Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Memorandum Books, 1811


Jan. 3. Charge John Perry 40. bushels of wheat delivd. him by McGehee on my order, at the agreed price of 9/.
6. Hhd. xp. 2.D.
7. Jerry exp. to Bedford 3.D.
8. Gave my note to George Gilmer for 120.D. for two mules paiable within the first week of April.
Gave E. Bacon to pay Dettor for beef 23.17.
12. Sent Catlett for butter 1.D.
13. Hhd. exp. 1.875.
20. Recd. back from Jerry .44 cents.
Hhd. exp. .44 cents.
23. Recd. from Wm. Caruthers for rent of the Salt petre cave at the Naturl. bridge, through Twyman Wayt 65 D. with a deduction of 3.875, retained by Wayt for articles furnished E. Bacon.76
25. Delivd. D. Higginbotham 80.D. towards meeting the order which I now draw on him in favor of Danl. Scott for corn bought last year.
26. Sent Richard Garner amt. of his acct. silverwork 1.5.
Sent Catlett for butter 3.D.
Patsy for weaving 2.D.
27. New Canton.77 pd. ferrge. &c. .31.
28. C. A. Scott’s vales .25 Scott’s ferry .25.
29. Warren vales .25 ferrge. .25 Mrs. Prior’s vales .25.
30. Henry Fludd’s lodging &c. 2. Hunter’s breakft. &c. 1.25.
Feb. 1. Pd. at Pop. Forest for 4. turkies 2.D.
8. Lynchbg. exp. .50.
Sold my crop of Bedford tobo. to Saml. J. Harrison for 7.D. per Cwt.78
12. Pd. Reuben Perry for 4. pr. hinges & screws 2.50.
28. Debts & vales at Poplar Forest 5.50.
Hunter’s oats .375.
Mar. 1. H. Flood’s lodging &c. 2.375.
Mrs. Prior’s vales .25.

