Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Memorandum Books, 1773


Jan. 7. 5 Richard Vernon (Orange). Gave him advice for which took his note for 21/6.
8. John Stewart (Augusta) v. James Callison (Augusta). I was directed to enter this petn. some time ago, and did it, but it being still blank and so not chargeable I bring the memm. forward, to get rid of old books. So when necessary recur to rough memm. books 1770. Jan. 21. <Mar. 8.> Feb. 20. Aug. 22.
Carter Henry Harrison (Cumberld.) v. Benjamin Harrison (Chas. City). A suit in Canc. in Chas. City to be movd. to Gen. ct. by appl. Empld. by pl. 1770. Nov. 11. Not yet movd. so not chargeable, therefore brot. the memm. forward. See rough memm. book 1770. Nov. 11. when necessary.
Branham v. Colman. Qu. have I ever re-entd. this cav. See 1771. Sep. 11. Dec. 12.
11. Matthias Cleeck (Botett.) v. John Allison (Fincastle). Ent. cav. for 400. as. ld. Botett. in the forks of James river on the <lower> road from Paxton’s ford to Norborne, adjg. the lands of James Gilmer. Recd. 55/.
<Ford’s cases. See 1771. Aug. 13. Charge the 5/9 in next.>
14. George Clasby (Amherst) v. Thomas Emerson (Goochld.). Ent. cav. for so much of 400. as. Albem. on the Byrd cr. as are included in the patented lines of the sd. Clasby. Chas. Irving will pay fee. But qu. first if Emerson’s pat. is out? If it is, enter no cav.
Manion v. Callaway. TAB. Dam. £200. } Recd. writs.
Black v. Davies. Covt. Dam. £300.
Ramsay v. Davies. Covt. Dam. £200.
Jan. 15. Benjamin Bellemy (Alb.) v. John Bellemy (  ). Ent. petn. for 100. as. part of 400. as. patd. by Robt. Hardee Jan. 12. 1746. in Albem. on a bra. of Ballenger’s creek called the Bold branch. But qu. if this may not be part of the 230. petnd. for in Applebury v. Calvert & Baine.
George Walker (Amherst) v. Peter Copeland (Halifax). A cav. entd. Empld. for pl. by letter from Benjamin Crooker (Norfolk) to whom I am to charge the fee.
John Biby. Credit him Perkins’s notes on Dudly 35/.
James Black. Credit him in fee book recd. Sep. 25. 1771. £5. entd. in rough book.
Dalton v. Lucas. Credit 12/6 recd. Nov. 8. 1772. entd. in rough book & omittd. in fee book.
Patrick Gwinn. Remit £2–10 in fee book.
<Howlet v. Osborne. Remit 20/ in fee book.>
Jamieson v. Meredith. I am certain I recd. from Inglis & Long £5. I think abt. May 13. 1772. yet I have omitted to enter it any where, so credit it now. Inglis sd. he pd. me.
Garret Minor. Credit him by work £2–12–6.
Reid et al. v. Boyd et al. <I think> I recd. my fee from P. Carrington yet <, if I did,> I have omitted to enter it any where.
Thompson v. Anderson. Remit 3d.
30. Ambrose Jones (Pittsylva.) has entered <10 or 12> fourteen cav. Empld. by Peter Copeland (Pittsylva.) for him, who will see my fees pd. See letter.
   £  s  d 
Archer John. Augusta 5 0 8 ¼
* Allegre William. Henrico 8 10 0
Aldridge Robert. Frederic 7 10 0
* Allen Eliz. Essex 1 0 0
* Allen Henry & Gatewood Wm. Essex 4 0 0
* pd. Alexander Wm. Augusta. Wrote to him. 0 8 8
* Armstrong Wm. Augusta 2 10 8
* Anderson George (Brisbane factor) 5 2 6
Adams Robert. Albem. 10 2 6
Anderson Henry. Amelia 5 0 0
Applebury Thomas. Albem. 2 12 6
* Burger Manus. Augusta 0 17 3
Bland Theodoric. Pr. Geo. 2 10 0
* Brown Margaret. Henrico. (Alxr. McCaul securty.) 3 4 0
* Buchanan John’s exrs. Botett. 5 5 9
Bowyer Thos. Botett. 7 12 6
Bowyer Michael. Augusta. 2 0 9
* Ballow Thos. Amherst. 5 0 0
* Biby John. Albem. 5 5 0
* Boyd George. Halfx. Isaac Coles securty. 0 5 0
Browns Fr. & Richd. Gr. Brit. (Jack Power securty.) 5 0 0
* Blackwell Wm. Alb. 1 6 3
Brown Rob. Henrico. 2 10 0
* Bell Joseph. Augusta 2 12 6
Burwell Lewis. Gloster. 1 5 0
Baine Alexr. Henrico. Jno. Scott answble. 2 10 0
Bishop Joseph. Alb. 2 2 6
Baugh Burwell. Chestfd. 1 0 0
* Ball Burgess. Lancaster 5 0 0
Brown  Botett. 2 10 0
Biggs Jno. Amherst 1 6 4 ½
* Bowden Jno. Buckingham. 1 8 3
Blevins Jno. Pittsylva. 2 10 0
Black James. Alb. See Jan. 15. 1773.—£5. 9 8 0
Bland Pet. Rand. Pr. Geo. 7 10 0
Bland Richd. Pr. Geo. 5 0 0
Brown Henry. Portsmouth 5 2 6
Botkin Richd. Augusta 2 6 9
* Ballard Jno.  . Wrote to him. 2 10 0
* Burwell Rob. Isle of Wight. 5 0 0
Branham Benjam. Alb. 2 18 3
Boswell Matthew. Alb. 2 12 6
Blair Wm. Augusta 2 10 0
* Black Jno. 2 12 6
Burton Jesse. Alb. 2 12 6
* Bowyer Luke. Bot. 2 10 0
* Christian Israel. Bot. 5 5 0
Crawford Saml. Augusta. (Jno. Mills securty.) 5 5 0
* Cabell Joseph. Amherst 3 7 3
Coles Isaac. Halfx. 5 0 0
Campbell Archbd. Norfolk 1 10 0
Calvard William. Carolina 2 12 6
Carlyle Jno. et al. vestrymen of Fairfx. 10 0 0
Cooke Joseph. Chestfd. 2 10 0
Cocke Allen. Surry. 2 10 0
Coles Walter. Halfx. 7 12 6
Crockett Saml. Augusta 2 12 6
Clarke Robert. Bedford. 2 18 3
Coutts Patr. Henrico. 5 2 6
Coles John. Alb. 10 0 0
Carter Charles. K. Geo. 0 2 6
Clarke Thos. Louisa. 2 10 0
Calvert Cornelius. Norfolk. 7 10 0
Carter Edwd. Fredsbgh. 7 12 6
Cabell Wm. senr. Amherst 5 0 0
Caldwell Joseph. Botett. 2 10 0
Custis Edmd. Gloster. 7 10 0
Callaway Richd. Bedford 2 10 0
Christian Sampson. Augusta 2 12 6
Cogbill Jesse. Chestfd. 2 10 0
Cabell Wm. junr. Amherst 2 18 3
Donaghe Hugh. Augusta 2 15 0
Devire James. Augusta 7 15 0
* Dinwiddie Robt. Gr. Brit. Col. Corbin atty. 2 10 0
Dandridge Nat. West. Hanover. 5 0 0
Dalton Saml. Carolina. 5 0 0
Douglass Jonathan. Augusta 2 12 6
Dalton David. Alb. (– 12/6 see Jan. 15.) 3 2 6
* Donald George. Henrico. 2 10 0
* Davis Saml. Louisa 1 1 3
* Dowling Rob. Augusta. Jas. Devire secty. 2 12 6
* Dudgeon Richd. Charlotte. P. Carrington secty. 0 10 0
Donalds & co. Pet. Davie secty. 5 0 0
* Downs Henry.  Dr. Walker secty. 1 5 0
* Dale Peter. Norfolk 2 10 0
Dabney Charles. 2 10 0
Dednam Saml. Alb. 2 2 7 ½
* Defoe Andrew. Alb. (Wrote.) 2 18 3
Eyre Severn. Northampton 5 0 0
Evans Thomas. Alb. 5 4 9
Elliot Mary. Middsx. 2 10 0
Eubank George. Alb. 2 10 0
Evans Danl. Bot. 2 12 6
Ellis Charles. Amh. 2 18 3
Edwards Chas. (Geo. Oldner secty.) 0 6 6
Fry John. Alb. 8 0 0
Ford Jno. Alb. 2 11 0
* Frame Dav. Augusta. May 7. 1773.
pd. £2–10. so leaves balce. 13/6. Wrote.
3 3 6
Fleming Jno.’s exrs. (+ Farrel v. Watkins) 2 10 0
Fleming Thos. Cumbld. 2 10 0
* Finley Jno. Armour. Bedfd. 5 0 0
* Fretwell Alx. Alb. 2 12 6
Fisher Jno. & co. 5 0 0
Ford Tandy. Alb. 2 12 6
* pd. Gwinn Patr. Aug. (– £2–10. See Jan. 15.) 3 1 6
Gatewood Wm. Essex. Vide Allen Henry. Paid.
Guthrie Jas. K. & Queen 2 10 0
Gay Saml. Alb. 2 10 9
* Gottee Sarah. Henrico. Jas. Lile secty. 3 12 6
* Gordon Archbd. Pittsylva. 3 1 6
* Graves Edmd. Pittsylva. 5 0 0
Gordon Robt. Gr. Brit. Dr. Campbell secty. 2 15 0
Goodwin et al. vestrymen Nansemd. 5 0 0
Gannaway Jno. Buckingham 2 10 0
George James. Goochld. 2 10 0
Gilmour Jas. senr. Botett. 2 10 0
Gilmour Jas. junr. 2 10 0
Gilmour Robt. Botett. 2 10 0
Garrett Chas. Buckingham 1 8 4
Goodwin John. York. 2 10 0
Gambil Henry. Louisa 2 10 0
Guy Henry. Northampton 2 10 0
Goodrich Richd. 0 5 0
Govan Archibd. K. Wm. 2 10 0
Galloway David. Northmbld. Jno. Heath secty. 2 10 0
Hamilton Thos. Augusta 2 10 0
Hayes Hugh. Augusta 2 10 0
Harrison Benjam. Goochld. Alx. McCaul secty. 5 0 0
Hickman Edwin’s exrs. Alb. 2 12 6
Herbert Wm. Botett. 3 15 0
Hayes Wm. Bedford 2 15 0
Hogg Peter. Augusta 5 0 0
Herbert Davd. senr. Bott. Wm. Herbert secty. 2 1 3
Herbert David junr. Bott. Wm. Herbert secty. 2 1 3
Harrison Carter Henry. Cumbld. 25 17 6
Hughes Wm. Louisa 2 12 6
Hamilton Wm. Augusta 3 7 6
Hughes John. Cumberld. 1 10 0
Holt John. Sussex 5 0 0
Harrison Charles. Surry 7 10 0
Harvie William. Gloster. 5 0 6
Harrison Matthew. Augusta 0 8 3
Hopkins Arthur. Mecklenb. G. Jefferson to pay. 2 15 9
Hamilton Robt. Augusta. (v. Wilson.) 1 5 9
Hawkins Benj. Bott. Jno. Hawkins security. 5 5 0
Hickman Wm. Albem. 3 9 9
Hepburn & Mitchell. Portsmouth 5 0 0
Hamilton Rob. Augusta (v. Anderson) 1 2 6
Henderson Jno. junr. Albem. 2 10 0
Howlett Thos. Chestfd. (– 1£. See Jan. 15.) 3 12 6
Harnet Davd. Augusta 0 4 0
Hylton Jno. Chestfd. 7 10 0
Hayes James. Botetourt 0 16 6
Hudson Chas. Alb. 2 10 0
Haden Anthony. Alb. 2 12 6
Haden John. Alb. 10 10 0
Ingram & co. N. Campbell 2 17 6
Ingram & co. James Lyle 2 10 0
Inglis & Long. Portsmouth (– £5. Jan. 15.) 5 0 0
Israel Solomon. Albem. 2 12 6
Johnston Andrew. Culpepper 8 14 9
Johnson Philip. New Kent 3 0 0
Jefferson George. Pittsylva. 17 10 0
Johnston Andr. & Wm. Shannon. Augusta 2 7 9
Jordan Samuel. Buckingham 2 10 0
Johnson Thomas. Albem. 2 12 6
Jones Rowland. Albem. 2 10 0
Kippen & co. 2 10 0
Iid. James Lyle. 5 0 0
Kenner Judith. 5 0 0
Lewis Thos. & Andr. Aug. 0 2 6
Lewis Jno. (Byrd) Carolina 5 0 0
Lee Edwd. Albem. 2 12 6
Leigh Ferdinando. K. Wm. 5 0 0
Lasly Jno. Louisa. (ne secta—vide Lre.) 2 5 0
Lasly Manoah. Louisa 2 12 6
Lee Richd. Henry. Westmld. 2 10 0
Laird James. Augusta 2 10 0
Lewis Jno. (Mountain) Halifx. 5 0 0
Lomax Thos. 2 18 3
Lyell Joseph. Brunswick 2 10 0
Lighter Jacob. Augusta. 2 10 0
Loyde Thos. Essex 2 0 0
Lambert Charles. Bedford 2 12 6
Long Laurence. Albem. 1 1 6
Ligon William. Amelia 2 12 6
Love Allen & co. Brunsw. 5 2 6
McAndles Wm. Augusta 2 4 3
Mills Jno. Augusta 4 2 6
Mckain James. Augusta. Jno. Mills securty. 4 0 0
McMullin Wm. Aug. (T. Madison to sue.) 2 10 0
Meade Wm. Bedford 1 7 3
McCue Jno. Albem. 0 19 9
Matthews Sampson. Aug. 5 5 9
Macbride Francis. Aug. (T. Madisn. to sue. 4 19 0
McCaul Alex. Scotld. 2 10 0
Madison Jno. junr. Aug. 11 0 9
Madison Thos. Bott. 3 0 0
Maupin Daniel. jr. Alb. 1 0 0
Mclanahan Alexr. Aug. 7 10 0
May Agnes. Lunenbgh. J. May securty. 2 10 0
Macnight Thos. No. Carolina. 7 14 0
Minor Garrett. Spotsylva. (– 2–12–6 2 12 6
Marks James. Alb. 2 12 6
Martin Peter. Cumbld. 2 12 6
McCaul Jno. Gr. Brit. 2 10 0
Mclanahan Robt. jr. (Augusta Aug. 11. 1773. Wrote to Mclanahan. 5 10 9
Moore Thos. Augusta 5 4 6
Maclanahan William. Augusta 2 10 0
Mcrae Roderick. Alb. 3 12 6
Mortimer Chas. Essex 5 0 0
McGill James. Aug. 2 10 0
Maupin Danl. senr. Alb. 1 12 0
McVee. 7 10 0
Mckerral Jno. Norfolk 2 10 0
Matthews George. Augusta 2 10 0
Macdowell Jas. Bott. 2 18 3
Macbride Joseph. 2 10 0
Marks Jno. Alb. 5 0 0
Minor James. 2 10 0
Mcline Douglass. Brunsw. 2 10 0
Macdowell Saml. Aug. 0 8 3
Mills Zachariah. Alb. 1 1 6
Martin Thos. Alb. 2 10 0
McCauley Thos. Alb. 2 12 6
Munford Wm. Green. Chas. City 5 0 0
Manion Thos. Jones. Bedfd. 2 12 6
Neill Jno. Dinwiddie 2 10 0
Nelson Honble. Wm. 2 18 3
Napier Richd. Alb. 1 11 0
Nicholas Jno. Buckingh. 2 10 0
Napier Patrick. 2 10 0
Pleasants James. Cumbld. 0 14 0
Price Leonard. Goochld. 2 10 0
Phelps Thos. Buckingham 1 10 0
Philips Wm. Louisa 3 15 0
Patton Jno. Aug. 2 12 6
Perryman Richd. Pittsylva. 5 0 0
Plume. 2 10 0
Plume Wm. 2 10 8
Pleasants Jno. & George Robertson. 2 10 0
Porter Nichs. Orange 2 10 0
Rutherford Wm. Aug. T. Madison 2 10 0
Randolph Thos. Mann. Goochld. (wrong) 62 4 6
Robinson Charles. 2 15 9
Reply Richd. 2 10 0
* Rose Henry’s exrs. Amherst 2 18 3
Robertson George. Chestfd. 2 10 0
* Reid Alx. Amherst 2 10 0
Reid Jno. Amherst 17 14 0
* Robinson Jno. Hanover 1 0 0
Reid Isaac et al. Charltte. (P. Carrington) 2 12 6
* Rose Hugh & Peter. Amh. 0 8 3
* Ross John. N. Carolina. Edwd. Stapler to collct. 2 10 0
* Reidd Eliz. Middsx. 2 10 0
Ronald & co. 10 0 0
Ross David. Goochld. 17 10 0
Robertson Geo. Bedford & Jno. Pleasants 2 10 0
Rose Duncan. Dinwiddie 2 10 0
Rentfroe Joseph. 2 10 0
Robertson Alx. Augusta. Samp. Matth. sec. 5 0 0
Randolph Richd. Henrico 2 10 0
Rowland John. Pittsylva. 1 4 6
* Rudder Chas. Norf. 2 10 0
Stockdon Thomas. Augusta 1 17 6
Sloane Jno. Aug. 2 4 3
Smith Francis. Augusta 2 10 0
* Sunderland Danl. Frederick 1 0 0
Strachan Peter. Henrico 5 0 0
Stephens Lewis. Frederick 5 0 0
* Smith Abram. Amh. 2 10 0
Strange Jno. Alb. Wrote to him for balance £2–2–5. 1 14 2
* Shipman Isaiah. Aug. 2 15 9
* Sallee Jacob. Buck. 3 0 0
* Shannon Wm. Aug. & Andr. Johnston 2 7 9
Syme John. Hanover. 2 10 0
* Stegoe Thos. Cumbld. 2 18 3
Seaton George. Amherst 2 10 0
Swann John. Albem. 5 2 6
Sowell Joseph. Albem. 2 12 6
Smith Burgess. Lancaster 1 15 6
* Smith Jno. Lunenburgh (Wrote to hm.) 2 15 9
Smith Abram. Augusta 2 10 0
Speirs & co. (Jas. Mcdowell) 2 10 0
* Snell Philemon. Alb. 1 0 0
Stretcher Fenwick. A mariner. 2 10 0
Simpson Jno. Botett. 2 10 0
Stone Elijah. Alb. 4 13 3
Smith Peter. Lunenb. 2 10 0
Speirs & co. Alx. Banks 2 12 6
Stewart George. York 7 17 6
Stewart Andrew. Pr. Anne 2 10 0
Speirs Bowman & co. Jas. Fairley 5 0 0
Skelton Bathurst’s est. 5 2 6
Smith Mary. Essex 2 10 0
Speirs & co. 2 10 0
Thompson Jno. Aug. 3 15 0
* Talford James. Aug. 1 7 0
+ Thorpe Francis. Bedford
Aug. 3. 1773. wrote to him to pay £5 to Steptoe.
5 0 0
* Turpin Thos. Cumberld. 7 15 0
Thornton Francis. Spotsylva. 5 0 0
* Tunstall Thos. Halfx. 2 10 0
* Tugwell Jno. Amh. 1 0 0
Tucker’s creditors. 2 10 0
* Thomas Jno. Northampton 5 0 0
Thompson Robt. Aug. (v. Anderson) 0 0 3
Thompson Jno. Amherst 5 13 3
Turk Thos. Augusta 2 12 6
* Taylor Wm. Lunenb. 2 10 0
Thermon Jno. Amh. 2 10 0
* Tisdale Shirley. Louisa 0 10 0
Teackle Levin. Accomack 7 10 0
Tremble James. Aug. 5 0 0
* Tatum Jesse. Brunsw. 2 10 0
* Underwood Thos. Goochld. 1 1 6
* Vaughan Matthew. Goochld. (Wrote.) 2 18 3
Witt Abner. Amh. 3 16 11
Waterson William. Aug. 7 17 6
Walker Thos. Alb. 7 12 6
Winston Wm. Goochld. 0 6 4
Watkins Wm. Cumbld. Jno. Fleming’s exrs. to pay. 2 10 0
White Alx. Frederick 2 12 6
Wood Thos. Pr. Edwd. 2 10 0
Wilkinson Jno. Alb. 19 6 6
* Walker George. Pr. Edw. 2 12 6
* Woolfolk Richd. Alb. 1 0 0
Wilson David. Augusta 0 5 9
Wilson Saml. Aug. Alx. Mclanahan securty. 7 0 6
Winne Jno. Hanover 2 10 0
* Webb Theodoric. Bucking. Jas. Lyle securty. 2 10 0
Wood Wm. Alb. 3 13 11
Watkins Nathanl. Alb. 5 5 0
Wilson Wm. Amelia 1 8 6
Williams Isaac. Nansemd. 2 12 6
Watkins Isaiah. Pittsylva. 5 0 0
* Williamson Jno. Bedford 1 1 6
Wilson Wm. Amh. 10 10 0
Woods Richd. Alb. 2 10 0
Watkins Joseph. Chestfd. 2 10 0
* Winfrey Henry. Chestfd. 2 10 0
White James. Chestfd. 2 10 0
* Woodson Jno. Cumbld. 2 10 0
Wood Isaac. Alb. 2 12 6 6
 Years  Nett Receipts  Legal fees due  Total profits
 1767. 43– 4– 0– ¾ 250– 0– 5– 0 293– 4– 5 ¾
 1768. 71– 6– 0– 0 233– 2– 5– 0 304– 8– 5
 1769. 147– 2– 11– ½ 223– 8– 0– ½ 370– 11– 0
 1770. 213– 6– 11– 0 307– 18– 11– ½ 521– 5– 10 ½
 1771. 154– 10– 8– 0 126– 1– 4– 0 280– 12– 0
 1772. 167– 19– 10– ½ 181– 5– 4– ½ 349– 5– 3
797– 10– 5– ¾ 1321– 16– 6– ½ 2119– 7– 0 ¼

