From George Washington to Lieutenant General Rochambeau, 2 March 1781
To Lieutenant General Rochambeau
Colo. Morehouses [Dover, N.Y.] March 2d 1781.
The third day after he left you, the Baron de Closen did me the pleasure of delivering me Your Excellency’s letter of the 25th.1 His diligence and zeal perfectly equalled your expectations. The important and agreeable intelligence, the dispatches by him contained, determined me to lose no time in setting out, to enjoy the satisfaction which I have been so long promising myself. I hope to arrive at Newport early on Tuesday,2 in time to have a conversation with Your Excellency and The Chevalier des Touche, previous to the departure of his Fleet.3
I had early given all the directions to the Commanding Officer in Virginia intimated in your letter; but I have sent fresh orders which will be conveyed to him by Colo. Gouvion.4
On my way to this place, I met your dispatch of the 27th. I congratulate you on the arrival of the Astree. I hope it will satisfactorily enlighten our future projects.5
The Baron Closens politeness makes him insist on taking the trouble to precede me to announce my coming to your Excellency.6 With all the Sentiments of the sincerest Esteem and attachment I have the honor to be Yr Excellency’s Most obt and humble Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, CtY-BR:R; Df, DLC:GW; Rochambeau’s French translation, CtY-BR:R; LB, in French, DLC: Rochambeau Papers, vol. 7; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. GW signed the cover of the LS. Tilghman wrote on the cover: “Favd by the Baron de Closen.” Rochambeau’s aide-de-camp Ludwig von Closen accompanied GW on 2 March (see the entry for that date in , 61).
2. GW arrived at Newport on Tuesday, 6 March (see the entry for that date in , 63).
3. See Destouches to GW, 25 Feb., and GW to Destouches, 2 March.
4. The commander in Virginia was Major General Steuben (see GW to Lafayette, 1 March; see also GW to Steuben, 20 Feb.).
6. Closen wrote in his journal entry for 4 March: “On the 4th, I went on ahead of the General in order to announce his coming in Hartford, where he wished to dine at Governor Trumbull’s residence. I forewarned M. d’Arrotte, who was in command of the Lauzun legion (in the absence of the Duke) in Lebanon, that General Washington would sup there” ( , 63).