From George Washington to Brigadier General Duportail, 21 February 1781
To Brigadier General Duportail
New Windsor Feby 21st 1781
Dear Sir,
My Visit to the French Army at Rhode Island has been delayed by important business & must necessarily be retarded a while longer. There are particular reasons which makes me anxious to have you along with me in this tour. If it is not inconvenient to you therefore to leave Philadelphia immediately, I should be glad if you would join me as soon as possible—That I may know certainly whether you can or cannot accompany me I pray you to write me by express; & if you come, to name the day I may hope to see you at head Qrs.
I directed the Qr Mr Genl (Colo. Pickering) a few days ago, to establish a Chain of Expresses between this & Philadelphia for the speedy transportation of Letters—write by these & request the Qr Mr in Phila. to forward the letter with all possible dispatch as I shall wait your answer & govern my departure by it.1 I am with sincere esteem & regard—Dr Sir Yr Obedt Servt
Go: Washington
ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Duportail replied to GW on 5 March (see also GW to Duportail, 1 March).
1. GW probably gave this instruction during an interview requested when he wrote Q.M. Gen. Timothy Pickering on 15 Feb.; see also Pickering to GW, 18 Feb., and the source note to that document. GW eventually departed for Rhode Island on 2 March; see his letter to Rochambeau, that date.