Feb. 7. Henry Walker (Mecklenbgh.) v. John Kemp (Mecklenb.).
Bring action on Case. Dam. £200.
Kippen & co. v. Baughan. Remit fee, as it is dismd.
Wilson v. Christian. Works retd. so no caveats entd. in either office. Therefore remit fees.
Strange v. Murril. } Wrote to J. Blair for N. S. and recd. them the 14th.
Hickman v. Roialty.
Bishop v. Pryor.
Black v. D. Kincaid.
Id.  v. J. Kincaid.
Eubank v. Dean.
Thompson v. Hughes.
Id.     v. Biggs.
Winne v. Goode.
Turk v. Prior.
Dedman v. Benge.
Lomax v. Devire.
Wood v. D. Kincaid.
Ellis v. Atkins.
Ford v. Pouncey.
Thurmon v. Hunter.
Bryan v. Callaway. Wrote to J. Blair for spa. ad test. & recd. it the 14th.
Wood v. Macanally. } Wrote to J. Blair to ent. cav. & send Sum. Recd. them 14th.
Thompson v. Milstead.
Haden  v. Elliot. 2. cav.
Id. v. Taylor
Cleeck v. Allison
Clasby v. Emmerson.
Cleeck v. Allison } Wrote to Brown to ent. in S. O.
Clasby v. Emerson
Feb. 12. Bellamy v. Bellamy. Wrote to ent. in S. O.
14. Catherine Blair (Wmsburgh.) v. John Blair (Wmsburgh.). Empld. by def. Charge no fee.
16. Thomas Bolling (Chestfd.) v. William Longmire (Goochld.). Bring action on Case. Dam. £500.
Jones v. several persons ante Jan. 30 viz. v. George Walton (  ). For 1850. as. of ld. on both sides of the So. fo. of Mayo riv. and bras. of Russell’s cr. Pittsylva. formly. Halifx.
Id. v. Rob. Walton (  ) son & heir of Rob. Walton decd. For 2890. as. ld. on bras. Cascade cr. and So. fo. Sandy riv. Pittsva. formly. Halfx.
   v. eund. 4600. as. ld. on both sides Chesnut cr. in Pittsva. formly. Lunbg.
v. eund. 400. as. ld. on both sides the So. fo. Mayo riv. Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
v. eund. 500. as. ld. on both sides Russell’s cr. in Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
v. Davd. Wilson, Wm. Hide, Jas. Johnson & Sherwood Walton. 1712. as. ld. on both sides Poplar cabin cr. near Mead & co.’s line Pitts. formly. Lunbgh.
v. Jno. Yarrington & James Mckan. 5090. as. ld. on bras. Sandy riv. & Leatherwood cr. Pittsva. formly. Halifx.
v. Wm. Gray & Ashford Hughes. 10,000 as. ld. on Pigg riv. waters near Jack’s mount & on or near Owen’s & Hughes’s cr. Pittsva. formly. Lunenbgh.
v. Edmd. Gray & James Gray. 627. as. ld. on bo. sides So. fo. of Gobling town cr. Pittsylva. formly. Lunenbgh.
v. Edmund Gray & co. For 1748. as. ld. on bo. sides the So. fo. Sandy riv. Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
v. eosd. 1142 as. ld. on So. side Smith’s riv. & on both sides Marrowbone cr. Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
v. Jas. Gray & co. 1097. as. ld. on bo. sides Russel’s cr. Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
v. Edmd. Gray & al. 737. as. ld. on bo. si. No. fo. Mill cr. of Mayo riv. Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
v. Rob. Walton son & heir of Rob. Walton decd. & Tucker Woodson. 5000. as. ld. on Maggoty & Pittsman’s cr. and under the mountain in Pittsva. formly. Lunbgh.
The above were entd. July 27. 1772.
19. McCauley v. Mickie. Recd. 20/.
24. Ford v. Perkins. Recd. 11/.
25. James Devire (Augusta) v. Daniel Henderson (Fincastle). Ent. petn. for 310. as. ld. in Augusta patd.
Mar. 10. Devire v. Henderson. Entd. in S. O.
11. McDowell v. Kelly. Recd. £2–18–3.
James Gatewood (Amherst) v. Thomas Scott (Caroline). An action on the Case on a marriage promise. Dam. £1500. Retnble. to next ct. Empld. by letter frm. pl.
25. Speirs Bowman & co. v. Patteson. Ante Octob.  . Empld. by Alexr. Banks by letter.
Speirs Bowman & co. (Alx. Banks) v. William Tunstall (Pittsylva.). Bring action of Debt on bond penal sum £233–13–2.
Mar. 25. Benjamin Harrison & John Wayles (Chas. City) v. Walter Coles (  ). An action on a bond removed from Charles City court after jdmt. to the General court. Empld. by Alx. Banks who is to have benefit of the jdmt.
Speirs Bowman & co. (Alx. Banks) v. Honble. Wm. Byrd and company. Banks desires me to issue writ in Case. Dam. £100. I wrote him I would do it, but that I must appear for Byrd as he first retained me.
31. Stone’s cases. Recd. 26/.
Apr. 1. Hickman v. Roialty. Give credit for £3–15–6 allowed me in my acct. wth. W. Hickman.
Hickman v. Harper. Give credit for £2–12–6 allowed me in same acct.
2. Thos. McCauley (Alb.) v. John Dickerson (Alb.). Take out writ in Case. Dam. £500.
Jno. Biby (Alb.) v. Tandy Ford and Willm. Perkins (Alb.). Ent. cav. for 200 as. on both sides Mechunck cr. Alb. <joining the lands of James Adams.>
Garrett Minor (Spotsylva.) v. Robt. Green (Culpepper). Move for jdmt. on a notice sent me for not payg. money levd. by exn. <Take credit on my bond to him & so say recd. the fee 50/.>
10. Reid v. Witt. It appears there never was any Supersed. at all, so remit fee.
Honble. Wm. Byrd v. Wm. Emery (  ). An injn. of a jdmt. of Chas. City ct. Appear for pl. under general retainer.
12. Robert Bullington (Amelia) v. James Cox (Pittsylva.) and Leonard Lindsay (No. Carolina). Petn. for 400. as. Pittsylva. Empld. by John Keeling (in Granville cty. No. Carolina) who has lately purchased it. Recd. £2–10. Direct letter to Keeling inclosed to care of Joseph Williams mercht. in Granville No. Carolina & lodge it anywhere in Petersbgh.
13. Alvington Knott (Nansemd.) v. John Agnew Clk. (Nansemd.). Ejmt. retnble. to last court. Empld. by def.
Agnew’s case wth. Savage. Gave opn. in writing & recd. 20/.
16. John Galloway (  ) v. Edwd. Thomas (Orange). Empld. by James Pleasants to move for fine for not returng. execn. in Galloway v. Burnley.
David Garth (Alb.) v. Thos. Priddy (  ). Ent. cav. for 400. as. ld. Alb. on both sides of Henderson’s branch of the Rivanna river joining the lands of John Henderson.
Roses v. Lifely. Recd. £3–19–9.
April 17. The King v. <Calvert & others> Wm. Ward, Tim. Cooper, & H. Singleton, the persons indicted for assaults &c. and fined. Empld. by Mr. Aitcheson to move <to have defs. recommitted, they having been> for supersedeas of the order of the justices by which they were permitted to swear out as insolvents. Recd. £2–10.
Jonathan Godwin (Nansemd.) v. Thomas Godwin (Nasemd.). Action TAB. retnble. to this court. Empld. by def. Recd. 50/.
<The King v. eund. Indictmt. for TAB.>
Roderick Mcrae (Alb.) v. Richd. Woods & Henry Mullins (Alb.). Case £500. I see such a suit now on docket. Appear for defs.
David Ross (  ) v. Michael Jones (  ). Canc. Appr. for pl. under general retainer.
Alexr. Speirs John Bowman (see docket for names) v. Saml. Goode jr. (  ). Case. £40. Qu. what.
Alexr. Speirs & co. (  ) v. Wm. Bibb (  ). Habs. corp. Case. Qu. what factor?
18. Edmd. Pendleton. Charge him as atty. in fact to Beverley Robinson of New York for drawing two bonds of Arbitration between the sd. Beverley & Carter Braxton 20/.
20. John Seayres (Essex) v. Robert Rose’s exrs. (  ). A suit in Canc. to come here by appeal. Retained by pl. Also gave him my advice for which charge 21/6. Augustine Moore security.
Daniel Hankins (Pittsylva.) v. William Jones (  ). A caveat entd. for 400. as. of ld. on the bras. of Sandy river Pittsylva. Sum. is issd. Recd. 50/.
Thomas (  ) v. George Spiers (  ). Wrt. of errr. Empld. for def. by Gab. Jones Augusta who will pay my fee.
Speirs & co. v. Byrd. Case. Dam. £100. } Recd. writs.
Walker v. Kempe. Case. Dam. £200.
Speirs & co. v. Tunstall. Debt £233. Dam. £20.
Bolling v. Longmire. Case. £500.
McCauley v. Dickerson. Case. Dam. £500.
Biby v. Ford & Perkins. Cav. entd. this day.
Garth v. Priddy. Entd. cav.
Anthony Haden (Alb.) v. Henry Parish (Goochld.). Entd. cav. for 100. as on the bras. of Little Byrd cr.  county.
Id. v. Gideon Moss (Goochld.). Do.  as. on the bras. of the Little Byrd and Fork creeks in  county.
Id. v. Chas. Goodall (Louisa). Do. 200. as. on the bras. of Fork cr. in  county.
Note the office was first searched and works nt. retd.
Apr. 22. Muir v. Dade. Recd. £3.
The King v. Thomas Godwin ante Apr. 17. I see such an indictmt. Qu. if I shd. not appr. Def. tells me to appear.
22. James Wall (Brunswck.) emplois me by Mr. Tazewell to oppose the acct. of Dancy’s admr. to be returned to this court from Charles city.
26. John Ross (N. Carolina). Recd. of Edwd. Stapler 50/.
Anthony Winston (  ) v.  Walker,  Tabb &  Rumbald  . If an injn. movd. for, I am to oppose it on behalf of defs.
Isaiah Watkins (Pittsylva.) v. Dutton Lane (action  ) and Joseph Cotton (  ). Action of Tresp. Dam. £100. Empld. by letter from pl.
Id. v. James Cox (  ). A caveat entd. Oct. 16. 1772. for 200. as. land on Cascade creek joining Clay’s lines Pittsylva. Appear for pl. on memm. put into my hands by John Rice.
No pat. to be fd. Joseph Sowell (Pittsylva.) v. Eleazor Mobley (  ). Petn. for 150. as. Pittsylva. on both sides of upper Double creek. Look to it for pl. on memm. which seems to be in Isaiah Watkins’s writing.
Id. v. Wm. Rice (  ). Do. 230. as. mo. or less in Pittsylva. on the west side of Cascade creek joining the lines of Russell & John Rice. Do.
Apr. 26. Robert White (  ) v. Alexr. White (Frederick). Ent. petn. for 220. as. Augusta on the No. side the No. riv. of Shenandoah patd. by def. May 12. 1770. See letter.
Sowell  v. Mobley. Entd. in S. O.
Id. v. Rice. No pat. to be found.
White v. White. Entd. in S. O.
Archibd. Ingram George Kippen & co. v. James Roberts & Wm. Tunstall (  ). Empld. by Wm. Mitchell to move for jdmt. on replevy bond.
28. Richd. Dudgeon. Recd. of Mr. Carrington 10/.
29. Alexr. Mitchell (Buckingh.) v. Thos. Fitzpatrick & Thos. Ewres (Alb.). Action on the case. Dam. £200. Empld. by pl. Writ retd. this ct.
Speirs & co. (Mr. Burton factor) v. Jeremiah Whitney (Buckingh.). Appeal at Com. l. Empld. for Speirs & co.
Winfrey v. Winfrey. Recd. 50/.
Jesse Cogbill (Chestfd.) v. Valentine Winfrey (Chestfd.). Petn. for  acres on the No. side of Swift cr. Chestfd. patd. by Jno. Towns being the residue not recovd. in former petn.
April 30. Jeremiah Murden (Norfk. cty.) v. Joshua Hopkins (Pr. Anne) Tully Moseley & John Jones. Caveat now entd. by pl.’s son for 189½ acres of Swamp land joining the high lands of the sd. Jeremiah.
William Watts (  ) retains me in his business.
May 1. Richard James <and John Harris> (Cumberld.) v. Thomas Persons (Brunswick). A suit on written agreement. Empld. by letter from James. He sais he has ordered the writ tho I do not see it.
James Kempe survivg. exr. of Thos. Walke decd. (Prss. Anne) v. Benjamin Harrison (Chas. City). Issue writ in Debt on protested bill of exchge. for £17–3–5. sterl. dated Sep. 21. 1758. Empld. for pl. by Thomas Booth.
William Tunstall (Pittsylva.) v. George Jefferson (Lunenburgh). A friendly cav. Empld. by Jefferson. He has taken out a Summ. Have it contd.
George Jefferson exr. of Feild Jefferson (Lunenb.) v. Mary Reade, Thos. Reade and Paul Carrington (Charlotte) surviving admrs. of Clement Reade. Case. Writ taken out by pl. Empld. for him.
May 3. Alexr. Speirs Jno. Bowman & co. (Mr. Banks) v. Thos. Davenport junr. (Cumbld.). Bring actn. on Case. Dam. £60.
Iid. v. Thomas Patteson (Buckgm.). Issue writ in Case. Dam. £50.
Wall’s case. Recd. of Mr. Tazwell 50/.
Kempe v. Harrison. Writ in Debt £17–3–5 sterl. with interest & charges of protest on a protestd. bill xchge. Dam. £5 sterl. Took out.
Speirs & co.  v. Patteson. } Took writs.
Iid. v. Davenport.
4. Thos. Roberts & Frances ux. (Norfolk) v. Maximilian & Cornelius Calvert (Norf.). Empld. by pl. in presence of Mr. Cornels. Calvert. Suit in Canc.
5. Nelson v. Copeland. Recd. 51/9. Remit the rest as I gave rect. in full.
7. The King v. Henry Singleton, Wm. Ward, George Crutchett (Norf.). A supersed. of justices order for dischargg. them, to be taken out by Cornel. Calvert who emplois me. Recd. 50/.
Biby v. Denton. Recd. of Colo. Payne 52/6.
May 7. Frame’s cases. Recd. of Sampson Matthews 50/.
Robert Mclanahan. Recd. of Samps. Matthews £5.
Frame’s land. Ent. new caveat to save it and charge no Lawy.’s fee.
John Fisher & co. (  ) v. Nathaniel Terry (Halifx.). Action retnble. to present court. Empld. by pl.
Iid. v. James Scott (Pr. Edwd.). Do. retnble. to this ct. Empld. by pl.
8. George Berkeley (Louisa) v. Samuel Martin (Whitehaven) and Richd. Squire Taylor (K. Wm.). Suit in Chy. Empld. by pl.
11. John Wayles and Archibd. Cary v. William Allegre (  ). Bring action on the Case. Dam.  . By the direction of Mr. Wayles.
21. Garth v. Priddie. It is sd. the ld. is patd. so search & dism. if it be so.
22. Martin v. Dalton. Recd. 50/.
26. Hayes v. McGee. Recd. 22/3.
Zachariah Mills (Alb.). Gave him opn. verbatim in case with John Davis. Charge 10/9.
June 8. Bowden v. Garthwright. Recd. 28/3.
9. John Crafton (Charlotte) v. Richard Burks (Pr. Edw.). A cav. to come on to day for 272. as. Lunenburgh. Empld. by def.
Edwards v. Nash. Recd. 6/6.
John Jameison (clerk of Culpepper). His petn. to council. Emploied by him to prefer it. Charge £5. & credit him that much which I owed him.
William Williams (Charlotte) v. Thos. Daves (Chestfd.). A cav. Empld. by def. Recd. 39/3.
Murden v. Hopkins. Recd. 50/.
Maclin v. Maclin & al. Recd. 50/.
Thos. Owen (Carolina) v. Charles Duncan (Pittsylva.). A caveat. Engaged before the Govr. & Councl. to appear for def. who is poor and charge no fee.
Rule. Agreed among the gentlemen who practice before the council that in future they will charge £5. in all <cases of> caveats which are to stop escheat-patents.
10. Francis Thorpe (Bedfd.) v. Richd. Dogget (Bedford) and Robt. Pusey Pittsylva. Petn. Empld. for pl. by Wm. Meade.
June 10. Murden v. Hopkins. Recd. 20/.
James Yancey (Granville, Carolina), Rob. Yancey (Mecklenb.) v. John Westmoreland (Mecklenb.). A cav. for 400 as. Mecklenb. Empld. by James Yancey.
June 9. John Barley (  ) v.  Gordon (  ). A cav. Recd. letter while attending the council from Mr. Jno. Cox (Pittsylva.) employing me for pl. and obtained ord. conc.
James Mcraw (  ) v. Jno. Cox and others (Pittsylva.). Cav. Empld. for def. Cox.
Jno. Donelson (Pittsylva.) v. Wm. Payne (  ). A cav. Empld. by letter from pl.
June 10. William Hudnall (Bedfd.) v.  Huff (  ). A cav. Empld. by letter from pl.
Biby v. Ford. Pd. Mr. Blair for Sum. 5/9 and entd. in C. O.
Dunlop v. Bowyer. Credit def. 20/ which he had given me to have depns. copied but cd. nt. be done.
11. Garth v. Priddy. Entd. in C. O. Took Sum. & pd. 5/9.
Dunlop v. Bowyer. Recd. £10.
30. The Honble. W. Byrd. Gave an opinn. in writing on his affair with Kennon and Edmondson about a protested bill sent to Govr. Dinwiddie.
July 1. Stith Hardyman (Charles City). Gave him an opinion for which recd. 10/ & charge no more.
10. Marston Williams (Chas. City) v. John Gregory (Chas. City). Appl. Com. law. Empld. by pl.
19. John Hughes. His case with Richd. Chamberlayne (N. Kent) which I stated some three or four years ago. Hughes directs me to write Chamberlayne to put in his case to Mr. Waller to be arbitrated according to agreemt. If he does not, bring suit agt. him. James Geddy and Myles Taylor witnesses of the submission.
<Zachariah Haden (Goochld.) v. Edmd. Hodges (Pittsylva.). Bring action on Case. Dam. £300.>
July 22. Martin an infant by Elizabeth Martin her next friend (Cumbld.) v. Wm. Terril (Cumbld.). Bring writ of TAB. by journey’s accounts for the battery formerly sued for.
24. Thos. Turk (Augusta) retains me in presence of Hugh McCaffrey, but I told him I could never take any measure for him in any suit till he had sent me half my fee.
