George Washington Papers

III-B. Schedule B: General Account of the Estate, c.October 1759


Schedule B: General Account of the Estate

[c.October 1759]

1757 The Estate of Daniel Parke Custis Esqr. deceasd Current Money
To Mrs Martha Custis for Sundrys paid on Acct of the Estate1 viz. for
Funeral Expences. to Charles Crump for makg & lin[in]g a Coffin 3.4.6; Robt Clopton assisting about Ditto £1; the Reverend Mr [David] Mossom for a Funerl Sermn 3.4.6. £  7. 9.  
Debts due from Colo. Custis in his lifetime.2 Vizt to Thomas Dixon for two Cheeses 1.1.4; George Brett for building a S[c]hooner £20; John Wollaston for 3 Pictures £60.4.;3 Richd Chamberlayne for Plank £4; Doctr [John] Amson for Attendance £8.12.; George Taylor for Ballance of his acct provd 1.3.10½; Stephen F. Hoomes for Iron £2.12.; Colo. Wm Macon for a Bill of £40 Sterl. £58; Barthw Dandridge for Attorneys Fees 1.12.6; Thos Pasley for Schoolg 2 Children of Ann Smiths £2; John Richmond. Taylor. for work done 1.3.4½; Andrew Marr for the duty of a Pipe of wine £1.13.; James Darnforth for Smiths work 13.18.9; Lyde & Cooper of Bristol for a bale due them 5.0.4. 181. 1. 2
Overseer’s Shares—to Jno. Roan as by his Receipt 4.3.4; Chs Whitlock as by his four Receipts 41.1.8; Epaphroditus Howle as pr his four Receipts 36.7.3; Roger Tandy as by his Receipt £40; Wm Hatton as by ditto 4.3.4; Edward Valentine for his Share of Butter 2.0.7½. 127.16. 2 1/2
Sundries for the Use of the Estate viz. Brick work done by Joseph Pond as by his 3 Rects £1.16; Crops pd Richd Usrey for Potatoe Seed 12/6; Col. [William] Macon for Wheat to sow 4.13.9; Doctors. Dr Scott curg a Negroe Woman’s Finger £2.3; Dr [Kenneth] McKenzie visitg the Coach[ma]n 1.1.6; Fishing. Geo: Brett for a Boat 35/; Jno. Case mendg Saines 2.7.6; Inspection. pd Wm Poindexter £5.3; Do £4; Jas Clarkson £2.10; Wm Graves £3; Law Charges. Barth: Dandridge Attr. Fees 3.1.3; Jno. Mercer & Mr [Robert Carter] Nicholas for retainrs £10.15; Levies, Taxes &ca pd Lain Jones by 2 Rects & Clks fees 23.15.11½ & 4967½;4 Negroes cloaths vizt Stockings of Burbidge &ca 7s.9d.; pd Sarah & Molly Cook for makg them £3.4; Eliza Langston for Do £2.4; Ann Smith for Do £1;
Current Money
Quitrents pd Mr [John] Blair by Rect 22.10.5;5 Repairs of a house pd Jno. Wheatley by rect £4.9.; Shoe thread bot of Thos Frame 19s.; Smiths work paid James Darnforth pr Rect 7.17.2; Spinning & weaving pd Jno. Hazlegrove for 2 Wheels £1; pd Sarah Ragland for weavg Virga Cloth 4 times 10.6.2½ 118.17.  
To Joseph Valentine for Sundries paid by him on acct of the Estate allowd by Mrs Custis on passing his acct Viz.
Mourning for the family. of Mr Prentis £53.6.10½; Mr [Robert] Stephenson £14.6d.; Mr Franks £7.4.6; Mr [James] Tarpley 5.12.4½; Mr Jno. Carter 1.14.7; Mr [William] Nelson £1.8.6; Jno. Bartley making 20s.; Mrs Carlos do 32/; Mrs [Joanna] McKenzie do 24/5; Nichs Syme 17/8; Cash paid for 2 pr black Stockings 17/; 1 pr black gloves 5/. 89. 3. 5
Debts due from Colo. Custis in his Life time. to Jno. Carter by acct provd £3.14.6; Mr Peter Lyons £1.2.6; Jas Bigs 9/1½; Jno. Greenhow 7/10½ 5.14.  
Overseers. a years Wages to himself £80; To Richd Croshire Graves a years ditto £25; James Biggs overseer on the Eastern Shore by Rect £10.16.6 115.16. 6
Sundries for the use of the Estate. Viz. punch at the Appraisement 2s.6d.; Brickwork abt the Graveyard and Monument £16.4; at the Quarters £9.13.; Glaziers Acct £7.11.6; Smiths acct 18/9; Docter’s Accts paid Dr [James] Carter £24.2.3, Dr [Peter] Hay £2.3; Inspection 22 Hhds £5.10, 15 at Littlepages £3.15., 1 at Newcastle 5/; Law charges Writs Sowell 3/6, Peter Lyons Attrs. fees 2.17.6, Benja. Waller Clks fees 6.10.11, Thos Penman Prison fees &ca 3.14.10; Levies Taxes &ca pd the Sherif of hanover 2.6.3, Jas City 12/, King William £6.5, York £11.13s.2½d., paid for 1690 lb. Tobo £14.1.8; Sheep. paid for 35/. from the Eastern Shore & their freight £10.5; Tar. paid for a Barrel 15/ & for 3 horse Collars 15/  130. 4.10 1/2
£776. 2. 2
Note of the above Tobo 4967½ lbs. there was paid in Tobo left in the house by Colo. Custis at his death 4829½ and for the Balle there was paid to the Sherif 20/ prCt 1386 1. 7. 7
£777. 9. 9    
To the ballance to be divided. [Sterling] [Current money]
one third to Colo. Washington & his Wife £1617.18. 0 5/12 & £7618. 7.11 1/2
one third part to Jno. Parke Custis 1617.18. 0 5/12 7618. 7.11 1/2
& one third to Martha Parke Custis 1617.18. 0 5/12 7618. 7.11 1/2
£4853.14. 1 1/4 £23,632.13. 7 1/2