Warren  batteaumen 1.D.
vales 1.50.
Enniscorthy vales .25.
Arrived at Monticello. Cash in hand 5.D.
Shoemaker’s order on Underhill for 250 D. was pd. in Feb.
7. Inclosed to Rob. Patterson Phila. 5.D. for Nautical Almanacs.79
15. Recd. from D. Higginbotham 5.D.
Recd. from J. Harvie by Mr. Carthrae D. Higginbotham’s note for 90.D. and 4369100 cash in discharge of his first note now due.
Hhd. exp. 1.D. 16. Hd. exp. 1.D.
17. Hhd. exp. 2.D. do. 3.D.
Pd. Mr. Starke 2.D.
20. Paid E. Bacon 25 D.
22. Gave Kemp Catlett an order on Lukens Shoemaker for 50. bushels of bran. Note his butter acct. to this day unpaid is for 14. ℔.
26. Gave Francis Eppes 2.D.
31. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
Apr. 1. Recd. of Thos. E. Randolph on account 400.D.80
Recd. of Eli Alexander on acct. of rent 320.D.
Pd. Wilson Madeiris for boots for F. Eppes 6.D.
Accepted James Starke’s ord. in favr. Micajah Woods for 9.17.
Apr. 1. Put into the hands of D. Higginbotham 80.D. which with the 80.D. ante Jan. 25. and his note for 90.D. ante Mar. 15. = 250.D. enables him to pay D. Scott the 240.D. I owe him for corn & 9.50 Int. to this day.
Recd. from Danl. Scott 1.50, towit .50 surplus pd. him by Mr. Higginbotham & 1.D. for a hhd. left with him.
2. Pd. midwife 10.D. to wit for Sally,81 Aggy, Minerva, Lilly, Ursula.
3. Put into the hands of E. Bacon 425.D. to make the following paiments.
 to  Benjamin Brown 28. 24 for the Mutual assurce. co.
Anthony Giannini  40. } ante Dec. 7. for cows & hogs.
Francis Giannini 20.
Benjamin Morris 45. for 4. cows.
Reuben Mullins 117. 50 ante Nov. 16. for 2. mules
George Gilmer 120. for 2. mules
Dr. John Gilmer 54. medical acct.
424. 74
Inclosed to Richard Barry 100.D. on account.
4. Wrote to Gibson & Jefferson (who were to recieve 1333⅓ D. due the 1st. inst. from Saml. J. Harrison, being the 2d. instalment due for the lands I sold him) to remit and pay as follows.
 to  Richard Barry 100. D. on account
John Barnes 360. int. on Kosciuzko’s money.82
John Hollins 86. for plaister
Jones & Howell 349. 35 in full for nail rod &c.
Gordon & Trokes 235. 42 with interest for groceries.
Joseph Darmsdatt  75. for fish.
1205. 77
Inclosed to Henry Foxall  for himself 13 .40 castings83
for Conrad & co.  12 for books
surplus .10
25 .50
10. Recd. of Thos. E. Randolph on settlement in full 17.66.
11. Gave Harry bringing up oil &c. 1.D.
Gave John Hemings 15.D. to wit the wages of one month in the year which I allow him as an encouragement.84
13. Pd. Joe 6.D. to wit 1/ in every dollar of the work done for Mr. Burnley, now amounting to 34.50 D.
15. Gave the Revd. Mr. Osgood in charity 10.D.
Hhd. exp. 2.D.
17. Paid Mrs. Lewis 10.D. on account.
18. Paid James Starke on account 20.D.
19. Gave Mr. Bacon to pay Walter Coles85 for a mutton 5.D.
Gave Joel Bennett ord. on Gibson & Jefferson for 33.12½ for leather.
20. Sent Catlett for butter 5.D.
24. Recd. back from Henry J. Foxall a note of the bank of Columbia on that of Richmond for the 12.10 ante Apr. 4. remitted him for Conrad & co. on the supposition it was a 2d. paiment of that made ante Feb. 8. 1808. to Rapine. Qu. if not due to a Conrad & co. in Philada. Accdly. I now inclose that note to C. & A. Conrad of Philada.
Apr. 27. Hhd. exp. 1.D. sent Catlett for butter 1.D. being 1/9 over balce.
28. Hhd. exp. 2.D.
May 8. Gave Wm. McGehee ord. on D. Higginbotham for 20.D. on account for wages.
14. Hhd. exp. 2.D.
15. Pd. Adam Laws for fish 2.50.
18. Charge Craven Peyton on acct. of Reuben Grady £19–10 settled with him for fire & coal wood.
23. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
26. Do. 1.5.
Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson by post 150.D.
Pd. James Starke 50.D.
28. Sent (by Mr. Randolph) to  Darnell 20.D. for a horse purchased by Goodman the last year. Still due 40.D.
31. Pd. Almanac .10.
June 2. Chicken money 3.87½.