Turk v. Lewis. Recd. 2/6.
Hugh McCaffrey (Loudoun; or rather a vagrant taylor). Gave him advice for which charge 21/6. See ante 1772. Aug. 19.
Aug. 3. The King v. Thorpe. Gave Jas. Steptoe order for 50/.
Lynch v. Noell & Thorpe. Gave do. ord. for 25/.
Thorpe v. Dogget & Pusey. Gave do. ord. for 25/.
9. Samuel Snowdam’s case (Amherst) v. Charles Rhodes, Zachariah Taliaferro, and Joseph Tucker (Amherst). Bring action of  . Dam. £500. Recd. £2–18–3. The same metd. below.
John Snowdam an infant by Samuel Snowdam his next friend v. eosd. Do.
Lovewell Snowdam an infant by Samuel Snowdam his next friend v. eosd. Do. Recd. £2–18–3. Employ Mr. Pendleton and forward £2–11–2 to him which was left with me for that purpose.
White v. Harrison. Dismd. at Rules.
Aug. 11. Minor v. Green. Directed pl. to give me credit 50/ on back of my bond to him, but do not enter it as paid till I know he has done it.
Mclanahan v. Jones. Credit pl. 2/6 overcharged as no writ was taken out.
12. Dednam v. Benge. Recd. 5/9.
Samuel Staples (Buckingh.) v. David Staples (Albem.). Appeal from decree of Buckingham court in July. Emploied by Ashford Napier for David Staples. I am to have an order on George Dudley for the money.
Thos. Walker (Alb.) v.  Fretwell (Alb.). Enter friendly cav. for the lands recovd. of Burton. Charge no fee.
Gabriel Penn (Amh.) v. Robert Whitten (Carolina). Enter cav. for 32 as. ld. Amherst on the head waters of Beaver creek adjoining to the Tobacco row mountains and to the lds. of Benjamin Wright.
17. Turk v. Lewis. Recd. 25/.
Spiers v. Thomas. Recd. of Mr. Jones 50/.
John Stephenson (Aug.) v. Jacob Stover,  Francisco and  Russell (  ). A petn. & Summs. retd. Empld. for pl. by Archibald Huston (Aug.) who undertakes to pay my fee.
Aug. 17. John Patrick (Augusta) v. Thos. Turk (Aug.). Actn. of slander. Pl. applied to me to bring it. I refused because retd. by Turk. I spoke to Turk who promises to pay my fee whether he brings it or not as I refused it. Received 25/. (This shd. be Fitzpatrick.)
Christian v. Meek. W. Bowyer undertakes to pay my fees. I must send a Summons to him. Pl. & def. both in Augusta.
Frame v. Frame. Enter friendly caveat over again and charge only the 2/6. Recd. 9d.
18. John Craig (Aug.) v. the Franciscos. A petn. for the same land as Nicholas petd. for. Empld. by Pet. Millar for def. Recd. 50/.
Id. v. Stover et al.
John Andrew (  ) v. Andrew Cochran & co. merchts. in Glasgow. Bring a writ of error. See the case. Empld. by Henry Hall (Augusta) and also by the pl. Recd. of Hall 28/9.
Patrick Gwinn’s cases. Recd. of Mr. Hyde 11/6.
Alexander v. Haines. Recd. 8/3.
Aug 18. John Williams (Aug.) v. Andrew Russell (in Black’s draught Aug. Note this because are two others of same name). Bring action of Tresp. and of Tresp. ass. and battery. Dam. £200. Recd. 28/9.
Hogg ads. Moore. 50/ recd.
19. Christian v. Meek. Recd. of W. Bowyer £2–18–3.
David Bosang (Aug.) v. George Wilson (Hampsh.). If such an appl. from Aug. court Capt. Hogg emplois me for Bosang.
22. Hugh Donaghe (Aug.) v. Thomas Lewis (Aug.). Bring action on the Case. Dam. £500. See pl.’s letter.
24. Snowdham’s cases. I am directed by old Snowdham to drop <them. Pd. him back £1–16–9 retaing. £1–1–6 for my advice> all these suits except for himself et ux. so returned him 5/9 of the money he had pd. me and gave him back Mr. Pendleton’s money who is not to be employed.
Sep. 2. Richd. Murray (Alb.) v. Micajah Chiles (Alb.). <Bring action of> Take out writ of Champerty at Com. law (not under stat. of articuli super chartas 28. E. 1. c. 11.)7 Dam. £300.
Sep. 4.
Walker v. Fretwell. } Wrote to Brown to have Cav. entd. in S. O.
Penn v. Whittin.
Frame v. Frame.
Jefferson & ux. et al v. Lynch.
6. John Davies (Amherst). Petition Council for 378. as. Albem. on the North side of Piney river survd. for Philip Bush who ran away to Carolina and was hanged there. He had left no relations of any kind. Recd. 53/3 + 2/6.
Cabell v. Baker. Recd. 8/3.
Wm. Cabell (Amh.) v. John Holland (Goochld.) and    .
Wm. Cabell. Recd. 21/6 to send opn. on the case mentd. in letter directed & delivd. to me.
Patrick Reynolds (Amherst) v. Charles Yates (Spotsylva.) and James Reid (Amh.). Bring action TAB. & false imprisonmt. for keeping in servitude 3 years from June 16. 1769. till July Amherst court 1773. See post Sep. 16.
Penn v. Whittin. Recd. 58/3.
John Rigman (  ) v.  Hutchinson. Petn. Appear for def. Charge fee to Edmd. Winston (Amherst).
Cabell v. Lee & Sloane. Recd. £3–1–6.
Clasby v. Emerson. Recd. 11/.
William Howard (Amherst) v. Jane Howard by Wm. Kennon (Buckingham) her next friend. An appeal to Gen. ct. from order of Amh. for present maintenance till suit for separate maintenance determd.
9. Wm. Meade. Recd. 27/3.
Ransome v. Davies. Appear for Davies.
<Francis Thorpe. Credit his acct. by the order of Aug. 3. ante which Mr. Steptoe accepted this day.>
James Donald (Chestfd.) v. William Meade (Bedford). A prosecution in Council Chamber. Empld. by Meade. Charge £5.
Francis Thorpe (Bedford) his case. I am to send him my opinion. Recd. 21/6 for which give credit if I bring suit.
Fras. Thorpe. Give him credit by my order in favr. Steptoe £5.
13. John Henderson (Augusta) v. John Wallace (Alb.). An appeal at common law from Alb. court. Emploied by appellee. Recd. 46/. If I find difficulty I am to employ auxiliary.
15. Garth v. Priddie. Pat. issd. Aug. 1756. so dism. Remit all but 8/5.
Macnight v. Tremble. Credit James Tremble 41/8 for making survey of Natural bridge lands.
Sep. 16. Reynolds v. Yates. Do not take writ till pl. answers my lre.
18. Wm. Cabell (Amherst) v. John Holland (Goochland) Francis Baker and John Baker (North Carolina). Ent. cav. for 250. as. ld. Buckingham on both sides Shipley’s cr. and on the Fluvanna river. This is same land as formerly caveated v. Fras. Baker alone, so charge no new fee. Also out of former fee credit the 21/6 recd. Sep. 6. Sent opn. to pl. as desired.
Thorpe’s case. Wrote opinion.
19. Cabell v. Baker. Wrote to Brown to ent. in S. O.
20. Mcraw v. Randolph. Remitted fee in drawing up my acct.
East v. Randolph. Do.
Garrett v. Russell. Recd. 28/4.
23. Martin Key retains me in all the business of Walter King (of Bristol).
25. Richd. Woolfolk. Credit him by Richd. Anderson’s assumpsit 21/6.
27. Defoe v. Burnley. Gave note to pl. to pay to J. Walker for me £2–18–3.
Archibald McCaul (  ) v. Archibald Ritchie (Essex). A Supersedeas. Empld. by letter from def.
Id. v. eund. Do.
Robt. and Wm. Mickie (Alb.). Draw instrument for division of his father’s estate.
30. Drew and inclosed do. Charge 21/6.
Oct. 3. John Scott (Alb.). Charge him 50/ for drawing a bill of injn. v. Edmd. Cobbs.
7. George Waller (  ) v. Thos. Mann Randolph (Goochld.) John Harmer & Walter King (Gr. Britn.). A petition for 11,565 as. Pittsylva. patd. Sep. 16. 1765. for nonpaimt. q. r. Petn. entd. Aug. 25. 1773. Appear for T. M. Randolph and also for Harmer.
Id. v. eosd. Do. for    .
11. Zachariah Taliaferro (Amherst) with Cornelius Thomas (Amh.). A dispute before council for Sheriff’s place. Appear for Taliaferro. Recd. 50/.
9. Joseph Pleasants (Goochld.) v. John Bibee (Alb.). Cav. for 200. as. Alb. on little Mechunck.
Id. v. Giles Letcher (Goochld.). Friendly petn. for 265 as. Alb. on Racoon cr.
Thos. Pleasants (Goochld.) v. Joseph Pleasants. Friendly petn. for 400. as. Alb. on both sides the Byrd cr. formerly the property of Peter Copland. Emploied by Joseph Pleasants the 9th. inst. in these but omitted to enter them.
Oct. 11. The creditors of Francis Willis senr. v. Francis Willis junr. (Gloster.). A motion. Appear for def. Charge no fee.
Martin Key (Alb.) v. John Rowland (Pittsylva.). Bill of injunction to the suit formerly empld. in. Appear for Rowland. Drew answer for him.
14. Dalton v. Lyon. The bill being dismd. remit fee.
Stegar v. Mosby. Do.
16. George Kippen & co. (Wm. Mitchell) v. John Scott (Alb.). Debt. Removd. by Hab. corp. Appear for pls. und. General retainer. I hve. [their money?] in hds.
James Russell & Wm. Mollison of London merchts. & partners v. Thos. Jefferson & Fras. Eppes exrs. of John Wayles who was sp. bail for Wm. Kennon. Sci. fa. Appear for defs.
18. Porter v. Cuningham. Recd. 50/.
Cogbill v. Winfrey. Recd. of Cogbill 15/ and R. Donald’s note for 35/ the balce.
Thompson v. Anderson & Dailey. Recd. 45/.
Anthony Winston (Buckingham) v. Henry Wright (Cumbld.). Actn. at Com. law. Empld. by lre. from def. Recd. 30/.
Peter Pelham (Wmsburgh.) v. Francis Thorpe (Bedfd.). Motion. Emploied by def. Recd. of John Aylett for def. 25/.
Howlett v. Ozborne. Recd. 26/.
Wm. Howard (Amherst) v. Wm. Kennon, John Kennon (Buckingh.). Hab. corp. retnble. to this ct. Empld. by def. Recd. 50/.
Howard v. Howard. Recd. 50/.
19. Micajah Chiles (Alb.) v. John Armour Finley (Bedfd.). Ent. cav. for 400. as. Bedford on the waters of Goose creek being the same recovd. by the sd. def. of James Finley by caveat.
Id. v. eund. Do. for 215. as. Bedford on Beverdam cr. being the same recovd. by the def. of James Finley & Patrick Evans by caveat. Pl. pays taxes & takes Sum.
20. Wynne v. Goode. Say recd. 50/ by Mr. Henry as I was to pay him that much in Davenport v. Sowell.
21. Joseph Swift et al. assees. of Wm. McCord (  ) v. James Gamewell Dewdall (  ). Emploied by Lre. from Mr. Alexr. White for def. it being a motion for a writ of error. Recd. 50/.
Octob. 22. Thos. Hill of London mercht. v. Wm. Perkins, Thos. Buchanan, & Wm. Brown merchts. & partners & also surviving partners of John Morton Jordan decd., Thos. Adams, Patrick Coutts, Sampson & George Matthews, Amos & James Ladd, Wm. Acrill, Ryland Randolph, John Randolph, Major Wilcox & co., Thomas Stewart, James Watt, Meriwether Smith, William Smith, Carter Braxton, Corbin Griffin, Samuel Griffin & William Griffin. Suit in Canc. Empld. by T. Adams for pl. Recd. 46/ and charge no more as I shall only draw the bill. Spa. retnble. to next court.
25. John Coleman (Brunswck.) v. John Jones (Brunswck.). A dispute before Council for sher.’s place. Empld. by Coleman. Recd. 50/.
Witt v. Reid. Recd. 5/9.
Hill v. Perkins et al. Make John Hylton & Daniel Hylton defs.
26. Joshua Hopkins (Pr. Anne) v. Jeremiah Murden (Norf. cty.). Cav. for 200. as. land same as Whitehurst v. Murden. Empld. by John Murden for def.
The King v. John Henderson sher. Alb. A motion. Recd. lre. from Bennett Henderson to appear for def.
The King v. Godwin. Recd. 50/.
Octob. 28. Hill v. Perkins et al. George Donald and Richd. Adams are to be made defs.
Leonard Claiborne (Dinwiddie) v. Leonard Claiborne junr. son & heir of Thos. Claiborne decd. (Brunswick). A petn. for 100. as. Dinwiddie on Namazeen creek patd. by  . Empld. by Wm. Claiborne son of pl. for pl. Recd. 25/. Entd. by Wm. Claiborne.
29. John Crawford (Halfx.) v. Edwd. Parker (Halfx.). Cav. for 400. as. Halfx. joing. the lds. of Abram. Wamock Wm. Hunt & Walter Robertson upon a branch of Hudson’s creek. Alexr. Craig will pay my fee, so say recd. 50/.
Nov. 1. John Mayo (Cumbld.) v. Benjamin Daniel (Cumbld.). Action on the Case retnble. to this court. Empld. for def. by letter from Wm. Fleming. Recd. 50/.
Hardyman v. Cole. Recd. by letter from Wm. Green Munford 50/.
3. Robt. Mclanahan junr. I have charged him a fee ads. Chiles whereas it shd. have been Wm. Mclanahan. Corrected it in Memms. posted8 & List of balances. Do the same in Fee book.
Robt. Mclanahan junr. Recd. credit for £5–10–9 on back of my bond to Jno. Mclanahan.
Nov. 3. <Ragsdon v. Ragsdon.>
Rigman v. Hutchinson. Recd. 50/.
Henry Tate (Bedfd.) v. Wm. Hughes heir of John Hughes (  ). Ent. cav. for 324. as. on Blackwater cr. Bedford. Recd. 25/.
<Lent Andrew Defoe which charge to Will Beck 6/>.
Williams v. Russell. } Recd. writs.
Donaghe v. Lewis.
Davies v. Boush.
David Ross (Chestfd.) v. William Callaway (Bedfd.). Appear for pl. under genl. retainer. Note I refused a fee offd. me by def.
11. Dr. Brown. Recd. £3.
Jamey (a slave) v.  Brown (Henrico). Appear for Dr. Brown.
Speirs & co. (  ) ads. Jeremiah Whitney (Buckingham). Injn. or something else. Suit removd. from Buckingham ct. Appear for Speirs & co. Ante Apr. 29.
29. John Esdale (  ) v.    sher. of Culpepper. Move for money recd. on exn. Esdale v. Brown so say recd. 50/ which charge Mr. Wayles’s estate, because that estate owes Banks money and has credit this 50/.
Fisher & co. v. Eppes. Recd. 52/6.
Id. v. eund. Now dependg. in Case. Abates by def.’s death. Recd. 2/6.
<Gatewood v. Lindsay. To be arbitrated. Recd. of Mr. Beverly 50/. Entered on cash side.>
David Meade (Pr. Geo.). Drew deed.
Pleasants v. Bibee. Recd. of T. Pleasants £2–15–9.
Id. v. Letcher. Recd. of do. £2–10.
Id. v. Pleasants. Recd. of do. £2–10.
McCaul v. Ritchie. Recd. 30/.
Dec. 1. Randolph v. Hanbury. See entry by mistake on cash side of this book.
Dec. 2. Applebury v. Calvert. Recd. of Mr. Snodgrass 30/.
Gay v. Manley. Charge pl. the cost of advertizing spa. paid this day to Mrs. Rind 7/.
David Meade (Pr. Geo.). Drew a second deed.
Haden v. Parish. } Entd. in C. O. & pd. 9 × 5/9 = 2–11–9. <but> J. Blair has <not> sent them to me.
Id. v. Moss.
Id. v. Goodall.
Penn v. Whitten.
Christian v. Meek.
Jefferson et al. v. Lynch.
Davies v. Boush.
Cabell v. Holland.
Tate v. Hughes’s heir.
Dec. 3.
Hickman v. Roialty. } Pd. J. Blair for 27. New Summ. £7–15–3 which I recd.
Donelson v. Payne.
Bishop v. Pryor.
Black v. D. Kincaid.
Id.  v. J. Kincaid.
Eubank v. Dean.
Thompson v. Hughes.
Id.    v. Biggs.
Winn v. Goode.
Turk v. Prior.
Dednam v. Benge.
Wood v. D. Kincaid.
Ellis v. Atkins.
Ford v. Pouncey.
Thurmond v. Hunter.
Wood v. D. Kincaid. 3 cav.
Walker v. Copeland.
Wood v. Macanally.
Thompson v. Millstead.
Haden v. Elliott. 3 cav.
Id.  v. Taylor.
Cleeck v. Allison.
Hankins v. Jones.
Strange v. Murril. } Feb. 12. I wrote for Summonses in these cases & recd. them Feb. 14. but not being then paid for pd. J. Blair this day £7–3–9.
Hickman v. Roialty.
Bishop v. Prior.
Black v. D. Kincaid.
Id.  v. J. Kincaid.
Eubank v. Dean.
Thompson v. Hughes.
Id.    v. Biggs.
Winn v. Goode.
Turk v. Prior.
Dedman v. Benge.
Lomax v. Devire.
Wood v. D. Kincaid.
Ellis v. Atkins
Ford v. Pouncey.
Thurman v. Hunter.
Bryan v. Callaway
Wood v. Mcanally.
Thompson v. Milstead.
Haden v. Elliot. 3. cav.
Id.  v. Taylor.
Cleeck v. Allison.
Clasby v. Emmerson.
Scott v. James Gilmour senr. Recd. of Patr. Coutts 25/.
Id. v. Jas. Gilmour junr. Recd. of do. 25/.
Id. v. Robt. Gilmour. Recd. of do. 25/.
* Patrick Coutts. Recd. £10–2–6.
* This was for
   Nelson v. Nelson      £ 2– 12 –6
Coutts v. Cooper 2– 10
McKennie v. Murray’s exrs. 2– 10
Hill v. Perkins et al. inter quos Coutts 2– 10
£10– 2 –6
David Meade. Recd. £2.
Valentine Winfrey. Recd. of Robt. Donald for him 35/.
Wm. Herbert. His affair before council. Recd. of James Donald £3.
Wm. Taylor (Lunenbgh.). Gave Richd. Charlton order on him for £5. but do not credit it till I hear it is paid.
Westover library.9
£  s   d
651. Folios @ 20/ 651– 0 –0
58. Folios & Quartos @ 15/ 43– 10 –0
275. Quartos @ 10/ 137– 10 –0
79. Quartos & Octavos @ 7/ 25– 13 –010
872. Octavos @ 4/ 174– 8 –0
655. Octavos & Duodecimos @ 3/ 98– 5 –0
896. Duodecimos @ 2/ 89– 12 –0
3486  volumes £1219– 18