⟨Each of them to be Chargeable with one third part of any Demands against the Estate and to be entitled to one third part of all Credits to the Estate not containd in this Acct.⟩7

Contra Cr
Sterling money Current money
By the Inventories of the Estate taken in the several Counties8 of New Kent, in which the Slaves were
appraisd to £4769. 1. 6
£ 7268. 6. 5
King William 832.   
James City 60.   
York 2501.   
Hanover 419.   
Northampton 377.   
1219.11. 6
268. 2. 1
3213. 6.  
474.17. 6
By Bank Stock in England9 £1650.  .  
By Goods recd of Robert Cary Esqr. & Compa. in 1758 458. 4.10
of Ditto—1759 346. 2. 8
of ditto by Messrs Oswald in two parcels 23.11.11
of James Gildart Esqr. in 1758 150.18. 4
of ditto in 1759 102.14. 8 3/410
of ditto for Jos: Valentine £25.5.9¾ wch Mr Custis agreed for at 31.12. 3
By Cash in the House at his death £1081.1.6 let out at Interest except 284.17. 6
By Bonds due John Custis Esqr. Viz. from Benja. Hubbard & Jno. Robinson Esqr. 350.  .  
Interest receivd in full to May 4th 175911 47.  . 7
John Robinson Esqr. for £150 Ster: Intt in full £89.3.4 Excha: at 35 pr Ct 83.14.2 paid of in full 322.17. 6
Nathl Edwards Jas Wray and Clemt Read the balle of which due Octr 21st 1749 appears from the receipts endorsd to be12 28.  .  
John Blair Esqr. and Jno. Blair Junr 300.  .  
Intt receivd in full to April 23d 175913 51. 4.  
Henry Armistead and William Armistead assignd by Carter Burwell the Bale of wch due dec. 1. 1753 appears from the Receipts endorsd to be14 132. 1. 8
To the ballance to be divided. John Mercer (who says it is paid) & Benja. Hubbard datd Novr 6th 174915 100.  .  
By Bonds due Danl Parke Custis Esqr. viz. from Edmond Pendleton and Bernard Moore16 200.  .  
Interest recd in full to May 8th 1759 28. 6. 2
Joseph Moreton and Presley Thornton17 assign’d by Jno. Randolph 300.  .  
Intt recd in full to Mar. 20th 1759 54. 3. 4
The Reverend Mr David Mossum dated April 9th 1756 17. 6. 8
By Protested Bills for Wm Bowler’s Excha. on Jas Gildart Esqr. dated July 11th 1754 & protested April 8th 1755, endorsd D.P. Custis (besides Intt & charge of Protest18 90.  .  
By Promissary Notes payable to D.P. Custis on Demand viz. Abner Clopton’s dated Jany 8th 1756 3.  . 4
Edward Pye Chamberlaynes’s dated June 28th 175619 12.  .  
By Mortgages for Francis Foster’s dated Novr 1757 for so much money then lent him on Intt by Mrs Martha Custis out of the money in the House20 500.  .  
Intt recd in full till Novr 1758 25.  .  
By Bonds payable to Mrs Martha Custis for money lent by her at Intt21 Joanna McKenzie Jno. Palmer & Jas Carter for money in the House & Valentine 216.  .  
Intt Recd in full to April 23d 175922 10.16.  
Thos Dansie and Nathl West Dandridge dated Octr 8th 1758 for money in House23 100.  .  
Bernard Moore & Jno. Robinson Esqrs. dated Apl 12th 1758 for so much drawn for24 1000.  .  
Philip Whitehead Claiborne and Bernard Moore—Do [drawn] £200 Ster. 280.  .  
Intt recd in full to April 25th 175925 14. 5. 9
Burwell Bassett and Presley Thornton—Do [drawn] £1500 Ster. 2100.  .  
Interest recd in full to April 23d 175926 102.16. 3
Wm Dandridge Carter Braxton & P.W. Claiborne for 20.9. Cash & Do [drawn] £300 Ster. 440. 9.  
Interest recd in full till April 29th 175927 22. 0. 5
Thos Moore Carter Braxton P.W. Claiborne & Ber: Moore—Do [drawn] £1000 St. 1400.  .  
