 343₶.
26. Put into Petit’s hands for travelling expences 402₶.
Left Paris.
Lodged at Vernon.
27. Lodged at Bolbec.
Pd. Petit towards travelling expences 24₶.
28. Arrived at Havre.
Pd. Petit towards travelling expences 24₶.
Recd. of Begouen Demeaux & co. on acct. Mr. Grand 480₶.
Pd. Petit 120₶.—gave charity 3₶.
29. Recd. of Begouen Demeaux & co. on acct. Mr. Grand 1200₶.
30. Pd. Petit 48₶.
Oct. 1. Pd. Petit 72₶.—pd. shoes for Patsy 21₶.
3. Pd. Petit 48₶.
Analysis of Petit’s accts.  ₶
   Cuisine Sep. 20.—25 (27 persons)   292– 9
Office 68– 6  ₶
Pet. depences 430–14 791– 9
he had paid as follows.
Velvet to line medal case. U.S. 15– 6
guitar master 30–
Mlle. Omont in full 107– 6
Flower mistress 72–
forage for July 215– 16
do. for September 187–
Sellier 88– 7
Coeffeur 147–
readg. table from the Salle des ventes 36–
travelling expences to Havre 66– 15
General postage 10– 3
Paris post. Nomeny crossg. water 6. months 6₶  6–
1773– 2
do. Paris postage 8₶.
Pd. coffeeman 14₶–8.
Recd. of Begouen Desmeaux & co. on acct. of Grand 1120₶.
Gave Patsy 6₶.—pd. Petit 24₶.
Gave Petit order on Grand & co. for  ₶
  amt. of accts. as above 1773– 2
  to reimburse a sum he lost formerly  600
  a present for his extraordinary trouble    240–
   whole amount of order 2613– 2
Pd. him cash for balance of a supplementory acct. 115₶–16.
Pd. entertt. at l’Aigle d’or 251₶–7 (Note le Bienvenu chez Durand. grande rue is the best hotel).
Pd. St. Louis (valet de place) 21₶.
Pd. carrying baggage to waterside 3₶.
5. Pd. port charges of vessel 31₶–13.
Pd. Monsr. de la Motte transportation & charges of baggage87 from Paris to Havre in part 432₶.
Pd. Mr. Cutting88 postage 4₶–17s—pd. for map 3₶.
Pd. entertt. at l’Aigle d’or 38₶–16.
Pd. for provisions 21₶–15—carriage 6₶—servts. 16₶.
Carrying baggage 15s.
Pd. M. de la Motte balance baggage from Paris to Havre 92₶–9.
Recd. of Begouen Demeaux & co. for Grand & co. 200₶.
Pd. for provisions 6₶.
7. Pd. for a chienne bergere89 big with pup 36₶.
Gratuity to the person who brought her 9₶.
Pd. entertt. at the Aigle d’or 60₶–3s.
Pd. Petit 23₶–9s.
8. Left Havre at half before one oclock in the morning on board the packet Anna Capt. Wright.
9. Arrived at Cowes at half after two in the morning.
            Sterling money
Pd. boathire 1/—muslin for Patsy 8/.
Pd. Capt. Wright my passage £10–10. vales to his men 20/.
10. Pd. for bole Armenic 1/4.
11. Pd. expences at Newport & Carybrook castle90 5/.
Pd. for books at Newport 5/.
12. Pd. for shoes for Polly 4/ half galoches for Patsy 4/.
Pd. for paper 3/8—washing 4/9½.
13. Pd. for trifles 2/4½—spices, brushes &c. 35/5.
14. Pd. for tape &c. for Patsy & Polly 3/.
Note Louis pass in London for 19/. They pass for the same here, & the ecu for 2/4½.
15. Pd. postage 1/3—altering boots 5/6—boathire 4d.
Note the pedestal of the bust of the M. de la Fayette is about 110 of my baggage. Therefore charge state of Virginia transportation from Paris to Havre, Cowes & Norfolk pro rata with that viz. 56₶ + 6₶ + 50₶ = 112₶.
16. Servants 36/—honey 2/ ferrge. 3d.
17. Inkpot 1/3 ferrge. 3d.
18. Pd. washing 23/0.
19. Recd. of Mr. Aldjo91 £40.
Pd. Ayrton bedding &c. £16–11–2½—pd. for silk 4/8.
Pd. for pomatum 3/.
Pd. entertt. at Fountain inn (Mrs. Syms) £14–8–1.
20. Pd. for wafers & wax 1/9—gave Patsy 21/ gave Auldjo’s gardener 10/6.
21. Sent to Grand & co. letter of credit92 on Will. V. Staph. & Hub. for ƒ2800 Bo.
Pd. Washballs 14d.
Pd. barber 10/6—washing 8/2.
Gave Patsy 2/.