Clothes presses to be made by Scott.
4 f. 6 I. wide
high as Desk & bookcase.
Gordon (the mill-wright) sais where the workman is found and every thing brought into place he should make a double armed water-wheel for 12/ the foot & the cog-wheel 15/ the foot (of diameter) and the shaft and gudgeon supporters into the bargain, and a single armd. water wheel for 20/ the foot.11
John Walton sollicitor.12
Mrs. Wythe puts 110 very rich superfine Malmsey to a dry Madeira and makes a fine wine.
For. Libr.13
120 . Fol. @ 20/      120
28 . 4tos. @ 10/ 14
340 . 8vos. @ 4/ 68
168 . 12s. @ 2/ 16 16
13 . 16s. @ 1/ 13
669 volumes £218 1914
Another estimate of each book separately mde. it 226–15–9.
Mr. Wayles’s lands.15
Cumberland. St. James’s {    2500
Indian Camp 1200
Willis’s creek 1073
Guinea    5145
Amelia Guinea 1221
Goochland. Byrd creek16 { 348
Elk-island    330
Bedford. Poplar Forest 4819
Judith’s creek    2042
Amherst opposite Jud.’s creek 280
Charles City. Dogham’s 235
Forest 411 ½
Stith’s    1480
2126 ½
Total <21,299½> 17 acres
deduct Elk isld. 330
deduct Indian camp 1200
Rough estimate of the value of the land to be divided.
Bedford. Poplar Forest 5036 as. @ 20/ £5036 }
Judith’s creek 40 as. lowgrounds @ 40/ 80
2282 as. highland @ 10/ 1141
7358 6257 . £6257– 0