3. Repaid Mr. Patterson86 5.D. which he pd. Rigden mending watches.
4. Repaid Mr. Bennett stage portage .30.
8. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
Advanced James Salmons 20.D. on acct. for work to be done.
Wormely exp. with Mrs. Marks 1.D.
Gave John G. Belt ord. in full on Gibson & Jefferson for 81.25.
9. Chicken money 3.62½.
14. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
15. Hhd. exp. 1.D. 18. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
23. Pd. Jeremiah Goodman in part of wages 10.D.
Hhd. exp. 3.D. 24. Do. 1.D.
24. Renewed my note in the bank of Richmd. of 5800.D. ante June 13 for 3000.D. the balance being pd. out of the proceeds of my tobacco & flour in the hands of Gibson & Jefferson.
Drew orders on Gibson & Jefferson in favor of
Dr. Charles Everett 42. 20
Genl. Wm. Chamberlayne, negro hire 59. 74
Jones & Howell for balance, & new supply 500.
James Lyle for my old debt to his concern 1000. 87
David Higginbotham on acct. my debt to him  1500.
cash to be remitted to myself 150 
3251. 7488
 and inclosed the orders to the several persons.
Drew order also on Gibson & Jefferson in favr. D. Higginbotham for the proceeds of the 7. hhds. tobo. sent from here, when sold.
July 1. Hhd. exp. 2.
2. Agreed this day with E. Bacon that his wages shall be £40.
Hhd. exp. 2.D.
7. Since the paiment of May 20. 1810. Davy has burnt 3. coalkilns.
 The  1st. yielded  1025.  bush. from 30. cords is, to the cord  34  bush.
2d. 1138. 38
3d. 1190 40
3353 112  @ .05
 the last kiln is just now finished. pd. him for the whole 5.60.
Pd. houshold exp. 3.D.
Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 150.D.
July 9. Gave to D. Higginbotham an order on Gibson & Jefferson for 124.29 of which 96.29 are on the order of Wm. Johnson for flour & tobo. carried to Richmond and 28.D. for Dabney Minor.
14. Hhd. exp. .40. 15. Do. 1.50.
16. Houshd. exp. 2.D.
19. Pd. James Starke on acct. 30.D.
20. Houshd. exp. 3.D.
Drew an order on Gibson & Jefferson in favr. Robert Rives for 91.34 D. for books89 importd. for me.
21. Drew ord. on do. in favr. Wm. McGehee for 180.D. which with the 20.D. ante May 8. pays his wages of 1810.
28. Hhd. exp. 2.D.
Recd. from Gibson & Jefferson 200.D.
30. <Pd. Wm. McGehee in full of last year’s wages 180.D.>
Hhd. exp. 2.D.
Aug. 1. Charity 3.D.
2. Pd. Wm. Johnson bringing up 1. ton nailrod & 5 /Cwt. bar iron & 25. ℔ powder 10.D. Still owe him .50.
Bought of Wm. D. Meriwether  26.  ewes
12.  ewe lambs
5.  weather lambs
43   @ 2 D.  86.
 owe him for 3. lambs before recd.  @ 10/ 5.
 payable 90. days from this time 91. D.
4. Agreed with Jeremiah Goodman to serve me next year as overseer in Bedford over a plantation & 16. hands, for which I am to give him 200.D. a year, & all other articles to stand as by our original agreement.
5. Pd. Micajah Woods the 9.17 accepted for James Starke ante Apr. 1.
Gave James Salmonds ord. on  Fitz for 40.D. on account.
Agreed to pay to Isham Chisolm James Salmons’s ord. for 35.D.
7. Pd. James Starke on acct. 20.D.
8. Inclosed to Judge Stewart 10.D. to buy timothy seed.
10. Warren. vales 1.5 ferriage .50 Mrs. Prior’s .25 Fludd’s dinner 1.12½.
11. Hunter’s lodging 1.875.
23. Poplar Forest small debts 5.25 Hunter’s feeding .62½.
24. Fludd’s dinnr. lodgg. brkft. 3.31.
Warren ferrge. .50 vales .25.
25. Enniscorthy vales .75.
Recd. from Rob. Rives an ord. on Martin Dawson for 12.34 overpaid by my order ante July 20.
Renewed my note in the bank of Richmond for Sep. 3. 3000.D.
29. Vales at Montpelier 1.D.
Sep. 1. Small exp. 1.44.
5. Ben & the boys for cleaning the sewers 2.D.
6. Small exp. 2.D.
7. Do. 5.D. to Ellen.
13. Pd. Mr. Wingfield officiating at my sister Carr’s funeral 20.D.90
14. Small exp. 1.D.—pd. E. Bacon for 2 muttons from his mother 6.D.
22. Small exp. 3.D.
23. Small exp. 2.D.
25. Small exp. 3.D.
Sep. 25. Analysis of my store acct. with Higginbotham from Aug. 1. 1810 to Aug. 1. 1811.