Oct. 21. Recd. of Mr. Auldjo cash £9–0–6.
State of accts. with Mr. Auldjo. Dr.  Cr.
 £ s d
 By cash 19th. & 21st. 49– 0 –6
 By freight, duties, fees, charges pd. for me 13– 11 –6
 By ship provisions bot. for me 48– 13
 By price of passage on board Clermont93 105– 0
 To J. Trumbull’s order on him 6–5
 To my bill on Will. V. Staph. & Hubard 210–0
216–5 216– 5
Note Credit U.S. my bill this day drawn on Willinks V. Staphorst & Hubard in favr. Thos. Auldjo for £210. as above.
22. Pd. for washbasons 3/6—mending watch 7/6.
Gave James 5/—servts. at Fountain inn 21/.
Pd. entertt. at Fountain inn £7–11–4.
Pd. for pillows 17/—pd. butcher’s meat 25/.
Embarked at noon on board the Clermont for Norfolk.
Gave boatmen 4/.
Came to anchor in the evening off Yarmouth.
23. Weighed anchor from Yarmouth at daylight.
Pd. Pilot postage of a letter94 1/.
Notes of our voiage
Oct.  Latit. time from Paris by watch
29 46°  –  27′
30 45 27
31. 44 24
 1. 43 36
 2. 43 17
 3 42 21 H. M.
 4 41 26 2 – 35
 6 40 37 2 – 48
 8 38 42
 9 38  5 3 – 35
10 3 – 49
12. 36 52 4 – 11
13. 36  5 4 – 28
14. 35 57 4 – 37
15 35 48 4 – 44
16 35 40 4 – 56
18. 36  4 5 – 8½
19. 37  9 5 – 19
20 37 15
21 37 21 5 – 13½
23 landed at Norfolk a quarter before one P. M.95
         Virginia money Dollars
Nov. 24. Pd. Pratt for sundries 17/8 = 2.95.
Gave him 38/4 = 6.34.
Pd. a taylor for blue broadcloth coat £5–4 = 17.33.
Gave James to pay for use of hamac96 6/3 = 1.04.
Pd. for watch chrystal 2/3 = .33.
26. Gave Maria97 1/3 = .2.
Pd. mendg. Phaeton box 6/ = 1.
Lent——Goode overseer of Southgate near Richmd. 55/ = 9.16.
Pd. washing 11/ = 1.83.
26. Gave vales on board ship 10/3 = 1.7.
27. Pd. washing 45/6—boatmen 11d—Maria 1/6.
28. Pd. for pineapples 6/—book 6/.
29. Pd. boatmen &c. 4/—barber 9/9.
Pd. entt. at Lindsay’s coffee house £9.
Pd. Capt. Maxwell ferrge. £3–18.
Vales to servts. 10/6—boatmen to Mr. Cary’s98 12/.
30. Pd. entt. of servant at Hampton 7/.
Pd. repair of carriages 4/—gave servts. 3/.
Dec. 1. Gave servts. at Mr. Cary’s 12/3—oats at Halfway house 2/6.
2. Gave postillions at Wmsburg. 12/.
Pd. portage of baggage from Hampton to Richmd. by stage £4–6.
3. Pd. expresses 12/—gave George Lafong in charity 12/.
Pd. James small expences 9/6.
4. Pd. barber 6/—entt. Southall’s £5–11–6—servts. 3/9.
Pd. oats &c. at Chiswell’s ord. 6/.
5. Pd. lodging & entt. at New Kent C. H. £2–12 servts. 2/6.
Pd. oats &c. at Frazer’s 5/.
Pd. barber at Richmond 1/6.
6. Gave Colo. Burwell’s99 postillions £3–2–8.
Pd. barber 1/6—Patsy 12/.
7. Gave James 26/8.
Pd. Capt. Terrant bringing baggage from Norfolk £4–7.
8. Pd. Quarrier reprs. of carriage 8/—entt. Formicola’s £4.
Barber 1/6.
9. Pd. Davis for laws & journals100 53/4—barber 1/6.
10. Pd. barber 1/6—portage 1/6—servts. 7/6.
Pd. James for washing 6/ for comb for Polly 6/.
Pd. pontage at Richmond 10/3.
Gave Colo. Randolph’s postillions 6/.
Note if E. Randolph keeps the Encyclopedie sent him the price is 260₶ = £14–8–10.
12. Gave J. Bolling’s postillions at Eppington 6/.
Dec. 17. Gave Mr. Eppes’s postilions 6/.
20. Gave servts. at Mr. Skipwith’s 1/3.
Pd. ferrge. Goochld. C. H. 7/6.
22. Pd. entt. at Ellis’s 17/1.
23. Pd. do. at Byrd ordinary 18/4 servt. 1/3.
Pd. corn at Gadberry’s 3/.
Arrived at Monticello.1
24. Pd. waggonage of baggage 34/6.
25. Pd. pr. snuffers at Bell’s2 store 1/6.
26. Gave Mr. Skipwith’s postilion 18/.
Pd. for 16. chickens 5/—eggs 3/4.
Pd. for a living raccoon 6/.
30. Repd. my sister Lewis 6/.

