George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, November 1771

Cash Accounts

[November 1771]

Novr 2— To Cash recd of Captn [William] Chisholm for Flour sold him1 £236.19. 8
4— To Ditto of Carter Braxton Esqr. Intt of his Bond to Miss Custis2 52.10. 0
6— To Cash of Mr Joseph Valentine3 389. 8. 7
7— To Ditto from Colo. Warnr Lewis 2 years Interest of his Bond4 80. 0. 0
23— To Cash receivd of Messrs Robt Adam & Co. 60. 0. 0
2— By Mr [John] Glassford for Neil Jameison & on Acct of Mr John West5 62.19. 3
4— By a Blank Book & 2 Almanacks6 0. 8. 3
By Ditto Do 0. 1. 6
5— By Messrs [John] Randolph, [Edmund] Pendleton, & [James] Mercer in the Suit of Dunbar £20 each7 60. 0. 0
By Mr [William] Rinds Acct 1. 6. 6
6— By George Lafong—Barber 0.15. 9
By Sprowle & Crooks Estate for Candles8 3. 0. 0
7— By Colo. Fieldg Lewis for Michl Robinson9 200. 0. 0
By Board at Mr John Carter’s10 1.13. 9
By Mrs Bassett for Mrs Washington & Miss Custis 11.11. 9
8— By 4 Horses for Rappahannock11 30. 0. 0
12— By Doctr Johnson for Miss Custis £14.0.0 Maryland equal to12 11. 4. 0
16— By Lund Washington for Giles13 76. 5. 0
By James Cleveland14 115. 0. 0
By Thos Davis 4. 4. 0
By Michl Clark workg on my Mill 4. 0. 0
By Benj: Mason Do Do 7. 2. 6
By Thos Tayler Mason Workg on my Mill15 8.10. 0
By Arthur Edwards in excha. of Waggon’s 1. 3. 8
By Captn Marshall16 2.16. 5
By William Skilling 2.12. 6
By Tammy for Miss Custis 0. 9. 8
By Sundries for Mrs Washington &ca 1.12. 4
18— By Mr [Harry] Piper for 288 Bushl of Coal @ 7½17 9. 0. 0
By Charity 0. 6. 0
By Mrs [Anne Catharine] Green 2 Year’s Gazettes 1. 0. 0
By 2 Candlesticks 0.10. 0
By a Lock 0. 6. 0
By Andrew Wales Balle Acct 6.17.1118
By Chas Turner in full 0. 7. 6
By William Roberts 6. 0. 0
25— By William Bawn workg on my Mill19 15.15. 0
30— By Thoms Williams20 4. 0. 0

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 345, 347.

2For this bond of Carter Braxton held by Martha Parke Custis until her death in 1773, see doc. III-B, October 1759, note 28, in Settlement of the Daniel Parke Custis Estate, 20 April 1759–5 November 1761. See also Thomas Moore to GW, 30 April 1768, n.2.

4This payment of £80 appears as credit to John Parke Custis in GW’s Guardian Accounts, 3 Nov. 1773.

6GW’s diary for 1772 is written in a Virginia Almanack printed by Purdie and Dixon.

7See GW to Jonathan Boucher, 9 July 1771, n.5, and James Mercer to GW, 6 Sept. 1771, n.1. Receipts dated 6 Nov. from Randolph, Pendleton, and Mercer are in ViHi: Custis Papers.

8Sprowle & Crooks, a mercantile firm in Norfolk, was going out of business in the fall of 1771.

9GW was at Eltham on 7 and 8 Nov., and Fielding Lewis and James Mercer joined him there for the trip back to Fredericksburg and Mount Vernon. The £200 was the rest of the payment due for Mary Washington’s house in Fredericksburg, which remained in GW’s possession during his mother’s residency until her death in 1789. See Cash Accounts, May 1771, n.13.

10Contrary to his usual practice, GW on this visit to Williamsburg did not stay at Mrs. Campbell’s. She had just moved to a new tavern behind the capitol. He stayed instead in the house of the merchant John Carter across Duke of Gloucester Street from the Raleigh Tavern. See Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:63–69.

11GW may have been buying horses for his Ferry Farm on the Rappahannock, the management of which he took over when his mother shortly moved into Fredericksburg.

12Dr. John Johnson of Maryland, who began sending medicine for Martha Parke Custis in 1770 (see Thomas Johnson to GW, 18 June 1770), had begun treating her for epilepsy.

13In his account with Lund Washington in General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 313, GW enters £76.5 for “a Negro Giles purchased of him.” This may be the Giles whom GW began listing in 1767 as one of his tithables (see Joseph Davenport to Lund Washington, September 1765, n.1, in Papers, Colonial Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series. 10 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1983–95. description ends , 7:405–7).

14For GW’s account with his overseer James Cleveland, see General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 312.

15Masons began work on repairs to the walls of GW’s new mill on 4 Sept. (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:59).

16GW gave £2.16.5½ to Thomas Hanson Marshall’s overseer to complete the payment of the £5 that he owed to Marshall for the trees on Marshall’s land adjoining Mount Vernon which had been cut down (see General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 139; Marshall to GW, 8 Mar. 1770, and GW to Marshall, 9 Mar. 1770).

17GW went up to Alexandria for the meeting of the county court on 18, 19, and 20 November.

18This may have been to complete the payment on the note of hand for £15 that GW gave on 2 Aug. 1769 to Wales, a brewer in Alexandria, for ale (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 338).

19See note 15.

20Between 14 June and 5 May 1772 GW paid the cooper Thomas Williams £31.15.6 for “making 185 Fish Barels ... 258 Flour Casks ... [and] 6 Bread Barls” (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 338).

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