£ s d
*negro clothg. & other articles  217– 13 –0
dry goods 97– 16 –4
†groceries 100– 6 –2
iron & steel 25– 7 –4 1015 ℔ @ 6d
salt 20– 5 –0 10. sacks @ 40/ 45. bush.
whiskey 8– 12 –6 28¾ galls. @ 6/
candles 6– 15 –8 70 ℔ @ 1/4 to 2/
spinning cotton 15– 8 –8 205 ℔ @ 1/6
miscellaneous 4– 4 –0
interest 18– 6 –0
514– 14 –8
*including as follows †including as follows
cold.91 plains 136½ yds.  @ 4/9 white sugar. 42 loaves.  305½  @ 2/
napped cotton 204. @ 3/6 to 4/  brown sugar 483¾ @ 1/
brown linen 804. @ 2/ to 2/6 coffee 158. @ 2/3 to 2/6
Dutch blankets  30. @ 16/ tea  18. @ 16/6 to 18/
molasses. 90. galls. @ 3/4
The balance which I owed on the 1st. day of this month to
Higginbotham & co. on the bond of June  £
21. 1810 and subsequent transactions was  1328– 1–8
and to D. Higginbotham & co. 819–15–9
 for which two sums I give him bonds respectively this day & take in that of June 21. 1810. ante.
A similar analysis of my store acct. with him Aug. 1. 1809. to Aug. 1. 1810
*negro clothing & necessaries for them  186– 9–  2
dry goods 99– 0– 11
†groceries 10– 4–  0. viz. wh. sugar 2/ br. do. 1/3 tea 18/
iron 22– 14–  1 @ 6d.
salt 17– 6–  9 37½ bush. @ 10/6 to 12/6
miscellaneous 24– 10–  5
cold. plains 205. yds.  4/ to 5/
napped cotton  115.  4/
brown linen 690  2/6
blankets  26 18/
Sep. 29. Hhd. exp. 1.D.
Note the pipe of Termo Carrasqueira of 1801. gave out about the last of July, when we began on the Termo Arruda.
Oct. 6. Assumed to Charles L. Bankhead92 for James Salmon 55.D. paiable Mar. 1. on account.
7. Accepted John Perry’s order in favr. of J. Winston Garth for £208–4 for the Pop. Forest house with int. from Oct. 2. 11. payable Apr. 1. 1812.
Pd. Wm. Johnson on the order of James Starke 1.D.
Accepted James Salmon’s ord. in favr. Wm. Galt for £6–18–9 = 23.12½ paiable Nov. 1.
Do. in favr. D. Higginbotham £9–4–4 = 30.72 paiable Nov. 1. pd. Mar. 15.
Oct. 7. Acceptd. James Salmon’s ord. in favr. Martin Dawson for 18.21 payable Nov. 1.
I agreed with  Turner also to accept Salmon’s order in his favr. for 25.D. paiable March 1. pd. Mar. 15.
11. Hhd. exp. 2.
16. Gave  Gooch ord. on D. Higginbotham for 47.50 D. for cows.
20. Sold my lot in Richmond to D. Higginbotham for 130.£ to be credited in my account with him.
Drew order on D. Higginbotham for £8. in favor of Thomas Cradock on the order of James Salmons.
26. Drew on Gibson & Jefferson in favr. of Jesse Winston Garth or order for 109.56 for my taxes now due.
30. Carysbrook. Vales 2.D.
Nov. 2. Hhd. exp. 1.5.
3. The Messrs. Mitchells have forwarded to G. Jefferson their note for 600.D. on acct. for my wheat in Bedford paiable the 5th. inst.
Desired G. Jefferson to remit to Nathl. H. Hooe 131.D. to wit 74.D. for the hire of Tom the last year, and 57.D. for Edmund who died Oct. 18. 1810.93
4. On settlement with Joseph Brand I owe him balance on an
account now settled £56–17–4½ = 189.60
the purchase of Kerr’s share of Milton warehouse  150.
I now therefore give him my note on demand for 339.60
Charge James Salmon his order in favor of Joseph Brand for £8–9 = 28.17 included in the acct. settled with J. B.
9. Charity to Brunt 1.D.
10. Recd. from G. Jefferson 350.D.
11. Paid Yewen Carden on account 50.D. Balce. still due 57.50.
Paid Jeremiah Goodman on account 100.D.
13. Drew ord. on Gibson & Jefferson as follows
 in favr. of   D. Higginbotham   74.17  ante Oct. 16. & 20
Isham Chisolm 35. ante Aug. 5.
Watson & Vest 44.57 amount of their account
deducting Watson’s firewood 20.D.
Wrote also to G. Jefferson to pay Mrs. Hackley94 85.D. for a set of Liverpool china.
Paid Wm. D. Meriwether for sheep 91.D. ante Aug. 3.
16. Houshold exp. 1.D.
17. Do. 1.25.
Wm. McGeehee left my service on the 15th. inst.
Left with E. Bacon for <Roger Roderic> Nimrod Darnell 40.D. balance for a horse ante May 28.
19. Mrs. Williamson’s.95 pd. for oats .45.
20. Mr. Cocke’s96 vales .50.
New Canton ferrge. .425.