30 The General Advertiser, for Great Britain, Ireland and the United States of America, was an English language weekly published at Paris by Laurent Noël Pissot. Since early 1788 it had been printing news items gleaned from British and American newspapers and periodicals (Journal de Paris, 26 May 1788; TJ to C.W.F. Dumas, 9 June 1788).

31In his autobiography TJ described conditions in Paris during this winter of unprecedented severity, when “every person who had the means, was called on for a weekly subscription, which the Cures collected and employed in providing messes for the nourishment of the poor” (L & B, i, 132-3 description begins Andrew A. Lipscomb and Albert E. Bergh, eds., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, “Memorial Edition,” Washington, D.C., 1903-1904, 20 vols. description ends ). In a time of general sickness, TJ’s daughters contracted typhoid fever and were ill most of December and January, Polly dangerously so in mid-January. TJ attributed their recovery to the able Dr. Gem, whose methods he described in aletter of 13 Jan. 1821 to James Madison (TJ to Francis Eppes, 15 Dec. 1788; TJ to William Short, 22 Jan. 1789).

33After his examination of the best French vineyards in 1787, TJ had determined to deal directly with their owners when purchasing his own wine. These 250 bottles of Château d’Yquem 1784, received in Apr. 1788, were the first products of this new policy. TJ wrote of this renowned sauternes, which he continued to purchase until his final retirement from public life: “This proves a most excellent wine, and seems to have hit the palate of the Americans more than any wine I have ever seen in France” (TJ to John Bondfield, 18 Dec. 1787, 14 Dec. 1788; TJ to D’Yquem, 18 Dec. 1787; Comte de Lur-Saluces to TJ, 7 Jan. 1788; MB 28 Apr. 1788). William Vernon, Jr., son of a Newport, R.I., merchant, had embarked on the Parisian road to “Ruin and Destruction” several years before. TJ was only one of many who unsuccessfully undertook to persuade Vernon to return to America (William Vernon, Sr., to TJ, 1 Sep. 1790; Bondfield to TJ, 14 Jan. 1789; TJ to Bondfield, 8 Mch. 1789).

35Celebrated watchmaker Jean Romilly (1714-1796) had also made a watch, without a second hand, for TJ. At this time TJ recommended Romilly to Gouverneur Morris as the maker of a watch for George Washington, but Morris found that Romilly’s watches were considered out of fashion (TJ to J. A. Gautier, 8 June 1792; Morris, Diary, i, xxxv description begins Gouverneur Morris, A Diary of the French Revolution, ed. Beatrix Cary Davenport, Boston, 1939, 2 vols. description ends ).

36One of these thermometers, bought from William Jones in London, is presently in PHi (TJ to Jones, 10 Dec. 1788; Jones to TJ, 2 Jan. 1789).

37TJ had asked Philip Mazzei to have copies made of the portraits of Columbus, Vespucius, Magellan, and Cortez in the Gallery of the Uffizi, Florence. TJ’s Columbus is now at MHi (TJ to Mazzei, 17 Oct. 1787; TJ to John Trumbull, 12 Jan. 1789; Papers, xv, xxxv-xxxvi, illustrations facing p. 425 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; Catalogue of Paintings, Nos. 24-7 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Catalogue of Paintings &c. at Monticello,” c. 1815. ViU description ends ).

38These costs were incurred in connection with the Schweighauser & Dobrée case (MB 28 Apr. 1788).

39TJ had ordered more Goutte d’Or, but had to settle for an unidentified 1784 Meursault which he found less satisfactory (TJ to Parent, 22 Jan., 11 Mch. 1789; Parent to TJ, 16 Feb. 1789).

40Since he had examined them in July 1788 TJ had been anxious to obtain for the United States Silas Deane’s “letter book of 1777. and his Daybook of accounts from 1776 to 1780” (TJ to Foulloy, 4 July 1788). For a complete account of this purchase and its implications, see Julian P. Boyd, “Silas Deane: Death by a Kindly Teacher of Treason?” WMQ, 3d ser., xvi (1959), 165-87, 319-42, and especially 515-50.

41TJ gave this copy of a wax medallion by Jean Martin Renaud to Augustin Dupré, to aid in the design of the medal authorized by Congress in honor of John Paul Jones (Jones to TJ, 9 Sep. 1788; TJ to Jones, 23 Mch. 1789; Papers, xvi, xl description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ).

42This may have been the small marble column clock which TJ purchased at the Salles des Ventes, Nos. 72-75 in the Palais Royal; it was stolen from his study in July 1789 (TJ to William Short, 6 Apr. 1790, enclosure; Thiéry, Guide, i, 280 description begins Luc Vincent Thiéry, Guide des amateurs et des étrangers voyageurs à Paris, Paris, 1787, 2 vols. description ends ).

43Correctly 13–14.

44This bill was mainly for the purchase of books in London (TJ to John Trumbull, 15 Mch. 1789).

45This Easter concert featured the celebrated mezzo-soprano Luiza Todi, who sang a rondo by Giuseppe Giordani and “Se il ciel mi divide” from Piccinni’s Allesandro nelle Indie. Also on the program were two Haydn symphonies and works by Henri Berton, J. L. Duport, and Johann Friedrich Eck (Journal de Paris, 12 Apr. 1789).

46The present Rue Tiquetonne. This lined out entry is written along the left margin and keyed to this position by a caret.