Intt recd in full till May 2. 175928 70.  .  
John Mercer Jno. Tayloe & P. Thornton paya. May 12th da[te]d Novr 4th 1758 Do [drawn] £1500 Ster.29 2100.  .  
Bartho. Dandridge P.W. Claiborne & Wm Dandridge—Do [drawn] £600 ster. 600.  .  
Interest recd in full till April 23d 175930 39.12.  
Philip Johnston & Ber: Moore for £141.13 due Jno. Custis Esqr. & Do [drawn] £50 ster. 211.13.  
Intt recd in full till April 23d 175931 9. 2. 5
by Profits receivd by Mrs Custis vizt for Fish. by transfer Notes pd Lain Jones £28.6.11; Jos. Ferguson 12/6 besides sundries paid & recd for the Estates use for which no acct was kept 28.19. 5
Flat hire of Captn John Thomas £2.4.8; Captn [Robert] Crawford £2 4. 4. 8
Butter of Edward Valentine Overseer 5.13.10 1/2
Sundries of John Roan Overseer 18. 5.  
Horses running in the Marsh of Mr [Richard] Allan 6.  .  
Salt of Dyer Bristow . 6.  
Rent of Peter Scott 12.  .  
4 Steers sold Mr Bartho. Dandridge 8.  .  
By Ditto Receivd by Mrs Custis of Joseph Valentine the Ests. Steward as by his Book
Profits unaccounted for in Colo. Custis’s Life time 70. 9. 8
Butter sold Sundries 561 lb. 20.19. 3
Brandy 82 Gallons 12. 6.  
Cattle 3 Cows 16 Beeves & 666 lib. Beef 56.18. 4
Corn 570½ Barrels 243.17. 6
Pork 19752 lib. 136.14.10
Wheat 1091½ bushels 185. 3. 9
Weather’s 8 and Lambs 7 7. 2.  
Sundries sold to the College 32. 5.  
Rents of Abra. Coles £4; Emery Hughes £8; Geo: Jones £5.3.9; Wm Keen £10; Michl McCarty £11; Geo. Powel £16; Ship Landg £5; Peter Scott 8£; [John] Warrington £20; Tho: Weather’s £10; Jno. Wheatley £19.11 116.14. 9
By Debts recd of Jas Carter £107.11.2; Majr [Harry] Gaines £44.2d.; Thos Ivy £1.1.3; Colo. [William] Macon £1.2; Pennington £7.10; Ben. Powel £⟨15⟩; Colo. [John] Syme 5/; Jno. Wheatley £10 186. 9. 7
£4853.14. 1 1/4 £23,632.13. 7 1/2

D, ViHi: Custis Papers; D, ViLxW: Washington’s Account Book. Both copies are in GW’s hand. The official copy of this document, along with the official copy of all the other documents filed with the court in the settlement of the Custis estate, has been lost (see Editorial Note, 20 April 1759–5 Nov. 1761). The copy in the account book (ViLxW) is in part faded and mutilated, but there seems to be little difference between it and the other, in the Custis Papers (ViHi), either in form or wording, except for GW’s important notation at the end of the debit side of the account in the ViLxW copy. GW, John Mercer, or someone else may have used the ViHi copy to make the copy of the account that Mercer submitted to the General Court. On the other hand, the ViHi document may be only a copy that GW made of the official document before it was filed. Because GW probably made the ViLxW copy of the account from the ViHi copy, which is also the more legible, the ViHi copy is printed here. In both copies of the account, GW began by having one item to a line with the amount charged entered in a column to the right, but to save space he soon began to run a number of items together under a heading, a practice followed throughout in the printed version, for the same reason. Semicolons have been added to mark the separation between different items, and £, s., and d. symbols have been inserted where needed. The notes are numbered and then continued on the verso, or debit side, of the account and then continued on the recto, or credit side.