Millbrook.97 guide .25.
mending chair & shoeing horse 4.125.
Nov. 22. Gave ord. on Gibson & Jefferson for fees to Mr. Hay 33.33 Mr. Thweate 40.67 = 74 in the suit of Skelton’s represent. v. Wayles’s repr.
Gave Martin for finding spectacles .45.
23. Vales 1. Fludd’s horses .25.
24. Hunter’s dinner lodgg. &c. 2.D.
Campbell C. H. Reid’s98 brkft. .50.
Dec. 6. Poplar Forest. pd. for bottle spirits turpentine .625.
8. Pd. for ducks 1.D.
15. Felt shock of an earthquake99 abt. 4. oclock of the 16th.
16. Lynchbg. feeding horses .50.
19. Left with Jeremiah A. Goodman 20.D. for seed wheat, spinning wheels &c.
20. Debts and vales at Poplar For. 7.5.
Hunter’s oats .25.
21. Fludd’s dinnr. lodgg. &c. 2.5 Warren ferrge. .375.
Warren. vales 1.5.
Crossing Hardware .125.
Cash in hand 14.875.
25. Pd. midwife for attending Scilla,1 Cretia, Fanny & Virginia 8.D.
NimRod<erick> Darnell entered my service on the 22d. inst.2
27. Signed notes for renewal of mine in bank for 3000.D. dated Jan. 7. Mar. 10. May 12.
Hhd. exp. 1.875. 28. Wormley exp. going for Mrs. Marks3 1.D.
29. Do. 1.D.
31. Repd. Dick expences from Poplar Forest 1.D.