47This payment and that of 22 Apr. reflect the end of Martha and Mary Jefferson’s education within the walls of the Abbaye de Panthemont. The family tradition that TJ suddenly removed his daughters from the convent after Martha professed a wish to become a nun seems to be an overdramatization of a basic truth (for this story see Randall, Jefferson, i, 538-9 description begins Henry S. Randall, The Life of Thomas Jefferson, New York, 1858, 3 vols. description ends ; Randolph, Domestic Life, p. 146 description begins Sarah N. Randolph, The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, 1871, repr. Charlottesville, Va., 1978 description ends ). Throughout April, in daily expectation of permission to return to America, TJ was settling accounts and even packing his baggage, in order to be ready to depart at a week’s notice; removal of his daughters from the convent would be a natural requirement for a state of readiness (TJ to André Limozin, 3 May 1789). Martha’s desire to embrace the Roman Catholic religion, and perhaps even to become a nun, dates from at least the late summer of 1787, when her classmate Bettie Hawkins, just returned to England after having left the convent, asked Martha whether she had informed her father of her plans for her “abjuration” (Hawkins to MJR, ca. Aug. 1787, copy in ViU:EHR). We have no idea when and how Martha told TJ of her desires, but it is possible he learned of them by the summer of 1788, when he began to make plans for taking a leave of absence to carry his daughters back to America. At that time he recommended to Ralph Izard that he send his child to Europe for his education only after the age of fifteen, so that he would “be more able to resist the attempts to change his religion” (TJ to Izard, 17 July 1788; TJ to Angelica Church, 17 Aug. 1788; TJ to John Jay, 19 Nov. 1788). It was also in this period that TJ raised Martha’s monthly allowance from twelve livres to sixty livres and began to spend more on her wardrobe, which suggests that she was spending more of her time outside the convent. This accords with the account of the papal nuncio, Antonio Dugnani, written in the summer of 1789, that TJ’s policy toward his daughter’s religious views had been to postpone any decision until she reached the age of eighteen, distracting her in the meanwhile with a taste of life beyond the convent walls. From family acounts and the letters of another classmate, it is known that Martha began to go out in society and even to attend balls in the winter season of 1788-1789. From one of her friend Marie’s letters one can infer that TJ’s strategy was so successful that Martha did not want to return to America and wished to remain in Paris even if it meant residing in the convent. Although in 1786 TJ had assured a concerned American friend that “not a word” on the subject of religion was ever said to the Protestant girls living in the convent, the nuns seem in fact to have harbored a “spirit of proselytism,” as one of his granddaughters later reported (Dugnani to John Carroll, 28 June 1789, Catholic University of America: Carroll Papers; Marie de Botidoux to MJR, 4 Nov. 1789-1 May 1790, ViU; TJ to James Maury, 24 Dec. 1786; Ellen W. Coolidge letterbook, ViU:EHR). Probably one of the most potent influences on the impressionable young American was the Irish priest, Henry Essex Edgeworth de Firmont (1745-1807), later known for his connection with the royal family during the revolution. The effect of the charismatic abbé on another convent pupil can be seen in a letter of Julia Annesley to Martha, c. Aug. 1787, copy in ViU:EHR. According to her granddaughter, Martha formed a deep attachment for Abbé Edgeworth and her desire to join the Catholic church proceeded from his encouragement as well as that of the nuns. Martha “was not prepared for the shock which her request to be allowed to join that Church was to [TJ]. He listened to this with the utmost emotion, and entreated her so earnestly not to take any such decisive step until she had reflected more maturely on the subject, that she abandoned the idea. She felt that she could never be happy in taking a step which she saw would cause him so much unhappiness” (Sarah N. Randolph, “Mrs. Thomas Mann Randolph,” in Worthy Women of Our First Century, ed. Mrs. O. J. Wister and Miss Agnes Irwin [Philadelphia, 1877], p. 20-1; see also note, TJ to Elizabeth Eppes, 15 Dec. 1788).

48On this date, after procuring a ticket at the Palais Royal, TJ went to the Rue Croix des Petits Champs, where he had his portrait taken in a six-minute sitting. Edmé Quenedey (1756-1830) traced TJ’s profile using a physiognotrace invented by Gilles Louis Chrétien and filled in the details by hand. This life-size delineation was then reduced and engraved by Chrétien and on 29 Apr. TJ collected the resulting copper plate and twelve engravings, all now unlocated. This portrait is known only from Quenedey’s later aquatint version (Morris, Diary, i, 49-50 description begins Gouverneur Morris, A Diary of the French Revolution, ed. Beatrix Cary Davenport, Boston, 1939, 2 vols. description ends ; Papers, xiv, xlii-xliv description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; Bush, Life Portraits, p. 26-9 description begins Alfred L. Bush, “The Life Portraits of Thomas Jefferson,” Jefferson and the Arts: An Extended View, ed. William Howard Adams, Washington, D.C., 1976 description ends ; Eye of TJ, No. 233 description begins William Howard Adams, ed., The Eye of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1976 description ends ; Journal de Paris, 21 July, 6 Nov. 1788).

49Correctly 58. TJ’s pharmacist was either the chemist Bertrand Pelletier (1761-1797) or his brother Charles, who together operated a pharmacy at No. 45 Rue Jacob.