Byrd creek 50 as. barrens @ 5/ 12–10 }
35 as. lowgrounds @ £7–10 262–10
263 as. tendable highland @ £2–10      657–10
348 932–10 932–10

Charles City. Forest 411 ½  as. @ 40/ 823 }
Dogham’s 235 @ £4 940
646 ½ 1763 1763– 0
 Note Dogham’s contain 245 as.

Guinea. 1000 as. low grounds @ £3. £3000
5366 as. highland @ 25/ 6705 18
the mill @ 15. years purchase 1500
6366 11,205 11205– 0
Valuators of the Appamatox and Swann’s creek19 lands.
Henry Macon. Warren Walker. John Netherland. Littlebury Mosby. Daniel Allen.
Division into lots.
No. I.
Bedford         6257
Byrd creek 932 10
7189 10
  Excess of this lot 470 6 –8
6719 3 –4     6719– 3 –4

No. II.
Excess of lot No. 1 470 6 –8
Charles City 1763 0 –0
Guinea, part of 4485 16 –8
6719 3 –4 6719– 3 –4

No. III.
The mill 1500 0 –0
Guinea, part of 5219 3 –4
6719 3 –4 6719– 3 –4
20,157– 10 –0

Division of Guinea
No. II. has £4485–16–8—No. III. has £5219–3–4.
Now 4485⅔ : 5219⅙ : : 6 : 7 nearly
Proof of it.  4485⅔ × 7 = 31,389 20
5219⅙ × 6 = 31,315
  Difference is only 74

Calculation of the value of Mrs. Jeff.’s interest in Elk island.21 Postulatum that with Elk-hill it will work 25. hands, that they will make for sale as below, that plantation expences will be 5£ per hand and that Elk hill is worth £1000.
40. hhds. of tobo. @ 1150. ℔ each, & 20/    460– 0–0
300. barrels corn @ 10/ 150– 0–0
300. bushels wheat @ 4/6 67– 10–0
1000 ℔ pork @ 20/ 10– 0–0
A year’s produce of 25. hands then is  £687– 10–0
Expences to be deducted.
Hire of 25. hands @ 10£       250–0–0
Plantation expences 125–0–0
£375– 0– 0
Deducted leaves clear annual value £312– 10– 0
The life of a person betw. 19. & 30. years of age is 13. years purchse.
 which gives amount of all the annual rects. £4057– 10– 022
This being received by annual paimts. for 13. years may be considered as if
all received at end of 6½ y. so deduct 6½ × 5 = £32–10 from every 135£.
135 : 32–10 : : 4057–10 : £976–16 976– 16– 0
 which leaves value in hand 3080– 14– 0
Deduct value of Elk-hill 1000– 0– 0
 Leaves value of the dower 2080– 14– 0

 Value of the Revn.
Fee simple of Dower lands with Elk hill at £  
 20 years purchase is £312–10 × 20 = 6340– 0– 023
 Deduct value of Dower and Elk hill 3080– 14– 0
 leaves Value of the Reversion 3259– 6– 0
Aug. 4. 1773. My library.24
vols .
In the Mahogany book case with glass doors  510
Walnut bookcase in N. W. corner of room 180
Walnut bookcase in N. E. corner of room 224
Shelves in N. W. corner of room 151
Shelves in N. E. corner of room 131
Lent out 42
Lying about 18
in all  1256  vols.
Note this does not include vols. of Music; nor my books in Williamsburgh.
      Hints for contracts with Overseers.25
Pay part of harvest expences, liquor & reaping.
He shall let his emploier have his share of grain at a fixed price.
He shall not have his share till enough is taken out to sow.
Allow a share for every plough boy & horse, or for every two horses, where no boy.
To have at the rate of a share for every 8. hands till it gets to 2. shares, and never to have more.
Allowance 400 ℔ pork if single, 500 ℔ if marrd.
To be turned off at any time of year if misbehaves on paying 30/ per month for the time past.
To pay for carrying own tobo. to market.
To pay for carriage of all refused tobacco.

