George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General Duportail, 5 March 1781

From Brigadier General Duportail

philad. 5 March 1781

dear general

i Received this afternoon your two letters one of the 21 of february the second of the first of march. i have not time enough to enquire how it happened so; but i am exceedingly sorry of that accident. i will do all my endeavours for Reparing it as much as it is possible. i will set off two morrow morning and i will go as fast as my horses will be able to do. i will go by new windsor and fiskill although i believe it is not the shortest Road. but i have not time enough to enquire and i must now agree with Colonel pickering about the Road i will take on account of the horses.

i am exceedingly afraid not to join your excellency at a time, but i take the liberty to beg you (if you leave Rhodisland before i arrived there, and you have other orders to give me) to send them by the different Roads i may take. this is pri[n]cipally necessary if you do not Come by the same Road you went. i have the honour to be with great Respect Your exelleny the most humbl. and obed. servant


i d’ont thinck i shall arrive at newport before the 14th.1


1Duportail arrived in Newport on that date, too late to join GW, who had left on 13 March (see Kite, Duportail description begins Elizabeth S. Kite. Brigadier-General Louis Lebègue Duportail: Commandant of Engineers in The Continental Army 1777–1783. Baltimore, 1933. description ends , 192, and GW to William Greene, 12 March, postscript, NNGL). Duportail then stayed in Newport to consult with Lieutenant General Rochambeau (see Rochambeau to GW, 31 March, DLC:GW).

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