50These may have been the first spectacles TJ bought for his own use, or perhaps he found a good set to put by until need for them arose; it was then customary to purchase with the spectacles a set of lenses of different strengths to be used as the eyes weakened with age. TJ seems to have begun wearing glasses occasionally, probably when reading small print, in the 1790s. In 1806 he bought his first pair of bifocals and in 1812 he noted a marked deterioration of his vision; from this time he required spectacles at night as well as for fine print. By 1826, however, he reported that his eyesight was the faculty that had best stood the test of time (TJ to Charles Bellini, 25 July 1788; TJ to William Duane, 1 Oct. 1812; TJ to Charles Thomson, 9 Jan. 1816; TJ to Robert Mills, 3 Mch. 1826; MB 6 Dec. 1806).

51This was a benefit concert for violinist Johann Friedrich Eck, who performed two of his own concertos. Also on the program were vocal works of Sacchini and Louis Sébastien Lebrun. The young and already celebrated pianist Johann Baptist Cramer played one of his own sonatas (Journal de Paris, 30 Apr. 1789).

52 Claude Balbastre (1729-1799), composer and organist at Notre-Dame and Saint-Roch, was attached to the Abbaye de Panthemont as organist and instructor. Martha Jefferson had been taking harpsichord lessons from Balbastre at least since 1787 and probably since 1784, with TJ’s payments to him hidden in the fees paid to the Abbaye. Some manuscript music books, presumably used by Balbastre when instructing TJ’s daughters, survive in ViU (Martha Jefferson to TJ, 8 Mch. 1787; Cripe, Jefferson and Music, p. 32-3 description begins Helen C. Cripe, Thomas Jefferson and Music, Charlottesville, Va., 1974 description ends ).

53These servants were probably at the Salle des Menus Plaisirs in Versailles, where TJ attended the opening of the Estates-General. For his accounts of the occasion, see TJ to William Carmichael, 8 May 1789, TJ to John Jay, 9 May 1789, TJ to St. John de Crevecoeur, 20 May 1789, and Autobiography, L & B, i, 134-5.

54TJ paid 240 livres for a gold repeating watch, 168 livres for a silver combination repeater and pedometer, and 120 livres for a silver alarm watch. He had previously paid 159 livres on account (Louis Chantrot invoice, undated, DLC: TJ Papers, 42323).

55Correctly 1788. The payment was for miscellaneous fruit trees and vine cuttings (TJ to William Drayton, 7 May 1789).

56The books are listed in Van Damme to TJ, 26 Mch. 1789. Almost half of the payment was for one of TJ’s most prized acquisitions, Theodor de Bry’s Great or American Voyages (Sowerby, No. 3973-3983 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ). The remainder of the draft for Van Staphorsts & Hubbard, in which TJ made a one hundred florin error in his own favor, was to cover their payment to Van Damme in 1788 (MB 25 July 1788, 11 May 1791; TJ to Van Staphorsts & Hubbard, 3 May 1789).

57This was a benefit concert for nine-year-old mulatto violinist, George Bridgetower, who played works of Viotti, S. D. Grosse, and Giovanni Giornovichi. Also on the program were two Haydn symphonies and a number of vocal works (Journal de Paris, 27 May 1789).

58This payment was actually for packing a marble pedestal, now unlocated, for the Lafayette bust presently in the Capitol at Richmond (Delorme receipted invoice, 3 June 1789, Vi).

59 Jean Baptiste Claude Odiot (1763-1850), who achieved his greatest fame in the Empire period, was a silversmith at No. 270 Rue Saint-Honoré. Both this silver coffee urn and the pair of silver goblets were made according to TJ’s designs (MHi). While the goblets survive, this coffee pot and the one purchased in February, also made by Odiot, are unlocated. A silver coffee urn once owned by TJ, very similar to the MHi design and made by J.L.A. Leguay, is presently at Monticello (MB 6 Feb. 1789; Odiot receipted invoice, 3 June 1789, Vi; Papers, xv, xxvii-xxix, xxxiv description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; Eye of TJ, Nos. 527-8, 530-1 description begins William Howard Adams, ed., The Eye of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1976 description ends ; Julian P. Boyd, “Thomas Jefferson and the Roman Askos of Nîmes,” Antiques [July 1973], p. 116-24).

60These are probably the plaster copies of Houdon’s bust of TJ that he took with him to Virginia in the fall (MB 3 July 1789; “List of Baggage,” Papers, xv, 375).

61During this period when the deputies of the Estates-General were considering the question of whether to vote by orders or persons, TJ went “daily from Paris to Versailles, and attended their debates, generally till the hour of adjournment” (Autobiography, L & B, i, 136). Besides the June dates indicated in MB, TJ was also in Versailles on 23 and 30 June. On Tuesday the twenty-third, after the formalities of Ambassadors’ Day at the palace, he and Philip Mazzei walked to the Salle des Menus Plaisirs to attend the Séance Royale. En route TJ stopped at the door of the church of Saint-Louis, where the day before the Commoners had met in accordance with their famous oath in the Jeu de Paume on 20 June, and remarked to his companion: “This is the first time that churches have been made some good use of” (Mazzei, Life , p. 414 description begins Philip Mazzei: My Life and Wanderings, trans. S. Eugene Scalia, ed. Margherita Marchione, Morristown, N.J., 1980 description ends ; Morris, Diary, i, 120, 128 description begins Gouverneur Morris, A Diary of the French Revolution, ed. Beatrix Cary Davenport, Boston, 1939, 2 vols. description ends ; Rice, Jefferson’s Paris, p. 116-17 description begins Howard C. Rice, Jr., Thomas Jefferson’s Paris, Princeton, N.J., 1976 description ends ).