On accurate settlement of Gustavus’s26 age with F. Willis we find he was foaled in the spring 1763.

Valuators of the Bedford lands. Charles Lynch, Jeremiah Early, William Austin and John Talbot, Edmund Winstown.


Charge G. Dudley    corn.
Jan. 8. I have recd. from T. Garth & Mousley this winter 250 barrels 4. bushels of corn.
Charge my mother    of the above delivered her.
Charge her also a quarter of stalled beef bot. of Pet. Marks @ 20/ pr. C. & delivd. her this day. It weighed    .
Charge her likewise 5 hogs, 724 ℔ gross pork @ 25/ delivd. this day.
Likewise 2 hogs delivered at different times last month, their weight not known but supposed to average with these viz. 145 ℔ and so the two are 290 ℔.
11. Likewise charge her two hogs recd. of T. Garth this day, wt. 276 ℔ gross.
Charge G. Dudley 4. hogs delivd. him this day by T. Garth on my acct. wt. 478 ℔ gross @ 25/.
12. Repd. Mrs. Gilmer 6/.
15. Gave Ben Calvert a note for 25/ my acct. to this day which he purposed to give to J. Moore or T. Garth.
Note I assumed at last Alb. ct. to pay for Jno. Day to Jno. Spencer £5. out of which I have ansd. to Pet. Marks 1. galln. rum 6/.
Pd. John Burras 2/6.
Memm. of butter had from Mrs. Wallace in the fall.
in our pot (as by her letter) 8 ℔
our pot and butter 14½ ℔, the pot alone 5 ℔, so was 9½ ℔ butter.
the pail & butter (as she sais) 30 ℔, the pail   so was   ℔ butter.
17. Give Rob. Page credit [. . .] assump. 30/. Note I allow him 10/ [. . .] bush. wheat and charge him 40/ for 4 days of [. . . .]
Jan. 18. Charge Mr. Bryan goods from Div[ers] £2–14–2¼.
<Jan.> <18.> <Dalton v. Lucas. Credit him 12/6 recd. Nov. 8 and entd. in rough book, but omitted in fee book.>
20. Pd. at Byrd ord. old balce. 2/6.
21. Pd. ferrge. at Woodson’s 1/3.
Bot. Ursula, and her sons George and Bagwell of Fleming’s estate for £210.28 12. month’s credit.
Pd. ferrge. at Michaux’29 1/3.
22. Pd. for corn at Byrd ord. 7½d.
26. Charge Geo. Dudley 12½ barrels corn the whole delivd. this year—Richd. Sorrels witness.
I am to pay Wm. Page 10/ for bringing things from Wmsburgh. for myself.
Also 10/ for Randolph Jefferson for bringing his bed and trunk up frm. Wmsburgh.
29. Sold Sandy to Colo. Chas. Lewis for £100. paiable in June, from which deduct £9–4–8 my present debt with him, leaves £90–15–4. to be recvd.
Jan. 31. On settling Anderson Bryan’s acct. till Feb. 4. at wch. time will be done, he is in my debt 3/9 which give up.
Lent him 10/ to be charged for future work.
<Feb.> <1.> <Henry Walker (Mecklenburgh) v. John Kemp (Mecklenbgh.). Bring actn. on the Case. Dam. £200.>
Feb. 1. Pd. T. Morgan 6/.
Pd. entertt. at Byrd ord. 4/6.
4. Gave Jup. to pay smith near Tuckahoe 1/3.
11. Pd. Bishop for bringing letters 1/6.
14. Pd. George Bradby for corn 5/9.
15. Pd. ferrge. at Warwick30 3/.
Pd. for oats at do. 1/6.
Gave waterman at Tuckahoe 1/6.
17. Pd. for corn at Byrd ord. 9d.
19. Charge Rd. Sorrels 2 galls. 1 qt. Molasses.
20. Pd. Wm. Page for Rand. Jeff. 10/.
Pd. him for myself 10/.
22. I am debtor this day to W. Reynolds £7–19–3.
24. Charge Rd. Sorrels pd. T. Garth £1–6–7½d.
Note I accepted Dabney Minor’s order in favor of Jason Bococke paiable by T. Garth for £28–10 & interest till pd.—deduct £8–10 by his and T. Garth’s desire and only charge him £20.
25. Recd. of W. Terril Lewis old balce. 2/.
26. Gave following orders on George Divers
Richard Sorrels £10–8
Wm. Reynolds £7–19–3
Mrs. Wallace 30/
John Spencer on acct. of Jno. Day £4–16
John Swann on acct. Dab. Minor £  .
28. Gave Dr. Allegre order for £5–16 on George Divers on acct. of my mother and took in her note.
Pd. at Dr. Allegre’s31 provn. for servt. and horses last night 6/3.
Pd. do. at Byrd ord. 7½d.
March 1. Sold my mare Cuthona32 to Colo. T. M. Rand. for a mule and £15.
Note when I was down last I sold him my colt Arontyoony for a mule and £10.
March. 4. 33 Pd. entertt. ferrge., & old acct. at Lawton’s 9/3.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
10. Gave Jup. to buy bread 1/6.
12. Pd. Matt. Davenport for mendg. watch 3/9.
Pd. at Mrs. Charlton’s for crooked comb 3/9.
Pd. at Mrs. Rathall’s for combs 10/9.
13. Pd. Mrs. Smith in full
Pd. ferrge. at Southall’s 3/6.
Pd. do. for Mr. Carr 2/.
16. Gave Jup. to buy bread 1/9¾.
26. Pd. at Peers’s for oats 1/.
27. Pd. at Allegre’s for do. 1/.
29. Charge Richd. Sorrels my assumpsit to pay Mr. Henry his fee 50/ in the suit of Sowell v. Davenport.
31. The Debit of D. Minor’s acct.this day is £136–16–4. The credits as collected in a hurry are £74–15. Gave him my promisory note for £62–1–4, the balance with interest from last Christmas.
✓ Apr. 1. Charge Mrs. Jeff. pd. W. Hickman for cow and calf she purchased as pr. his receipt £3–15–6.
On final settlement of all accounts with W. Hickman this day I owe him £1–14–2 and he is still to have an order for his share of 1. hhd. tobo. made in 1771. for which has never had order. See acct. settled and signed by him.
2. Joel Terril presents me D. Minor’s order in favor of Jno. Spenser drawn July 11. 1771. which he sais I accepted. This was omitted in the settlemt. above. It is for £3. I answered it to Terril, so charge Minor.
Mr. Anderson charges me £1–12–6 to Ben. Calvard Sep. 14. 1772. & £2 to Jno. Day Sep. 15. 1772. Qu. if they have accounted to me for it?
Charge Eliz. Jefferson £13–12–1½ answd. for her for goods to this date from Mr. Richd. Anderson.
My balance to Mr. Anderson including the above £44–15–9–¼.
3. Leave the price of 43. barr. corn for Mart. Key in Mr. Wayles’s hand.
Drew the following orders on George Divers
Robt. Sharpe junr. £7–16–6
Bennet Henderson his acct.
Bartlt. Ford £5.
Wm. Dan. Fitz. fr. myself 15/ ✓ fr. Mrs. Jeff. 15/
Jno. Nicholas (for Jno. Moore) £4. Note this settles all accts. to this day between Jno. Moore & myself unless the charge of 16/11½ for a loaf of dble. refd. sugar I lent him shd. be wrong.
Pd. entt. at Byrd ord. 2/9.
4. Pd. oats at Goochld. courthouse 1/3.
9. Pd. ferriage at Southalls 3/6.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
Apr. 10. Pd. at Coffeehouse 7½d.
11. Pd. a boy for findg. book 2/3.
Anthony Winston acknold. to me this day that he was indebted to the estate of Mr. Skelton £30. for a horse, and will pay interest.
12. Pd. Julius Shard 15/.
Gave negro in the streets 3¾d.
13. Pd. Mr. Ferguson for lemons 10/.
Pd. ferrge. & gave ferrymen at Lawton’s 4/.
16. Pd. ferrge. & entertt. at Lawton’s 7/.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
19. Pd. Miss Hunter for 2. caps and box for A. S. Jeff. 9/.
Pd. do. for cap & propn. of box for my wife 4/3.
20. Gave Robt. Nicholson my bond for £90–14–7.
Note this included £2–1–7½ for Randolph Jefferson which therefore charge to him.
Pd. Jno. May clerks’ tickets for petn. v. Frame 8/.
Pd. Mrs. Rathell for 2 pr. scissars 11/6.
21. Pd. at Coffee house 7½d.
22. Pd. Mrs. Charlton £2–2–9.
Pd. Walter Lenox £1–7–6.
23. Pd. for lemons 6/.
Pd. ferrge. &c. at Lawton’s 4/6.
24. Pd. Cuffy at Shirly for baskets lost 2/6.
25. Gave Anderson Bryan order on Neill Campbell for Sagathy34 or Duroy35 to make 2. coats & 2. vests.
1. peice nankeen.36 trimmings.
4. pr. thread hose.
1. pr. shoes.
2. yds. cambrick.
which charge to him.
26. Pd. ferrge. & entertt. at Lawton’s 5/3.
Gave ferrymen 7½d.
Pd. arrears of ferrge. at Barret’s 4/.
27. Pd. Mr. Tucker for F. H. C. foundation37 40/.
29. Pd. Edmd. Dickinson38 26/.
Pd. Mr. Clayton39 clerk’s ticket in a petn. for my fee Harvey v. Seawell 8/9.
30. Pd.  Holliday40 for mending chair &c. £4–1–9.
Pd. James Maury for Philadelphia newspapers 15/.
May 4. Recd. of Mr. Hart £32–1–6 the balance due me on Blaine’s bond.
Pd. Mr. Hart for Charles Kennedy for Isaac’s hire for 1772. £10.
Pd. Roger Atkinson41 for Benson Fearon £[ ]–10.
Pd. John Lewis on order of Stephen Willis £7.
May 5. Pd. James Southall £3–4–2.
Pd. treasurer of Virginia Philosoph. society42 18/.
Recd. of Mr. Cocke my wages for last session of assembly £9–17.
Pd. Mr. Cocke my acct. £4–2–7½.
Pd. Mr. Millar 1/3.
Pd. for ticket to Graham’s lecture on the eye43 5/9.
Pd. club in arrack 1/3.
Bot. of Reuben Lindsay 5758 ℔ tobo. @ 18/ which comes to £51–16–6.
Sold the same to Richd. Squire Taylor @ 17/ which comes to £48–18–10. The loss is £2–17–8.
6. Pd. Benjamn. Bucktrout £2–3–9.
Recd. of Richd. Sq. Taylor £48–18–10.
Pd. Colo. Brooke assee. of Geo. Lorrimore assee. of Jerman Baker my note for the horse bot. of Kennon £52–10.
7. Pd.  Holliday chairmaker 6/3.
Recd. of Colo. Jno. Prentis £150. for which gave him bill of exchange44 on Lidderdale for £120. sterl.
Pd. Colo. Prentis his own acct.    £76– 8– 9.
Pd. do. for Joseph Kidd 18– 2– 3.
Pd. do for Alexr. Craig 21– 12– 9.
Pd. do. for James Hubbard 6– 13– 6.
Pd. Doctor Pasteur £1–10–3.
Promised to pay Colo. R. Randolph at the July meeting for Jno. Hawkins £100. Of this £63–3–8 was applied to take in my bond to Dabney Minor assnd. to Hawkins & £36–16–4. applied to my bond to Garrett Minor assnd. to him.
Pd. Mr. Everard for writ taxes £4–7–6.
Pd. Mr. Richd. Adams £26.
Pd. Mr. Gedley £2–10.
Pd. club at dinner at Mrs. Campbells 5/.
Pd. Cain the blind harper 1/3.
Recd. of George Divers by Mr. Crumpe in part of Colo. Lewis’s order £35.
Pd. Mr. Cowper for Benjamin Baker my assumpsit for Joshua Kendall £15.
Pd. Miss Dickerson for Mr. Gilchrist on the order of Capt. T. Woodford45 £15.
Pd. Mr. Ferguson for lemons 6/.
Pd. Mr. Frazer on the order of James Vaughan £6–19–1½.
Pd. Mrs. Rathell for sundries 20/.
Pd. Mrs. Vobe 5/.
Pd. Mrs. Smith £1–14–3.
Gave Jupiter to pay Moyer the baker 6/3.
Gave do. to buy hempen rolls 7½d.
May 7. Pd. Mrs. Smith for making shirt for Jup. 1/6.
8. Pd. ferrge. at Barret’s & gave ferrymen 4/1½.
Borrowed of Danl. Hylton46 1/.
9. Charge Anderson Bryan my note to Wilkins the taylor to pay for making clothes.
Things taken from N. Campbell’s by Anderson Bryan under my note of Apr. 25. come to £7–13–8.
16. Mr. D. Carr died this day abt. 12. o’clock.47
17. Pd. storage at public warehouse Richmd. for flour and biscuit 7/.
Pd. entt. at Gunn’s48 5/3.
21. Pd. entt. at Byrd ord. 2/6.
George Manly began to work for me the 15th. of this month. We made no agreement but I shall be willing to give him from ten to twelve pounds a year.
26. Charge Dab. Minor for a whip saw wch. cost me 50/ of J. M[arks].
28. Pd. George Dudley 37/6.
Recd. of Colo. J. Payne a bad 20/ bill which he sais I paid him.
29. Pd. entertt. at Gun’s 2/.
31. Pd. George Bradby for corn & [horse hire 20/?].
Mr. Wayles died the 28th. inst. between the hours of 11. and 12. A. M.
June 1. Gave Jup. to pay ferrge. at Shirly 1/.
6. Gave ferrymen at Lorton’s 1/3.
7. Pd. Purdie for Mclurgh on the bile49 10/.
Pd. do. for Entick’s spelling dict.50 5/ which charge to Anderson Bryan.
Pd. Kift for cutting hair 5/.
9. Pd. hair dresser 1/3.
10. Pd. Rose librarian to the Council for April 10/.
Pd. Mr. Blair for copy ord. counc. in Bland v. Hall & Mrs. Harris 10/9.
Pd. do. for Wm. Speirs (to supply deficiency in his money) for ord. council Speirs v. Langford 9d.
Doctor Walker sent me £4–19–3 of which £4–10–4 was to be applied to returng. May Burton’s 500. as. The remaing. 6/11 give him credit.
Pd. at S. O. for Joel Terril returning his 220. as. £3–1–2 which leaves still a small balance due to him from me.
Pd. for Wm. Wood at S. O. returning his 70. as. 22/2.
Pd. for Patrick Moreton at S. O. returng. his 397. as. £3–18–8.
Pd. at S. O. returng. my own 157. as. for Natural bridge £2–15–4.
Pd. Greenhow for wire 3/9.
Pd. boy for finding horse 1/3.
11. Sold Mr. Tazewell books amountg. to £22 and gave James Anderson order for the money.
Sold J. Cocke51 (a young man studying law under Mr. Waller) books amountg. to £20.
Pd. Mat. Davenport for mendg. watch 7/6.
Pd. Mrs. Smith 10/ which was 3/ too much.
June 11. Pd. Mrs. Nicholas for myself.
Pd. do. for Mrs. Eppes 7/.
Pd. do. for Nancy Wayles52.
Pd. ferrge. &c. at Barret’s 3/9.
Pd. do. for York53 for myself 1/.
Pd. Barret Ben’s ferriage going for Dr. Sequeyra54 for Mr. Wayles wch. charge 1/.
Pd. Lorton do. wch. charge 1/.
Pd. him do. old and new acct. in full for myself 15/3.
13. Pd. negro for wooden bowl at Forest 3/.
14. Pd. Capt. Younghusband for Enfeild’s sermons55 11/6.
15. Pd. Everard Meade in boot between the Phaeton and chariot £8.
20. Gave Jupiter to pay ferrge. at Shirley 1/.
21. Pd. a taylor for cutting out clothes for Bob56 9d.
July 5. Gave Mrs. J.57 3¾d.
9. Pd. Jamey at Forest for two mockg. birds 11/6.
10. Pd. George Bradby in full for corn 26/.
Gave Wilkins the taylor an order on N. Campbell for £2–12–6 which charge to Anderson Bryan, it being for clothes made for him under my note ante May 9.58
12. Gave servt. Tuckahoe 2/6.
14. Gave Jup. to pay a smith (Rob. Moore) near Mrs. Harris’s59 1/3.
15. Gave Mrs. Jeff. 1/3.
16. Pd. for sundries at Murray’s store 17/.
Pd. ferrge. &c. at Michaux’ ferry 3/6.
19. Pd. Colo. Payne the bill recd. June 2860 20/.
Pd. Hierom Gaines 5/.
Pd. entertt. at Goochld. Ct. house 4/9.
20. Gave old Crouch at Mrs. Carr’s 7½d.
24. Pd. Mrs. Gehee for chickens 5/9.
26. Inclosed Mrs. Hail for geese 14/.
Charge G. Dudley   20. ells hempen rolls.
15. ells oznabrigs.
29. Pd. Geo. Dudley 20/.
Gave order on George Divers in favor of Wm. Hickman for £3–15–6¾ which discharges the balance of all dealings from the beginning of the world to this day. (Note I delivd. order to W. Mousley who had an order from Hickman for it.)
31. Pd. Mr. Carter’s Ned for Mrs. Jefferson senr. as per order taken in 6/.
Aug. 3. <Inclosed James Austin to pay Mrs. Sims for ducks.>
Gave James Steptoe (to whom I am indebted £5.) order on Fras. Thorpe for that sum, which he owed for law-services.
12. Pd. Peter Marks 6/.
Assumed to pay Richd. Anderson for George Dudley.
Promised Richd. Woods to retain in my hands of G. Dudley’s money but not so as to bind myself.
Charge G. Dudley 7/6 I am to pay Mr. Carr’s estate for him.
Credit Mr. Carr’s estate by G. Dudley 7/6.
17. Pd. S. Matthews for pr. of gloves 7/.
19. Pd. at Matthews’s entertt. £1–13–3.
Pd. John Frogg’s apprentice 24/7½.
Gave servants at S. Matthews’s 2/6.
Gave Jamieson at Woods’s gap61 for oats &c. 3/.
Aug. 22. Pd. Phill for 18½ bush. oats bot. of Sampson 28/.
24. Sent W. Reynolds for butter in full 8/3.
Charge Mrs. Jefferson 13 bush. 1. peck shelled corn delivered yesterday.
Having mislaid George Dudley’s agreemt. signed by himself sometime in the fall of 1772. I will here set it down as well as I can recollect it. He was to make me during the years 1773 & 1774 100,000 workeable bricks, such a proportion of them to be stocks, and such a proportion place bricks as I should direct. Also I was to direct how many shd. be made in 1773 & how many in 1774. I was to waggon in his wood, when he had cut it, was to pay him 14/ a hundred for his place bricks, and as much more for the stocks as Stephen Willis should adjudge and I was to advance him as much during his work as would buy him provns. to carry it on. Note he has a copy verbatim of our agreemt. signed by myself—I directed him to make 50. M. bricks in 1773.
Charge G. Dudley ½ barrel corn delivd. this day 5/.
28. Gave Dick Merion 5/9.
30. Pd. Mrs. Collins for making gowns for A. S. Jefferson 9/.
31. Sent (by Jupiter) to William Moreton being to pay part of the money due to Reuben Lindsay for tobo. purchased ante May 5. £15.
Sep. 6. Wm. McGehees Debt to Donalds & co. is £15–14–1 with intt. besides costs of the suit to foreclose the mge. but Mr. Shepard tells me there is a tobo. note of 744 ℔ transfer tobo. to be credited.62
Pd. entertt. at Amherst C. H. 3/7½.
Pd. Hugh Rose for carrying hhd. tobo. for Mr. Wayles’s estate which charge to estate 5/9.
Pd. Charles Lambert towards discharging my note to Hugh Daugherty 6£.
Gave Jup. to buy cakes 7½d.
7. Pd. ferriage at Davies’s ferry63 in Bedford 1/.
8. Pd. Smith at Poplar Forest 7½d.
9. Pd. entertt. at New London 5/4½.
Say pd. James Steptoe by law fund £5.
10. Left with John Strong to be paid Mrs. Gooding the midwife 40/ which charge to Mr. Wayles’s estate.
13. Pd. ferrge. at Lynch’s 1/.
Recd. of Robt. Anderson which balances accts. 7½d.
15. Say pd. James Tremble by law fund for making survey of my entry on Natural bridge 41/8.
16. Allowed in Settling Sam Woods’s acct. £3–12–0–½ assumd. formerly for George Dudley which therefore charge him.
18. Sent Joel Terril by his son 14/9 which strikes balance.
Gave my note to Garth & Mousley to allow them at our next settlemt. what they pay R. Harvie for Thos. Morgan, so charge T. Morgan with it.
Pd. Lucy (which is 1/ too much) 6/.
19. My balance due to S. Taliaferro this day is £3–14–3 for which gave him my note.
Sep. 20. Pd. Hierom Gaines 12/.
25. Pd. John Miller for Mrs. Jefferson (as pr. rect.) 3/.
Pd. John Martin for A. S. Jefferson 7/.
Say pd. Richd. Anderson by Law fund 21/6.
27. Say pd. J. Walker by Lawfund £2–18–3.
Say pd. do. by order on Andrew Defoe 3/2 over & above the beforementd. sum.
My order on George Divers in favr. of Wm. Dan. Fitz not having been paid re-charge Divers.
Gave note to Rd. Anderson in favr. of Fitz for 30/.
<Mr. Lewis values the two cows of Rd. Sorrels taken in exn. by J. Henderson.>
Credit Richd. Sorrels 1. day’s work of Billy Sorrels.
28. Dr. Gilmer’s accts. which I am to pay
£  s   d
for myself 4– 14 –7
for Stephen Willis 0– 4 –6
for my mother 8– 6 –0
for Eliz. Jefferson 0– 16 –0
for A. S. Jefferson 0– 7 –6
for Dabney Carr’s estate       23– 13 –0
£38– 1 –7.
Charge the above sums to their proper accts. when paid.
Mr. Lewis and T. Garth valued the two cows & calf yesterday which I bot. of Rich. Sorrels & the sheriff (by whom they were in exn.) @ £4–16–3.
29. Recd. of Gabriel Jones by the hands of Mr. Harvie £50. for repaimt. of which I gave my bond.
Assumed to pay R. Harvie for my mother as per his acct. rendd. £29–17–11¾. We are to settle whether intt. be allowable.
Took an appointmt. of 11 slaves from my mother, revocable by her last will & paimt. of all monies she shall owe me.64
30. Pd. surveior of Alb. for Hugh & Peter Rose for copy of works in Roses v. Lifely 2/6.
Octob. 2. Pd. Randall Johnson for brickwork 21/6.
Recd. a cask of Peach-brandy from N. Lewis containing 33. galls.
4. Pd. Robt. Anderson for milk pans 3/.
5. Inclosed to Reuben Lindsay for Wm. Dalton £37–8–2¼.
Pd. Thos. West by hands of Jas. Weeks £5–10 wch. is 6½d more than I owed him.
Pd. Robt. Sharpe in full for the lands at the Limestone quarry 45/.
Pd. him also for wheat 10/.
Bot. Thomas Walker65 a convict servant of Peter Marks for which I am to pay him £50. next April.
I owe H. Mullins this day on settlement £3–13–9 which pay to R. Harvie.
Pd. George Manly 5/.
Pd. Phill for chickens 5/ (still owe 1/).
8. Pd. Mrs. Ogilvie for ribbon & gauze 5/6.
Pd. Thos. Wilkins for Anderson Bryan in consequence of my note of May 9. £2–12–6.
Pd. Dr. Brown for Sago66 7/6.
10. Pd. ferrge. & entertt. at Southall’s 8/6.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
Oct. 12. Assumed to pay Rob. Prentis for John Brown £9–16–3.
16. Charge Anderson Bryan a case of pocket instruments bot. at Printing office £1–15.
18. Gave in charity 2/6.
19. Pd. Eastern shoreman for 10. bush. oats 11/8.
20. Sent to Purdie’s printg. office to pay for Blackstone67 28/9.
Pd. Mrs. Smith 20/.
Say pd. Mr. Henry for Richd. Davenport to be charged to R. Sorrels by law fund 50/.
21. Pd. Elkanah Deane68 for mending chariot £3–7.
Pd. at Coffee house 7½d.
22. Pd. at Coffee h. 7½d.
23. Pd. ferrge. & entertt. at Southall’s 10/6.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
24. Lent Mr. Skipwith 5/.
Pd. Aggey balance of horse hire 2/6.
Pd. entertt. and ferrge. at Southall’s 14/.
Gave ferrymen 1/3.
Sent to baker 3¾d.
25. Sent to baker 7½d.
Pd. a barber 5/9.
26. Sent to baker 7½d.
Pd. barber 18/3.
28. Sent to the baker 7½d.
Pd. Mr. Henley for books 28/1½.
Oct. 29. My bond to Garrett Minor is assigned to George Stubblefeild July 12. 1773.—Note it was for £181–2–0–¾ Sep. 16. 1771. & there is credit indorsed for £36–16–4 pd. May 7. 1773. Credit also £5–5 for 2. petns. empld. in by Jno. Hawkins.
Pd. Peter Lyons 16/3 a fee in the suit J. Wayles’s exrs. v. Donald, but note the greater part69 of the money is due to B. Skelton’s estate so divide charge between them.
Pd. Capt. Necks for D. Carr’s estate for a pr. of buttons £1–17–6.
Pd. do. my own acct. £3–6–3 but there is still due to him 3/9.
Say pd. Alexr. Craig by Law fund 50/.
30. Pd. Mrs. Nicholas for Anne Wayles wch. charge to H. Skipwith 30/.
Gave Jupiter to pay Mr. Allen70 for candles 7/6.
Pd. Bishop for bringg. letter 1/3.
Pd. at Coffee h. 7½d.
Nov. 1. Pd. Garld. Carr71 for a docket 30/.
2. Pd. G. Wythe for F. Eppes for opinion on his father’s will 20/.
Pd. J. Page 9/6 which I expect will make the books I sold him equal to those he is to import for me.
Pd. Samuel Williams72 £3. he having purchased 6. wethers for Mr. Wayles’s estate by order of Mr. Cox. Note I am to have some wethers of Cox, so take credit in the account for this paimt. to Williams.
Nov. 2. The exrs. of Pet. Randolph indebted to me for books this day sold to Beverley Randolph73 £10–0–6. (Note the Statutes at large74 price £6. not yet delivered.)
3. Recd. from John Mclanahan an assignmt. of George Stubblefeild’s bond to him for £27–8 with intt. from Apr. 25. 1773 which therefore set off against my bond to Garrett Minor assigned to Stubblefeild as before Oct. 29.
Gave Jno. Mclanahan my bond for £27–8 with intt. from Apr. 25. 1773. but indorsed on it £5–10–9 by way of credit which was due from Robt. Mclanahan junr.
Say pd. Jno. Mclanahan the £5–10–9 beforementd. by Law fund.
Postd. Lent Andrew Defoe which charge to Will Beck 6/.
4. Pd. Greenhow for sundries 7/6.
5. Pd. Mr. Everard for Writ taxes 40/.
Note charge 2/6 of it to Mr. Wayles’ estate for caveat v. Lynch.
Pd. Rose librarian of Council 10/.
Pd. Baker 3/1½.
Pd. shoemaker 1/6.
Pd. Dedup75 the taylor 6/6.
6. Pd. the Staymaker £2–15.
Pd. Mrs. Smith £1–1–6.
Gave Suckey 6/.
<Gave Jup. to buy black pins.>
Gave old negro 3¾d.
Pd. Holliday the chairmaker 8/.
Gave my bond to the Honble. Robt. Carter for £27–10 wth. intt. from Nov. 1. 1771. Note this was for a hhd. of wine I bought then of him.
Pd. Southall old & new acct. of ferrge. 19/6.
12. Pd. dinner at Richmond fair 6/.
13. Pd. at Trent’s76 for needles 1/3.
Pd. at Bryce’s for do. 5/.
Pd. at Gunn’s for fodder 1/.
16. Pd. for oysters at Forest £1–12–6.
23. Pd. Stith Gregory clerk’s ticket 50. ℔ tobo. as exr. of B. Skelton 6/3. Charge to his estate.77
27. Pd. ferrge., entertt. &c. at Lorton’s 11/6.
28. Pd. for bread 3¾d.
29. Pd. Thos. Pleasants exr. of Dr. Ellis for medicine & attendance on Anna Scott Jefferson £7–15–9 which charge to estate.
Charge Mr. Wayles’s estate 50/ for which it has credit by me in Banks’s acct.
I am this day taken in by Augustine Claiborne as a partner with himself Matthew Talbot and William Owen in an order of council for 40,000 as. of land in Augusta on Little river dated Nov. 5. 1750. Note there are three others named in the order, but they were only nominal and he supposes Talbot or Owen to be dead, so that I shall come in for 10,000 as. at least.78
29. Gatewood v. Lindsay. Recd. 50/ to act as arbitrator.
Nov. 30. Pd. barber 2/.
Pd. Alexr. Buchanan for John Orr £2–1–1½.
Pd. Mr. Millar for sundries 24/.
Dec. 1. Richd. Randolph (Henrico) v. Osgood Hanbury, James Balfour &  Barraud. Drew bill of injn. for which charge him 50/ of Duval’s money in my hands.79
Lent Anderson Bryan 6/.
Assumed to Robt. Anderson for him 4/6.
Recd. of Richd. Hanson for D. Carr’s estate £3–4.
Pd. John Tazewell a fee ads. George Donald 20/.
Pd. barber 1/3.
Pd. for dinner at Mrs. Campbell’s 6/.
2. Recd. of James Balfour admr. of Philip Watson 31/3 for D. Carr’s estate.
Pd. Mrs. Rind80 in full £3–14.
Pd. Mr. Madison81 for a Surveyor’s commn. for Anderson Bryan 26/3 which charge to Bryan.
3. Recd. of Jacob Faulcon £390. for my bill82 on Farrell & Jones for £300 sterl. paiable to Jacob Faulcon & co.
Pd. G. Wythe for Jno. Coles £5.
Pd. do. for Sam Dalton which charge to Doctr. T. Walker £4.
Pd. J. Blair for my order of council    0– 10 –9
 for 25. Summ. wrote for Feb. 12. 7– 3 –9
 for 27. N. Sum. in old cav. 7– 15 –3
 for 9 Sum. in cav. nw. entd. 2– 11 –9
£18– 1 –6
Pd.    for Dr. Gilmer the following sums, to wit. (See ante Sep. 28.)