1There are in the Custis Papers (ViHi) receipts signed or marked by many of the people named here, acknowledging payment by Martha Custis or her steward Joseph Valentine. Because GW had business dealings with most of these people after his marriage to Martha Custis, the names of many of them will crop up elsewhere in this volume and in subsequent volumes, where they usually will be identified.

2The amounts under this item indicate, and subsequent entries confirm, that Daniel Parke Custis left no bonded debt, only short-term obligations and current expenses. The sterling column shows no obligations of any kind.

3The three pictures that John Wollaston painted in 1757 are the portraits of Martha Dandridge Custis, of her first husband Daniel Parke Custis, and of their children John Parke (Jacky) and Martha Parke (Patsy) Custis. These portraits are now owned by Washington and Lee University.

4The figure 4,967½ refers to pounds of tobacco and is the only entry in a column, omitted here, headed “Tobacco.” On 7 April 1758, Lain Jones, acting as sheriff of New Kent County, certified that he had “Recd of Mrs Martha Custis the Tax on 63 Tithes @ 4 The Tax on 6264 Acres of Land at 2/3 tax on 1 Chariott & Cha[i]r due for the Year 1757” (ViHi: Custis Papers). The amount collected was £21.3 and some pence.

5John Blair’s receipt for payment by Joseph Valentine of £22.10.5, on 17,438 acres of land, is dated 9 May 1758 (ibid.). The settlement accounts include the auditor’s official list of Custis lands (doc. III-A–6) at 17,779 acres. Quitrents were paid at 2s. sterling or 2s. 6d. current money on 100 acres. At that rate the payment here would be for 18,017 acres.

6See note 4 above. The total of 138 pounds of tobacco at 20s. per hundred pounds comes to £1.7.7.

7This very important notation made by GW does not appear on the ViHi copy of the account and is taken from the ViLxW copy. It describes the equal sharing of the profits of the estate by the three heirs, which continued until the paper assets of the estate were distributed in 1761 in the final settlement of the estate. See Editorial Note, 20 April 1759–5 Nov. 1761.

8What follows in the two columns are the total appraised value, first, of the Custis slaves in each county and, second, of the slaves and goods combined, as computed in doc. III-A–1.

9For GW’s instructions with regard to this stock in the Bank of England, see GW to Robert Cary & Co., 20 Sept. 1759, 10 Aug. 1760, 28 May 1762, and 10 Aug. 1764. In 1762 he ordered the stock transferred to Martha Parke Custis as part of her inheritance. See also doc. IV-C.

10These five lots of goods add up to £1,081.12.5¾, which in the estate division was charged to the separate accounts of the heirs: £491.18.7¾ to Martha Washington (doc. III-C–1), £571.4.1½ to John Parke Custis (doc. III-C–2), and £18.9.8½ to Martha Parke Custis (doc. III-C–3). For references to the correspondence between Martha Custis and these British merchants with regard to the shipment of tobacco and the purchase of goods, see particularly GW to Robert Cary & Co., 1 May 1759, n.3, and GW to James Gildart, 12 June 1759, n.2. Robert Cary & Co. wrote Martha Custis on 26 Nov. 1757: “We have wrote to Messrs Oswald of Glasgow who will send the Stockings & Carpet by the first Vessel that goes for York River” (ViHi: Custis Papers).

11Benjamin Hubbard paid off the principal with six months’ interest, £358.15, in January 1760 (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 63).

12This loan was allotted to Martha Washington (i.e., GW) in 1761 as part of her share of the estate. On 1 Jan. 1765 GW entered total interest charges on this account of £21.5.2. from 24 Oct. 1749, and on 1 May 1765 he recorded having received payment of £49.14.6 in cash, which included an interest payment of 9s. 4d. for 1765 (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 150). GW added this note in the ledger: “If any Rect or discharge shoud be produced agt this Balle 1 third thereof i.e £9.6.8 to be charged to Jno. P. Custis & the like to his Sister because I have acc[ounte]d with the Estate for the whole Sum.” Presumably he had entered this in the missing dower account against his (or her) balance in her separate estate account (see doc. III-C–1).