62William Short had recently returned to Paris after eight months of travel in France and Italy.

63 Jacques Barradelle, a prominent mathematical instrument maker on the Quai de l’Horloge (Maurice Daumas, Les instruments scientifiques aux xviie et xviiie siècles [Paris, 1953], p. 378, 380).

64Scottish botanist John Fraser (1750-1811), whom TJ had first met in January, was one of the promoters of a native American grass, Agrostis perennans, which he hoped to introduce into cultivation in Europe. TJ and Lafayette had become “subscribers” to this venture, which was not a success, and as such each received one quart of the grass seed for a payment of two louis (David Ramsay to TJ, 7 Mch. 1788; Fraser to TJ, 13 Apr. 1789; Blanche Henrey, British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800 [London, 1975], ii, 382-4).

65This and two previous payments (not recorded in MB) settled an account of over £40 for books, clothes, a subscription to the engraving of Trumbull’s Sortie from Gibraltar, and copies of portraits of Francis Bacon, John Locke, and Isaac Newton, TJ’s “trinity of the three greatest men the world had ever produced” (TJ to Benjamin Rush, 16 Jan. 1811). These copies, which cost £9–9, were taken by a young man named “Stuart” from originals in the Royal Society. The Locke, after Sir Godfrey Kneller, is presently at Monticello (TJ to Trumbull, 18 Jan., 15 Feb., 18 June 1789; Trumbull to TJ, 5 Feb., 26 May 1789; Trumbull account with TJ, 10 Oct. 1789, MHi).

66This payment actually covered the purchase of books worth over 2,800 livres, reduced to the present figure by credits for the translation and sale of David Ramsay’s History of the Revolution of South-Carolina, the return of the quarto Encyclopédie bought in 1786, and for unsold copies of TJ’s Notes on Virginia (MB 3 Feb. 1786; Froullé invoice, 30 May 1788 to 1 July 1789, MHi).

67TJ bought seventy-two bottles of a white wine he had tasted at Avignon in May 1787, the produce of Daqueria Rochegude. TJ compared it to a “dry Lisbon” (Papers, xi, 443 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; William Short to TJ, 20 Apr. 1789).

68TJ acquired plaster copies of Houdon’s busts of Turgot, Voltaire, Franklin, Lafayette, and Washington, and probably at least two plaster copies of his own portrait bust by Houdon. The Franklin, Washington, and Lafayette busts are now in the Boston Athenaeum, while those of Turgot, Voltaire, and any of TJ known to have been in his possession, are unlocated (Catalogue of Paintings description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Catalogue of Paintings &c. at Monticello,” c. 1815. ViU description ends ; Bush, Life Portraits, p. 29-33 description begins Alfred L. Bush, “The Life Portraits of Thomas Jefferson,” Jefferson and the Arts: An Extended View, ed. William Howard Adams, Washington, D.C., 1976 description ends ).

69 Nicolas Marie Gatteaux (1751-1832) prepared the dies for three of the medals commemorating the heroes and battles of the Revolution (“Notes on American Medals,” Papers , xvi, 53-79).

70There was an admission charge to the interior of the Bastille, which at this time was being demolished by stonemason Pierre François Palloy and hundreds of workmen under the authority of the Marquis de Lafayette. During the turbulent days of July TJ rode daily into the streets of Paris to observe “the mobs with my own eyes in order to be satisfied of their objects” (TJ to Diodati, 3 Aug. 1789; Jacques Godechot, The Taking of the Bastille [New York, 1970], p. 264-6). On 12 July his carriage had passed out of the Place Louis XV moments before the skirmish between the mob and a detachment of German cavalry. On 14 July he was at the Hôtel de Corny when Ethis de Corny returned from his missions to the Hôtel des Invalides and the Bastille with news of the historic events of that day. TJ and Dugald Stewart (1753-1828), professor at the University of Edinburgh, together witnessed the procession of the King and the Estates-General to the Hôtel de Ville on 17 July. The next day TJ went to Versailles “to satisfy myself what had passed there; for nothing can be believed but what one sees, or has from an eye witness” (TJ to John Jay, 19 July 1789; TJ to Stewart, 26 Apr. 1824; Autobiography, L & B, i, 143-50; Morris, Diary, i, 144-5, 156-8 description begins Gouverneur Morris, A Diary of the French Revolution, ed. Beatrix Cary Davenport, Boston, 1939, 2 vols. description ends ; Rice, Jefferson’s Paris, p. 117-20 description begins Howard C. Rice, Jr., Thomas Jefferson’s Paris, Princeton, N.J., 1976 description ends ).