76Over the years TJ’s Rockbridge County agent William Caruthers had collected $90 from the saltpeter mining leases of the Natural Bridge tract. At Caruthers’ request TJ donated $25 of this income to the three-year-old Anne Smith female academy in Lexington (Caruthers to TJ, 25 July 1809; TJ to Caruthers, 9 Oct. 1810). Twyman Wayt (d. 1861) and his brother-in-law John Winn (d. 1835) conducted a Charlottesville mercantile business (Woods, Albemarle, p. 340-1, 346-7 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

77TJ may never have meant to cross the James River as far east as New Canton in northeastern Buckingham County. Travelling on horseback, he had become lost on his way to visit Charles Alexander Scott (1777-1843), who at this time lived three miles west of New Canton at his Virginia Mills on the Slate River. TJ may have wished to discuss the mill business with Scott, who was a great builder of mills (TJ to MJR, 17 Feb. 1811; TJ to Scott, 9 Feb. 1811; Mutual Assurance Society policy declaration, 14 July 1810, Vi). The next day TJ recrossed the James at Scott’s ferry (now Scottsville), stopped for the night with the Nicholases at Warren, and thereafter pursued his usual route to Poplar Forest.

78TJ’s 1810 Poplar Forest tobacco crop netted him, after deductions for overseers’ shares, $2,731.99, which was deposited with Gibson & Jefferson in Richmond (Harrison to TJ, 8 June 1811).

79 Robert Patterson (1743-1824), Philadelphia mathematician and director of the mint, supplied TJ with John Garnett’s American reprint of the English Nautical Almanacs for 1811 and 1812 (Patterson to TJ, 12 Mch. 1811; Sowerby, No. 3810 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

80 Thomas Eston Randolph’s payments of this date and 10 Apr. settled an account for the rent of parts of TJ’s Milton lands and of Lego, which Randolph leased in 1808 and 1809 (TJ to Randolph, 7 June 1808, 2 Apr. 1811).

81This was probably Sally (b. 1792), daughter of Lewis and Jenny. TJ gave her to TJR in 1812. Aggy (1789-1815), the daughter of Isabel and Davy, lived with her husband Charles on TJ’s Lego farm. Her sister Lilly (b. 1791) lived at Tufton.

82This payment was the eight-percent annual interest on $4,500, a sum which TJ now owed to Tadeusz Kosciuszko. At the suggestion of John Barnes, TJ, as Kosciuszko’s fiduciary, had lent to himself the $4,500 received on the retirement of some of Kosciuszko’s eight-percent bank certificates. With these funds TJ had Barnes pay off the $3,706 he still owed the Bank of the United States in Washington and the remaining $866 he owed to Barnes himself. By relieving him of a bank loan which involved two of his friends as endorsers—Barnes and James Madison—this proposal seemed to TJ like “a ray of light beaming on my uneasy mind,” while for his part Kosciuszko continued to receive the same interest payments and was happy to oblige his friend. After the sale of his library to the government in 1815, TJ restored the principal to Kosciuszko’s funds in Barnes’ hands (TJ to Barnes, 24 May, 15 June 1809; Malone, Jefferson, vi, 39-41 description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time, Boston, 1948-1981, 6 vols. description ends ; MB 29 Apr. 1815).

83These were eight stewholes for the kitchen at Monticello (TJ to Foxall, 24 Mch. 1809).

84Each year for the rest of his life TJ gave his slave cabinetmaker John Hemings and his butler Burwell twenty dollars each, as what he called their “annual gratuity.”

85 Walter Coles (1772-1854), the eldest son of John Coles of Enniscorthy, lived at Woodville in southern Albemarle County (Woods, Albemarle, p. 172 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

86 John Patterson was a son-in-law of Wilson Cary Nicholas and lived near him in southern Albemarle County (Woods, Albemarle, p. 291, 314 description begins Edgar Woods, Albemarle County in Virginia, 1901, repr. Bridgewater, Va., n.d. description ends ).

87All of this was applied to the repayment of TJ’s 1775 bond to Richard Harvie, which by accumulated interest had more than doubled. After this payment £94–12–4 sterling remained due (MB 18 Apr. 1775; James Lyle account, 6 July 1811, MHi).

88Correctly $3,251.94.

89 Robert Rives had imported from London for TJ Catharine Macaulay’s History of England, published in London in 1778, and William Mitford’s History of Greece, published in London in 1808 (Sowerby, Nos. 23, 386 description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, Washington, D.C., 1952-1959, 6 vols. description ends ).

90 Martha Jefferson Carr died 3 Sep. of “a wasting complaint which has for two or three years been gaining upon her” (TJ to RJ, 6 Sep. 1811). On 5 Sep. she was buried beside her husband, Dabney Carr, in the Monticello graveyard, which was the scene, at noon on 13 Sep., of a simple funeral ceremony conducted by Charles Wingfield (TJ to Wingfield, 8 Sep. 1811; Wingfield to TJ, 12 Sep. 1811).

