From George Washington to Brigadier General Duportail, 13 February 1781
To Brigadier General Duportail
New Windsor Feby 13th 1781
Dear Sir,
I received with much pleasure your letter of the 8th from Philadelphia, & sincerely congratulate you on your liberation from Captivity, and safe arrival at that place.1
I shall set out the day after tomorrow for New Port.2 had you not So lately come off a long & tiresome journey, I should have been glad of your company thither—but this being impracticable, & there being no immediate occasion for your presence at this Post, you have my free consent to remain in Philadelphia till the business you had in contemplation is accomplished, after which I shall be impatient to welcome you to Head Qrs.
Colo. Gouvion (if he has not already done it) is about setting out for New Port3—Majr Villefranche went thither a month ago.
Mrs Washington & the Gentn of my family salute you cordially, but none can do it with more truth & sincerity than Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt Servt
Go: W——n
ADfS, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. See Duportail to GW, 8 February.
2. GW postponed his departure (see GW to Rochambeau, 14 [first letter], 15, and 24 Feb.).
3. For GW’s introduction of Lieutenant Colonel Gouvion, see his second letter to Rochambeau, 14 Feb., found at his first letter to Rochambeau, same date, source note.