71 Le point du jour, ou resultat de ce qui s’est passé la veille à l’Assemblée nationale , edited by Bertrand Barère, began reporting the debates of the assembly on 19 June 1789 (TJ to John Jay, 19 July 1789; Hatin, Bibliographie, p. 144 description begins Eugene Hatin, Bibliographie historique et critique de la presse periodique française, 1866, repr. Turin, 1960 description ends ).

72This was TJ’s first payment on his debt to Henderson, McCaul & Co., formerly Kippen & Co., the Glasgow merchants with whom he had transacted most of his business before the Revolution. When settlement was reached with their Virginia factor James Lyle in 1790, TJ owed on his largest personal debt, which was unconnected with the debts of the Wayles estate, £1,402–11–2 plus interest at five percent from 19 Apr. 1783. In this, as in all but one of his British debts, TJ adhered to his conviction that Americans should not be liable to British creditors for interest during the years of the Revolutionary War. He was unable to keep up regular payments on the bonds to Henderson, McCaul & Co. after the 1790 settlement and $7,095 remained unpaid at the time of his death (MB 4 Nov. 1767, legal notations, 4 Mch., 21 Apr. 1790, 16 June 1821; TJ to Alexander McCaul, 19 Apr. 1786, 3 Aug. 1789; Henderson, McCaul & Co. accounts with TJ, 1 June 1800, 14 May 1808, ViU; Malone, Jefferson, vi, 511 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends ).

73William Short had procured for TJ at Nîmes a second wooden model of the Roman askos and had bought a copper macaroni mold for him in Naples (MB 10 May 1787; Short to TJ, 11 Feb. 1789).

75TJ wrote to John Jay, 19 July 1789, about the current reports of the numbers killed in the taking of the Bastille: “Of the assailants accounts vary from 6. to 600. The most general belief is that there fell about 30.” Modern historians estimate the number at close to one hundred. Lafayette’s 15 Aug. report to the assembly of conditions in the Faubourg Saint-Antoine—its unattended wounded and unaided widows—provoked an outburst of private charities (Louis Gottschalk and Margaret Maddox, Lafayette in the French Revolution [Chicago, 1969], p. 197-9).

76This was probably for armchairs TJ paid to have covered in September (MB 15 Sep. 1789).

77TJ had asked John Trumbull to purchase for him in London four pairs of plated candlesticks in the form of a Corinthian column, to replace those stolen from the Hôtel de Langeac in July. Trumbull was about to leave for London after two weeks in Paris (TJ to Trumbull, 5 Aug. 1789; Trumbull to TJ, 18 Sep. 1789; Trumbull account with TJ, 10 Oct. 1789; Trumbull, Autobiography, p. 152-5 description begins The Autobiography of Colonel John Trumbull, ed. Theodore Sizer, New Haven, 1953 description ends ).

78These muskets were made by Honoré Blanc, one of the earliest arms manufacturers to use the principle of the interchangeability of parts. TJ, who had visited Blanc’s workshop in 1785, wrote of this purchase to Henry Knox: “This method of forming the firearm appears to me so advantageous, when repairs become necessary, that I have thought it my duty . . . to purchase and send you half a dozen of his officers fusils.” TJ also tried, without success, to encourage Blanc to remove to the United States (TJ to John Jay, 30 Aug. 1785; TJ to Knox, 12 Sep. 1789; TJ to William Short, 6 Apr. 1790; L.T.C. Rolt, A Short History of Machine Tools [Cambridge, Mass., 1965], p. 139-40).

79These are probably the six armchairs and an ottoman “de maroquin rouge” (no doubt actually the basan bought in August) which were shipped from France in 1790 (Packing List 1790, Crates No. 20, 39, 45 description begins Itemized invoice of Grevin, maitre layetier, 17 July 1790. DLC: William Short Papers description ends ; MB 21 Aug. 1789).

80Probably A.L.B. Bréchillet Jourdain (1734-1816), eminent dental surgeon and author of several books on disorders of the mouth.

81Thus in MS; TJ obviously intended florins.

82Correctly 407–17. This figure is written over an illegible figure (presumably 283–7), which TJ must have used to arrive at the incorrect total at the end of this horizontal column. Using 407–7 the correct total is 2,714–9.

83Correctly 497–18; the error is repeated in the grand total.

84Eight plaster replicas of Houdon’s bust of John Paul Jones, who had asked TJ to handle their purchase and shipment to America for presentation to Jones’ friends (Jones to TJ, 29 Aug.-9 Sep. 1788).

85TJ wrote this figure over 169–18, the correct total. An additional 76 livres item was evidently only mentally added to the list.

86For a later (8 July 1790) invoice of this grocer, see DLC: Short Papers.

87For the contents of the thirty-eight boxes, see “List of Baggage,” Papers, xv, 375-7. Le Mesurier & La Motte’s receipted invoice for this date for freight charges totalling 524₶–9 is in MHi.