On 17 Sep. 1811 TJ took advantage of an annular eclipse of the sun to make observations for determining the longitude of Monticello (Weather Memorandum Book 1776-1820, p. 60, DLC; TJ to Payne Todd, 10 Oct. 1811; TJ to William Lambert and Bishop James Madison, 29 Dec. 1811).

91Colored plains.

92 Charles Lewis Bankhead (1788-1835) of Port Royal, Caroline County, had married TJ’s granddaughter Anne Cary Randolph (1791-1826) on 19 Sep. 1808. By 1812 the Bankheads had purchased and moved to Carlton, an 800-acre farm that adjoined Monticello on its western side and to which TJ added 130 acres in 1815, as a gift to his granddaughter (Monticello Association Papers, p. 67-75 description begins Collected Papers to Commemorate Fifty Years of the Monticello Association of Descendants of Thomas Jefferson, ed. George Green Shackelford, Princeton, N.J., 1965 description ends ; AlCDB, xviii, 27-9, xix, 322-4 description begins Albemarle County Deed Books, Albemarle County Courthouse, Charlottesville, Va. description ends ).

93Because of Edmund’s death during the term of his hire, TJ assumed he had to pay only a proportion of the amount due, but he eventually had to pay for a whole year of service (MB 8 July 1812; TJ to Nathaniel Hooe, 20 Oct. 1810, 3 Nov. 1811; John Dangerfield to TJ, 5 June 1812).

94TJ bought this set of china through TMR’s sister Harriet Randolph Hackley, wife of Richard S. Hackley, an American consular agent in Spain.

95 Sarah Williamson kept a Fluvanna County tavern about seven miles southwest of present Palmyra near present Kidd’s Store (Fluvanna County Court Order Book, 1807-1811, p. 598; Fluvanna County Sketchbook [Richmond, 1963], p. 56; Ellen Miyagawa, Palmyra, Va., to Editors, 29 Sep. 1982).

96 John Hartwell Cocke (1780-1866), later TJ’s important associate in the founding of the University of Virginia, was living at this time at Bremo Recess just north of present Bremo Bluff, Fluvanna County. He did not occupy the Jefferson-influenced mansion he built a mile or so to the west at Upper Bremo until 1820 (M. Boyd Coyner, Jr., “John Hartwell Cocke of Bremo,” Ph.D. diss., University of Virginia, 1961, p. 35-40).

97In 1810 JWE had sold out his interest in the family holdings in Chesterfield County and removed to Millbrook three miles from Willis Mountain in eastern Buckingham County (JWE to TJ, 1 Nov. 1810). His brother-in-law Archibald Thweatt, who represented the Wayles executors in the litigation with the Bathurst Skelton executors, was now the resident owner of Eppington.

98 John Reid kept an ordinary at the Campbell County seat, now Rustburg (Campbell County Personal Property List, 1814, Vi).

99The first shock of what is now called the New Madrid series of earthquakes of 1811 and 1812 occurred on 16 Dec. 1811. The largest known earthquake in the present contiguous United States, it was centered in the southeastern part of the present state of Missouri and was perceptible as far away as Boston (Charles F. Richter, Elementary Seismology [San Francisco, 1958], p. 593-4).

1TJ’s slave Scilla (b. 1794), the daughter of Ned and Jenny, lived on the Lego farm and Virginia (b. 1793), daughter of Bagwell and Minerva, lived at Tufton.

2 Nimrod Darnell was overseer under Jeremiah Goodman at Poplar Forest until 1815.

3Having just learned of the death of Hastings Marks, TJ had his widowed sister Anna brought to Monticello, where she lived for the rest of her life (TJ to RJ, 14 Jan. 1812).

Index Entries