for myself £4– 14 –7
for Stephen Willis 0– 4 –6
for my mother 8– 6 –0
for Eliz. Jefferson 0– 16 –0
for A. S. Jefferson 0– 7 –6
for Dab. Carr’s estate       23– 13 –0
£38– 1 –7

Pd. David Coupland £4–18–3.
Pd. Capt. T. Woodford £23–18–6.
Pd. George Parke for Richd. Adams to be applied to credit of Stephen Willis £10.
Pd. James Craig £7–7–9.
Pd. Julius Shard £8–3–6.
Pd. Capt. Necks for 2. lanthorns and a former balance in full £1–15.
Pd. Robt. Prentis for Jno. Brown £9–16–3.
Pd. Mrs. Hunter for stockings 10/.
Pd. Reuben Lindsay for Nichs. Lewis £30.
Pd. Robert Anderson £20.
Pd. Patrick Coutts £[ ]–16.
Pd. Mrs. Rathell for clasps 5/.
Dec. 3. Pd. Colo. Brooke for Semple’s exrs. for books £53–11.83
Pd. Wm. Mitchell for Robert Baine £15–6–3. See the acct. & charge the persons therein mentd. viz. Richard Scott £4. Joell Terril £3. Sam. Taliaferro £7–10–9.
Pd. Capt. Walker £15–3 in full which includes 6 ℔ tea not yet delivd.
Pd. Mrs. Vobe for James Syms in full £12–18–6.
Pd. at Sec.’s office for Andr. Defoe to be charged to Jno. Walker 3/.
Pd. at do. for May Burton £5–2 there being 575. as. Note I received £4–19–3 of Doctr. Walker so I must charge him the balance 2/9 therefore correct the entry of June 10.
Pd. Alexr. Purdie £10.
Pd. Ninian Minzies £10.
Gave Richd. Charlton order on John Johnson for £8–13–9 which if paid pass to credit of D. Carr’s estate because it was part of money due him.
Note 10/ of the above was for curls for A. S. Jefferson, so must be charged.
Pd. entertt. at Mrs. Vobe’s 3/9.
Pd. Philip Mazzei84 for anchovies 40/ which leaves him 1/ in my debt.
4. Pd. John Brown (my agent) in full £9–1–9.
Pd. Skinner for oranges 6/.
Pd. Barrett old & new acct. 11/.
Recd. of Mr. Skipwith 5/.
Gave ferry men 2/.
Pd. Lorton old & new acct. 14/9.
5. Pd. Perkins at Shirley old & new ferriages 2/.
6. Pd. for chickens at Forest 10/7½.
7. Pd. ferrges. & gave ferry men at Shirley 5/1.
9. Sent my note to Capt. R. Walker to pay him for Anderson Bryan £10–19–2½.
10. Pd. ferrges. at Shirley 1/3.
12. Recd. of James Buchanan for D. Carr’s estate £8–3–6 due for business done for James Buchanan & co.
Pd. James Buchanan on my own acct. £8–3–6.
Pd. entertt. &c. at Gunn’s 6/3.
Pd. ferrge. &c. at Richmond 2/6.
Pd. entertt. at Roper’s in Warwick 3/3.
13. Pd. entertt. at the Negro’s arm85 2/10½.
Pd. do. at do. for H. Skipwith 2/10½.
14. Sent Rob. Moore for shoeing a horse 2/6.
16. Pd. ferriages at Jno. Woodson’s <which H. Skipwith is to repay me> for Mr. Wayles’s estate 4/.
17. Pd. George Carrington for copy Processioning86 the Willis’s creek land which charge to J. Wayles’s estate 1/3.
23. Pd. at Hylton’s store for wrappers 1/6.
24. Gave a boy at Phelps’s ordinary 7½d.
25. Pd. Martin Key £28.
Dec. 27. Agreed with Richard James to purchase his 300. as. of land adjoining my Tomahawk lands in Bedford for which I am to give him whatever Charles Lynch, William Austin & Daniel Gaines shall say they are worth.87

      Mrs. Jefferson’s receipts & paimts.
Jan. Pd. Hickman’s Bob for trays 1/7.
12. Pd. Squire for cucumbers 3¾d for 5. doz. eggs 1/6.
Pd. Hickman’s Bob for 8. ℔ hops 6/.
17. Pd. McGehee for chickens 2/6.
Aug. 8. Pd. Mr. Carter’s man for 4. ducks 1/3.
Sep. 1. Pd. do. for 8 chickens 2/6.
2. Pd. Phill for chickens 6/.
10. Pd. Mr. Lewis’s Giles for 15 chickens 5/.
15. Pd. Amy for 20 ℔ soap 12/6.
Oct. 4. Gave Ursula to buy sugar 1/3—pd. Betty 2 doz. eggs 7½d.
Pd. Aggy horse hire 12/6 pd. Jupiter 4/6.
Gave a poor woman 1/3
Borrowed of Jupiter 5/  borrowed of do. 3/9.
Borrowed of Martin 1/.
27. Pd. Mrs. Charlton for 2 caps £3–4 stomacher 11/.
Pd. do. for patent net 4/6.
Pd. Mrs. Hunter for a cap 15/ a gun 2/6 3 Dolls 3/.
Nov. 15. Pd. Mrs. Parker £1–10.
Gave Isabel 1/3.
Pd. Jenny for soap 1/3.
Pd. for eggs 3¾d.
Pd. for knitting needles 6d.
Dec. 18. Pd. Mrs. Parker £1–10.
Pd. Martin for 4. pr. knitting needles 1/.
Gave Mrs. Parker to buy rice 7½d.

5With exceptions as noted, TJ marked out all legal entries for 1773 using the method discussed in note 1, MB 1767, legal notations.

6The total of the given figures is £1,279– 10–2.

7 Articuli super chartas was an English statute enacted during the reign of Edward i (28 Edw. i, st. 3) relating to the Magna Charta (Black, Law Dictionary, p. 146 description begins Henry C. Black, Black’s Law Dictionary, 3d. ed., St. Paul, 1933 description ends ).

8“Memms. posted”: probably the Case Book description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Case Book, 1767-1774,” 192 bound quarto leaves containing records of 939 cases. Indexed. CSmH description ends .

9The reason for TJ’s inventory of the library collected by William Byrd ii of Westover and in the possession of William Byrd iii is not known. TJ later acquired a number of titles from this collection, the largest private library in Virginia (Sowerby, Nos. 54, 69, 77, 109, 1313, 1832, 2190, 2335, 2464, 4179, 4195 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ; Edwin Wolf, “The Dispersal of the Library of William Byrd of Westover,” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, lxviii [1958], 19-106).

10Correctly £27–13–0.

11See Farm Book, p. 106 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends , for a similar entry.

12Several blank lines follow this entry.

13There is no catalogue of the library at The Forest. For titles TJ acquired from John Wayles’ collection, see Sowerby, Nos. 1284, 1535, 1542, 1719, 1722, 1832, 1903, 1952, 1956, 1958, 2185, 2887, 3564, 3575, 3576, 4694, 4713 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends .

14Correctly £219–9.

15Few records of the estate of John Wayles, who died 28 May 1773, are available for examination. The Charles City County records for the period have been lost, as were the Wayles papers at Eppington in the mid-1800s. The only information on the size and distribution of the estate, besides the calculations here, is in TJ’s surviving correspondence and financial records and in Wayles’ will, printed in Tyler’s Quarterly, vi (1924-25), 268-70.

Wayles’ daughter Tabitha predeceased him and her husband Robert Skipwith, by a codicil in the will, received a cash settlement of £250. The surviving children, Martha Jefferson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Francis) Eppes, and Anne (Mrs. Henry) Skipwith, shared equally in the estate and its debts.

Martha Jefferson’s portion of the Wayles lands amounted to almost 11,000 acres. Apparently only one tract, Stith’s in Charles City County, was sold before the division of the estate, which was completed by Jan. 1774 (Papers, i, 100, 103 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ). In the partition Martha received all the lands in Bedford and Amherst counties and the Willis Creek lands and part of the St. James’ lands in Cumberland County. In addition to her share in the division of the estate, she came into possession of two properties which Wayles had held as tenant by courtesy: Elk Island, to which she had dower rights from her first husband, and Indian Camp, an entailed estate inherited through her mother (MB 22 Feb. 1772, cash accounts, 28 Jan. 1774, legal notations; TJ to Jerman Baker, 22 June 1824).

TJ and Martha soon sold over half this land in an attempt to pay off their share of the debts of the estate. Henry Skipwith bought the St. James’ and Indian Camp lands, giving the Elk Hill plantation as part of the purchase price. The Willis Creek lands were sold in 1790 and in Bedford County TJ retained only the Poplar Forest property (Fee Book: Personal estate account description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Fee Book,” 1767-1774, containing entries pertaining to his law practice. Indexed. Miscellaneous accounts, 1764-1794. 187 bound quarto leaves. CSmH description ends ; MB 5 Oct. 1790).

In the division of the estate TJ and Martha received 135 slaves (Farm Book, p. 7-9 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends ). The number acquired by the other heirs has not been ascertained, but in 1774 Eppes and Skipwith offered 150 slaves from the estate for sale (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 16 June, 20 Oct. 1774 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ).

TJ and Martha appear to have acquired few of Wayles’ personal effects, most of which probably became the property of the Eppeses, who remained in residence at The Forest after Wayles’ death. Other than a few volumes from Wayles’ law library, there is nothing of his either presently at Monticello or recorded in its extensive research files.

On TJ’s lifelong effort to pay off his share of the large debts of the Wayles estate, see MB 25 Nov. 1774 and 3 June 1775, cash accounts, and Papers, xv, 642-77 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends .

In his autobiography TJ wrote that the Wayles inheritance, “after the debts should be paid, which were very considerable, was about equal to my own patrimony, and consequently doubled the ease of our circumstances” (L & B, i, 5 description begins Andrew A. Lipscomb and Albert E. Bergh, eds., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, “Memorial Edition,” Washington, D.C., 1903-1904, 20 vols. description ends ). For a full account of this inheritance which doubled TJ’s assets but more than tripled his debts, see Malone, Jefferson, i, 441-5 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends .

16The Byrd Creek lands included the Elk Hill plantation.

17The deleted totals reflect TJ’s original list of acreages. He later changed some of the figures by overwriting, but never wrote in new totals, which would be 21,084½, 20,754½, and 19,554½. The major source of the difference in totals was the Poplar Forest acreage, which TJ changed from 5,036 to 4,819.

18Correctly £6,707–10.

19The Indian Camp and St. James’ lands were on Swann’s Creek (see MB 28 Jan. 1774, legal notations).

20Correctly 31,399⅔.

21TJ was considering converting Martha Jefferson’s interest in one-third of Elk Island from a life estate to a fee simple, in order that they might sell it and invest in slaves to work the unimproved lands inherited from the Wayles estate (TJ to Farell & Jones, 9 July 1773).

22Correctly £4,062–10–0.

23Correctly £6,250–0–0.

24For a contemporary opinion of this collection, assembled since the 1770 fire at Shadwell, see “Edmund Randolph’s Essay on the Revolutionary History of Virginia (1774-1782),” VMHB, xliii (1935), 122.

25See also “Articles for contracts with overseers,” 22 May 1773, in Betts, Garden Book, p. 40-1 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Philadelphia, 1944 description ends , and a later version in the Farm Book, p. 76 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends .

26On TJ’s carriage horse Gustavus, bought from Francis Willis, see Betts, Farm Book, p. 89-90 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Princeton, N.J., 1953 description ends .

27In the 1773 cash accounts TJ continued his practice of making a marginal check next to transactions for other people, probably when posting to their accounts in the Fee Book description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Fee Book,” 1767-1774, containing entries pertaining to his law practice. Indexed. Miscellaneous accounts, 1764-1794. 187 bound quarto leaves. CSmH description ends and Miscellaneous Accounts.

28TJ evidently attended the sale of slaves of John Fleming (d. 1767) which took place on this date at Maiden’s Adventure, Fleming’s Cumberland (now Powhatan) County estate on the James River (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 24 Dec. 1772; “The Fleming Family,” VMHB, xxiii [1915], 441 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ). Ursula (1737-1800) became the Monticello pastry cook and washerwoman. She and her husband Great George, whom TJ probably bought about this time, had three children: Little George (1759-1799), a blacksmith and later manager of TJ’s nailery; Bagwell (b. 1768), a farm laborer; and Isaac (1775-c. 1849), the slave chronicler of life at Monticello (MB 30 Dec. 1774, cash accounts; Bear, Jefferson at Monticello, p. 3-24 description begins Jefferson at Monticello, ed. James A. Bear, Jr., Charlottesville, Va., 1967 description ends ).

29 Michaux’s ferry crossed the James River from Cumberland (now Powhatan) County to Goochland County, just south of Goochland Courthouse (Papers, ii, 458 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; Böÿe, Map of Virginia description begins Herman Böÿe, Map of the State of Virginia, 1825, corrected 1859, repr. in E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra, A Description of the Country: Virginia Cartographers and Their Maps, 1607-1881, Richmond, 1975 description ends ).

30Warwick was a Chesterfield County town on the south side of the James River several miles below Richmond (TJ MS Map).

31The building that was Giles Allegre’s tavern on the Three Notched Road still stands in northwestern Fluvanna County, about ten miles east of Charlottesville on Mechunk Creek (Woods, Albemarle, p. 10 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

32Cuthona was a character in the Ossianic works of James McPherson. TJ’s enthusiasm for the poems of Ossian, at this time not recognized as a literary hoax, is reflected in the number of horses with Ossianic names in his stables (see Sowerby, No. 4377 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

33Governor Dunmore had called the assembly into emergency session on this date to deal with the problem created by forgeries of the colony’s paper currency. After complimenting Dunmore for bringing the counterfeiters to justice, the assembly then rebuked him for his summary methods (see JHB, 1773-1776, p. ix description begins Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1619-1776, Richmond, 1905-1906, 6 vols. description ends ). They then passed a number of routine bills (Hening, Statutes, viii, 647-52 description begins William Waller Hening, The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, Richmond, 1809-1823, 13 vols. description ends ) before moving on to more important business. On 12 Mch. they voted to form a standing Committee of Correspondence, a fateful step on the road to revolution. Dunmore, outraged at this action, prorogued the assembly on 15 Mch. For TJ’s role in this brief assembly, see Malone, Jefferson, i, 170-1 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends .

34Sagathy was a woolen fabric woven in a four-harness twill, with a lustrous finish; it was usually used for curtains (Fairchild’s Dictionary of Textiles, p. 519 description begins Isabel B. Wingate, Fairchild’s Dictionary of Textiles, 6th ed., New York, 1979 description ends ).

35Duroy was a smooth worsted fabric used for men’s clothing (same, p. 207).

36Nankeen was a durable brownish-yellow cotton fabric, originally made in China (same, p. 407).

37When a student at the College of William and Mary, TJ had been a member of the F. H. C. society, or the Flat Hat Club, as it was nicknamed. Although TJ wrote that the F. H. C., the earliest secret college society in America, “had no useful object,” the collection being made at this time by St. George Tucker evidently had a charitable purpose (TJ to Thomas McAuley, 14 June 1819; Jane Carson, James Innes and His Brothers of the F. H. C. [Williamsburg, Va., 1965], p. 6, 23-5, 68-9).

38The shop of Edmund Dickinson, a cabinetmaker, was on Nicholson Street in Williamsburg on the site of the reconstructed Anthony Hay House.

39This was probably the eminent botanist John Clayton, clerk of Gloucester County (see Case Book, No. 290 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Case Book, 1767-1774,” 192 bound quarto leaves containing records of 939 cases. Indexed. CSmH description ends ).

40 William Holliday & Co., London coachmakers, had opened a shop on Capitol Landing Road (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 9 Apr. 1772 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ).