88 Nathaniel Cutting (d. c. 1822), a Massachusetts sea captain at this time engaged in commerce at Le Havre and later consul there, left a diary covering the period he spent there in TJ’s company (MHi: Cutting Papers, extracts in Papers, xv, 490-9; L. H. Butterfield, ed., Adams Family Correspondence [Cambridge, Mass., 1973], iii, 305; Yvon Bizardel, Les Américains à Paris sous Louis xvi [Paris, 1978], p. 49-52).

89Bergère, as she was called, produced two puppies in mid-Atlantic and later perpetuated her breed at Monticello. TJ, who held a low opinion of most dogs, thought these Normandy shepherd’s dogs “the most careful intelligent dogs in the world” (TJ to JWE, 10 May 1816; see also TJ to William Short, 7 Oct. 1789; TJ to Delamotte, 27 June 1790; TJ to MJR, 23 Dec. 1790; TJ to Peter Minor, 24 Sep. 1811; and Bear, Jefferson at Monticello, p. 21 description begins Jefferson at Monticello, ed. James A. Bear, Jr., Charlottesville, Va., 1967 description ends ).

90When on the Isle of Wight in 1788 John Adams and his family also stayed at the Fountain Inn at Cowes and visited Carisbrooke Castle, notable for the imprisonment of Charles I and a well of uncommon depth (Adams, Diary, iii, 212-13 description begins Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield, Cambridge, Mass., 1961, 4 vols. description ends ; Randolph, Domestic Life, p. 150-1 description begins Sarah N. Randolph, The Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson, 1871, repr. Charlottesville, Va., 1978 description ends ).

91 Thomas Auldjo, merchant with Strachan, McKenzie & Co. at Cowes, was later American vice-consul there (TJ memoranda on consular appointments, Papers, xvii, 251).

92This letter of credit, intended to reimburse Ferdinand Grand for the total of 3,000 livres from Begouen Desmeaux & Cie. and the 2,613–2 paid to Adrien Petit on 4 Oct., was never presented for payment. Its loss, not discovered until after the settlement of TJ’s foreign accounts in 1792, occasioned TJ’s receipt of $1,148 from the U.S. government in 1809 (TJ to Grand, 21 Oct. 1789; MB 11 Mch. 1809).

93John Trumbull had booked TJ’s passage on the Clermont, Capt. Nathaniel Colley commanding. This American ship, which originated in London, had arrived at Cowes on 17 Oct. particularly to pick up TJ and his party, which consisted of his two daughters, the slaves James and Sally Hemings, and his dog. Contrary winds further delayed their embarkation until 22 Oct. That evening, anchored in Yarmouth harbor, TJ drank tea with Trumbull, who was bound for New York in another vessel (Trumbull to TJ, 22 Sep. 1789; TJ to William Short, 17 Oct. 1789; John B. Cutting to Short, 3 Nov. 1789, Papers, xv, 529-30).

94 TJ to William Short, 23 Oct. 1789, written “Off the Needles.”

95MJR gave an account of the final days of the voyage and a fire on the Clermont shortly after their disembarkation at Norfolk in her “Reminiscences” in ViU, printed in Papers, xv, 560-1 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends .

96Beds were scarce in Norfolk. Some of the guests at Lindsay’s coffeehouse gave up their rooms to TJ and his family (MJR Reminiscences, Papers, xv, 561).

97This is TJ’s first use in the MB of the name adopted by his daughter Mary toward the end of her stay in France and used by her for the rest of her life.

98TJ crossed the Hampton Roads to Hampton and then proceeded about three miles southwest to Ceelys, the home of Wilson Miles Cary (Cary to TJ, 27 Nov. 1789). This was the first of a round of visits made to friends and relations which delayed TJ’s arrival at Monticello until 23 Dec. Besides making stops in Williamsburg and Richmond, TJ visited the Eppeses and Skipwiths at Eppington and Hors du Monde, and his sister Carr at Spring Forest, and probably also stopped with the Bollings at Chestnut Grove and Thomas Mann Randolph at Tuckahoe (TJ to Francis Eppes, 17 Dec. 1789; TJ to Henry Skipwith, 26 Dec. 1789).

99 Nathaniel Burwell of Carter’s Grove, James City County, was just one of TJ’s friends who supplied him with horses for his journey back to Monticello (MJR Reminiscences, in Randolph, Domestic Life, p. 152).

100 Augustine Davis, printer to the Commonwealth, probably sold TJ the Acts Passed at a General Assembly and Journals of the House of Delegates that had been separately printed after each assembly session during TJ’s absence in Europe (see Earl G. Swem, “A Bibliography of Virginia,” Bulletin of the Virginia State Library, x [1917], 35-60). Only the Journals for 1784/1785 are listed in Sowerby (see Nos. 1860, 3161 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

1For an account of the joyous reception given TJ by his slaves, see MJR Reminiscences, Papers, xvi, 167-8).

2Charlottesville merchant Thomas Bell (d. 1800) had moved to Albemarle County during TJ’s absence in France. His residence and store were at the site of present 123 East Main Street (TJ to William Short, 14 Dec. 1789; AlCWB, iv, 59-60; Rawlings, Early Charlottesville , p. 84 description begins Albemarle County Will Books, Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Va. description ends ).

Index Entries