George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General Duportail, 18 February 1781

From Brigadier General Duportail

philad. 18 feb. 1781

dear general

I do not know where this letter will find you at newwindsor or at newport. I have been told to-day you set off last thurday, but that report appears some what uncertain.1 I suppose that you have received the letter which I wrote to your excellency some days ago. I begged leave to stay here some time unless you have some reasons to desire my attendance to Rhode island.2 I have not received your answer.3 if I receive none I suppose it will be because you will be gone, I will take the liberty to stay in philadelphia. mr de Castaing having some business at providence and boston, the minister has desired him to Carry the pacquets received to day from france for Count rochambeau and others.4 if these dispatches are very important probably, I beg your excellency to give the quarter maste⟨r⟩ the necessary orders for supplying him with fresh horses. I heard with great displeasure that Commodore paul jones has brought neither Arms nor Cloathing.5 I have the honour to be with great respect your excellency, the most humble and obedient servant


ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection. No reply from GW to Duportail has been found, but see GW to Duportail, 21 February.

1The previous Thursday was 15 February. GW had delayed his departure for Newport (see GW to Rochambeau, 15 Feb.).

4Capt. Pierre de Castaing la Grâce was Duportail’s aide-de-camp.

5For the arrival at Chester, Pa., of Capt.John Paul Jones aboard the Continental frigate Ariel, see Edward Hand to GW, this date.

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