41 Roger Atkinson, a Petersburg merchant, was Benson Fearon’s half brother (Roger Atkinson Letter Book, ViU).

42The Philosophical Society for the Advancement of Useful Knowledge, Virginia’s first scientific society, had recently been formed after the model of the American Philosophical Society. The first president of the society, which languished during the Revolution, was the botanist John Clayton; TJ’s friend John Page was vice-president and David Jameson was treasurer (Richard M. Jellison, “Scientific Enquiry in Eighteenth-Century Virginia,” The Historian, xxv [1962-63], 305-6; Brooke Hindle, The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary America, 1735-1789 [Chapel Hill, N.C., 1956], p. 213-15).

43Scottish quack James Graham (1745-1794), at this time describing himself as an “Oculist and Aurist,” arrived in Williamsburg in late April to treat patients and give public lectures on diseases of the eye and ear (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 25 Feb., 22 Apr., 3 June 1773 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ).

44The bill was protested (see MB 12 May 1779).

45TJ’s friend Thomas Woodford was captain of a brigantine purchased by Philip Mazzei for use in his transatlantic enterprises (Mazzei, Life, p. 201, 208 description begins Philip Mazzei: My Life and Wanderings, trans. S. Eugene Scalia, ed. Margherita Marchione, Morristown, N.J., 1980 description ends ).

46 Daniel Laurence Hylton (c. 1746-1811), TJ’s friend and later a prominent Richmond merchant, was married about this time to Sarah Eppes, sister of Francis Eppes (Prentiss Price, MS Eppes family genealogy in Monticello Archives).

47TJ’s brother-in-law and intimate friend Dabney Carr died 16 May 1773, probably at Shadwell, of a “bilious fever” (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 27 May 1773 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ). Dr. George Gilmer’s medical treatment of Carr from 4 to 16 May is recorded in the Gilmer Daybook description begins Daybook of Dr. George Gilmer, 1772-1776. ViU description ends . According to family tradition Carr was buried first at Shadwell and was reinterred at Monticello after TJ’s return on 21 May. In any case Carr was the first to be buried in the Monticello graveyard, which TJ had cleared on 22 May (Betts, Garden Book, p. 40 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Philadelphia, 1944 description ends ; Malone, Jefferson, i, p. 160-1, 431 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends ). For the epitaph TJ composed for “the dearest friend I possessed on earth,” see Monticello Association Papers, p. 253 description begins Collected Papers to Commemorate Fifty Years of the Monticello Association of Descendants of Thomas Jefferson, ed. George Green Shackelford, Princeton, N.J., 1965 description ends (TJ to Thomas Stone, 16 Mch. 1782).

TJ was made one of the executors of Carr’s estate, which was valued at £1,067–4–2 (GoCDB, x, 369, 429, xvi, 541, xvii, 64-5; W. G. Stanard, “Library of Dabney Carr,” VMHB, ii [1894], 221-8). TJ became a second father to Carr’s six children, who came to Monticello about 1781 and lived there for a time with their mother, Martha Jefferson Carr (1746-1811). See Elizabeth Dabney Coleman, “The Carrs of Albemarle County,” Master’s thesis, University of Virginia, 1944; William S. Simpson, Jr., “Dabney Carr: Portrait of a Colonial Patriot,” Virginia Cavalcade, xxiii (1974), 5-13.

48 James Gunn’s Richmond tavern was on the north side of Main Street near Shockoe Creek (Virginia Gazette [D], 1 Apr. 1780 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ). TJ spent the next few days with his bereaved sister Martha Jefferson Carr at her home, Spring Forest in Goochland County (TJ to William Fleming, 19 May 1773).

49 James McClurg, Experiments upon the Human Bile (London, 1772). McClurg, a native Virginian, studied in Edinburgh, Paris, and London, where the book was published before his return to Virginia. He was director of hospitals for Virginia during the Revolution and in 1779 was named to the first chair of anatomy at the College of William and Mary (Blanton, Medicine in Virginia, p. 328-35 description begins Wyndham B. Blanton, Medicine in Virginia in the Eighteenth Century, Richmond, 1931 description ends ).

50 John Entick, The New Latin and English Dictionary, Designed for the Use of Grammar Schools, and Private Education (London, 1771).

51This was a John Cocke, possibly the one who was an attorney in Brunswick County in 1778 (MB 24 Oct. 1774; TJ Index, 1774 description begins Thomas Jefferson manuscript indexes for the Memorandum Books, 1767-1826, bound with them, except for 1773 (unlocated), 1776-1778 and 1779-1782 (ViU) description ends ; Virginia Gazette [P], 10 July 1778 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ).

52 Anne Wayles (d. 1798), Martha Jefferson’s half sister, married Henry Skipwith (1751-1815) in this summer. They lived on the Appomattox River in Cumberland County on the Guinea lands, later called Hors du Monde, inherited from John Wayles. In 1799 Skipwith married Elizabeth Byrd and moved to Williamsburg (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 15 July 1773 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ; Latrobe, Virginia Journals, i, 142-6, ii, 554 description begins Edward C. Carter II, ed., The Virginia Journals of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, New Haven, 1977, 2 vols. description ends ; John C. Biller, “Henry Skipwith of Hors du Monde, Cumberland County, Virginia,” Master’s thesis, University of Virginia, 1963).

53This was possibly Old York, a slave TJ inherited from the Wayles estate. He caught smallpox from the British and died at Elk Hill in 1781.

54Dr. John de Sequeyra (1712-1795), a London-born Jew of Portuguese origin, practiced medicine in Williamsburg and was for many years visiting physician to the Eastern State Hospital for the insane. TJ credited him with being the first to introduce the tomato as a food plant to Virginia (Robert Shosteck, “Notes on an Early Virginia Physician,” American Jewish Archives, xxiii [1971], p. 198-212).

55The first edition of William Enfield’s two-volume Sermons for the Use of Families appeared in London 1768-70.

56Robert (Bob) Hemings (1762-1819) was the son of the slave Betty Hemings; his father allegedly was John Wayles, after whose death Bob became TJ’s property. He had replaced Jupiter as TJ’s personal servant. In 1783 he received several month’s instruction as a barber. Like his half brother Martin, Bob was free to serve other masters during TJ’s prolonged absences from Virginia after 1784. Some time before 1791 he met Dolly, a slave living in Fredericksburg, and it was his unwillingness to live apart from her that led TJ reluctantly to grant him his freedom in 1794 (see MB 24 Dec. 1794; James A. Bear, Jr., “The Hemings Family of Monticello,” Virginia Cavalcade, xxix, No. 2 [1979], 80-1).


58TJ marked out this entry with a single vertical line.

59Martha Jefferson’s aunt, Anne Eppes Harris, lived on her Indian Camp lands in the southwest corner of present Powhatan County (TJ MS Map description begins Thomas Jefferson sketch map of roads between Shadwell and Richmond, including taverns, residences, mileages, c. 1760-1784. ViU description ends ; TJ to Jerman Baker, 22 June 1824).

60Correctly 28 May.

61The Three Notched Road crossed the Blue Ridge at Woods’ (now Jarman’s) Gap (Woods, Albemarle, p. 63-4 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

62TJ was in the process of buying from William McGehee a tract of 193 acres adjoining Monticello to the south. As payment for the land he assumed McGehee’s mortgage debt to the merchants James and Robert Donald & Co.; he finally paid it off in 1808 (AlCDB, v, 157, vi, 400 description begins Albemarle County Deed Books, Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Va. description ends ; TJ to James Strange, 18 Sep. 1806; MB 5 May 1808; Nichols, No. 193 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Architectural Drawings, ed. Frederick D. Nichols, 4th ed., Charlottesville, Va., 1978 description ends ). This was the parcel, later called Colle, which TJ gave to Philip Mazzei (see MB 3 Dec. 1773, cash accounts).

63Nicholas Davies’ ferry crossed the James River between Amherst and Bedford counties, probably a few miles upriver of present Lynchburg (Papers, ii, 459 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ).

64By a deed printed in Betts, Farm Book , p. 8-9 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s Farm Book, ed. Edwin M. Betts, Princeton, N.J., 1953 description ends , Jane Jefferson conveyed to TJ, “as an indemnification for the debts I had paid for her,” Squire and Belinda and their children, Val, Charlotte, Minerva, and Sarah; old Sall and her children, Lucinda and Simon; little Sall and her son Cyrus; and Caesar (Farm Book, p. 6 description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Farm Book,” 1774-1826. Reproduced in facsimile in Betts, Farm Book. MHi description ends ). TJ was already leasing the five adults as part of his lease of Shadwell. Although his mother’s will devised four of the slaves to other children, TJ was never reimbursed for his disbursements on her behalf so that all of the slaves became his absolute property in 1777, one year after her death (Fee Book: Jane Jefferson account description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Fee Book,” 1767-1774, containing entries pertaining to his law practice. Indexed. Miscellaneous accounts, 1764-1794. 187 bound quarto leaves. CSmH description ends , Personal estate account; Misc. Accts.: Jane Jefferson account description begins Thomas Jefferson manuscript miscellaneous business and personal accounts, 1764-1779. CSmH description ends ).

65Thomas Walker, a cabinetmaker, made furniture for the Monticello household until he became free in 1778 (Misc. Accts.: “Profit and Loss by Thomas Walker” description begins Thomas Jefferson manuscript miscellaneous business and personal accounts, 1764-1779. CSmH description ends ; MB 31 July 1778).

66Sago is a dry, powdered starch made chiefly from the pith and bark of the sago palm tree which grows in the East Indies and Philippine Islands. It is used for cooking, as a dietary restorative, and for stiffening textiles.

67William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England (Oxford, 1770; Sowerby, No. 1806 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

68Elkanah Deane was a coachmaker on the west side of Palace Green on Prince George Street in Williamsburg, on the site of the reconstructed Deane Shop.

69Two-thirds (Fee Book: Skelton account description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Fee Book,” 1767-1774, containing entries pertaining to his law practice. Indexed. Miscellaneous accounts, 1764-1794. 187 bound quarto leaves. CSmH description ends ).

70Jacob Allan (d. 1773) was a merchant and partner with John Turner. Their store was on Duke of Gloucester Street at the site of the reconstructed Waters Storehouse.

71Garland Carr (1754-1837), a brother of Dabney Carr, came to Albemarle County and lived from about 1795 at Bentivar, about seven miles north of Monticello (Woods, Albemarle, p. 161 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

72Samuel Williams was an overseer at Elk Hill and Elk Island under Henry Cox, who probably was the “skilful Steward” hired by John Wayles and kept on by his executors (TJ to Farell & Jones, 9 July 1773). After the division of the estate, Cox served TJ for a time as steward of the plantations inherited from Wayles, possibly until Thomas Garth became steward of all TJ’s property in 1776. Cox was overseer at Elk Hill from 1774 through 1778 and he sometimes superintended neighboring TJ farms.

73Beverley Randolph (c. 1754-1797), later a delegate from Cumberland County, was the son of Peter Randolph (1708-1767) of Chatsworth, Henrico County (Latrobe, Virginia Journals, ii, 550-1 description begins Edward C. Carter II, ed., The Virginia Journals of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, New Haven, 1977, 2 vols. description ends ).

74The edition of the Statutes at Large sold by TJ is not known; for an edition he retained or acquired later, see Sowerby, No. 1815 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends .

75The residence and shop of Archibald Diddep the tailor was just south of the Capitol on Francis Street.

76Alexander and Peterfield Trent had a store at Rocky Ridge across the James River from Richmond (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 8 Aug. 1771 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ).

77TJ was administrator of the estate of his wife’s first husband, Bathurst Skelton. He entered this payment in his account with the Skelton estate as: “To pd. Stith Gregory Secretary’s ticket in Skelton v. Fleming’s exrs. 50. ℔. tobo. 0–6–3” (Fee Book: Skelton estate account description begins Thomas Jefferson’s “Fee Book,” 1767-1774, containing entries pertaining to his law practice. Indexed. Miscellaneous accounts, 1764-1794. 187 bound quarto leaves. CSmH description ends ). John Fleming (d. 1767) had been executor of the estate of James Skelton, Bathurst’s father, and the Fleming estate owed a considerable sum to the Skelton estate. John Wayles had also been financially involved with the Skeltons and TJ, as an executor of the Wayles estate, soon became embroiled in a complex three-way dispute between the representatives of Fleming, Skelton, and Wayles, which was still unsettled by 1813. As a representative of two of the parties, TJ would neither gain nor lose financially by a settlement, but these protracted proceedings cost him considerable time and legal fees (MB 23 Apr. 1774, cash accounts, 18 Sep. 1801, 19 Oct. 1809; TJ to Farell & Jones, 9 July 1773; TJ to Henry Skipwith, 24 July 1809; George G. Shackelford, “William Short, Jefferson’s Adopted Son,” PhD dissertation, University of Virginia, 1955, p. 53-6).

78For the order of council see Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia, v, 342. No further reference to TJ’s association with this land has been found.

79TJ marked out this entry with a single oblique line (\).

80Clementina Rind, widow of William Rind, continued to publish the Virginia Gazette description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends after her husband’s death 1 Sep. 1773.

81James Madison (1749-1812), later president of the College of William and Mary and first bishop of Virginia, was at this time a professor of natural philosophy and mathematics at the college.

82This bill was protested. TJ unsuccessfully tried to pay it in depreciated currency in 1779 and only made final payment on it in 1796 to John Dobson, to whom it had been assigned (MB 3 May, 18 Sep. 1779, 22 May 1796; TJ to Dobson, 4 Dec. 1791).

83The books TJ bought from the library of John Semple (1727-1770), attorney of King and Queen County, have not been identified (Virginia Gazette [P & D], 22 Feb. 1770, [D], 14 June 1780 description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751-1780, and Richmond, 1780-1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include: D & H (Dixon & Hunter), P & D (Purdie & Dixon), R (Rind) description ends ).

84Philip Mazzei (1730-1816), an enterprising Florentine, came to Virginia late in 1773 to engage in the commercial cultivation of the grape and other agricultural products. Soon after his arrival he visited Monticello and was persuaded by his host to undertake his projects in Albemarle County. TJ gave to Mazzei the 193-acre tract on the south side of Monticello which he had acquired from William McGehee. Mazzei, who called this property Colle, purchased an adjacent parcel of 281 acres from Edward Carter (Land Roll 1788 description begins Thomas Jefferson manuscript listing of landholdings, c. 1788. DLC description ends ; MB 6 Sep. 1773, cash accounts; AlCDB, vii, 225-6 description begins Albemarle County Deed Books, Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Va. description ends ; although there is no record of a deed to Mazzei for Colle, TJ mentions the gift in the Land Roll 1788 and in a letter to James Strange, 18 Sep. 1806).

To Colle Mazzei brought his wife and stepdaughter and a number of Italian artisans and vignerons. At the outbreak of revolution, which ended his agricultural efforts, Mazzei became actively identified with the patriots as a writer and soldier. In 1779 he left for Europe as agent for the state of Virginia, returning to America in 1783. On leaving Virginia for the last time in 1785, he appointed Edmund Randolph and John Blair of Williamsburg as his attorneys in fact. When TJ returned from France in 1789, he joined them in acting for Mazzei, first disposing of the Colle property and then recovering and selling Mazzei’s lot in Richmond. Because of this last transaction, at Mazzei’s death TJ was $7,000 in debt to this much valued but often trying friend (MB 8 Mch. 1796, 2 Aug. 1817; Papers, i, 156-9 description begins Julian P. Boyd and others, eds., The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Princeton, N.J., 1950- description ends ; Mazzei, Life, p. 196-229 description begins Philip Mazzei: My Life and Wanderings, trans. S. Eugene Scalia, ed. Margherita Marchione, Morristown, N.J., 1980 description ends ).

85The Negro’s Arm was located just east of present Powhatan in Powhatan (then Cumberland) County (TJ MS Map).

86Processioning, the Virginia method for reviewing and determining boundaries, was under the administration of the parish vestries and was supposed to occur every four years (see William H. Seiler, “Land Processioning in Colonial Virginia,” WMQ, 3d ser., vi [1949], 416-36).

87TJ paid £46–13–4 for this land, which he sold in 1776 as part of the “Tomahawk” tract (MB 16 May 1774, cash accounts, and 29 May 1777).

Index Entries