13In the estate account for 1758–59 (doc. IV-A), Blair is credited with paying £30 sterling in interest. After this loan was allotted to Martha Washington in 1761 GW entered it in General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 150, where he credited John Blair, Sr., with payments of £15 sterling in annual interest from 1760 to 1763 in return for Blair’s paying the quitrents on the Custis lands. General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends shows that Blair paid off most of the principal and interest in May 1763 in bills of exchange of £222 and £80 sterling and the rest in currency (£22.7.6) in November 1764.

14This debt due the Custis estate from the estate of William Armistead of Gloucester County was allotted to Martha Washington. Carter Burwell assigned a debt of £132.1.8 owed him in sterling to Daniel Parke Custis in 1753. On 4 May 1763 a bill of exchange of £194.5.5 sterling for the principal and interest due was drawn on Bosworth and Griffith of London by Thomas Nelson, Ralph Wormeley, Dudley Digges, Jr., and Warner Lewis, but the bill was returned under protest. Despite payments of £60.12.2 in 1765 and £200 in 1772, the debt remained at £104.3.3 on 8 Dec. 1772. See General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 150, 192, and Ledger B, 14. GW sent the account to John Marshall in 1789 for him to sue for payment but forgave the debt upon learning of the distressed state of the family.

15The loan seems to have been repaid or canceled before 1761.

16Edmund Pendleton paid off the principal and interest on his loan on 28 April 1760 (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 57, included here as doc. IV-D).

17Joseph Moreton’s bond was “taken in” on 26 April 1760 (ibid.).

18On 5 Nov. 1759 John Mercer brought suit for payment of the protested bill (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 68), which had been assigned to Martha Washington, and a judgment of the General Court on 20 Oct. 1762 against William Bowler awarded GW £188.8.2 current money (£109.17.6 sterling). On 30 April GW received in settlement from Nathaniel Burwell £66.18.4 and from Edmund Pendleton £121.9.10 (ibid., 156).

19Both Abner Clopton (b. 1731) and Edward Pye Chamberlayne were members of prominent families in New Kent County. Clopton (see doc. IV-A) and probably Chamberlayne had paid off their notes by the time of the final division of the estate in 1761–62.

20The mortgage on Francis Foster’s land was assigned to Martha Washington. By 1765, when GW sold the loan to John Parke Custis (see GW’s Guardian Accounts, ViLxW), she had received £200 in interest, which was set at 5 percent per annum (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 151).

21In the Custis Papers (ViHi) there is a memorandum in John Mercer’s hand stating that on 18 April 1758 he “Drew on” John Hanbury & Co. (by this time Capel & Osgood Hanbury) for “£1000 at 40” in favor of Bernard Moore and £200 in favor of Philip W. Claiborne; 28 April, on Robert Cary & Co., £1,500 at 40 in favor of Burwell Bassett; 29 April, on Hanbury, £300 in favor of William Dandridge; 16 May, £250 in favor of Thomas Moore; 16 May, on Cary, £750 in favor of Thomas Moore; 12 May, on Cary, £1,500 in favor of John Mercer; 18 May, on Cary, £200 in favor of Bartholomew Dandridge; 18 May, on Hanbury, £100 in favor of Bartholomew Dandridge; 18 May, on James Gildart & Co., £200 in favor of Dandridge; 20 May, on Hanbury, £100 in favor of Dandridge; and 14 June, on Cary, £50 in favor of Philip Johnson (Johnston). The sterling face amounts in all these bills of exchange are converted to Virginia currency at 40 percent in the Accounts. On 1 June 1758 Martha Custis wrote Robert Cary & Co. that she had written on 30 April informing the company of having drawn on it a number of bills of exchange in favor of Burwell Bassett totaling £1,500 sterling. Since then, she wrote, she had drawn bills in favor of John Mercer totaling £1,000, £750 in favor of Thomas Moore, and £200 in favor of Bartholomew Dandridge (ViHi: Custis Papers). In a letter of the same date she informed John Hanbury & Co. of the bills she had drawn on it, including one of £500 in favor of John Mercer, whereas Mercer indicated in his memorandum that all £1,500 for his bill was drawn on Robert Cary & Co. As Martha Custis explained in both letters, she drew these bills, “being obliged to make use of all the Money due to Mr Custis’s Estate” (Martha Custis to John Hanbury & Co., 1 June 1758, ibid.). Her sterling drafts amounting to £6,150 largely depleted the estate’s sterling balance except for the Bank of England stock valued at £1,650 sterling. See notes 22 through 31.

22GW regularly credited the payment of interest on this loan to Joanna McKenzie by Dr. James Carter (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 142, 145, 160, 176, 203, 231, 269, 290, 318). GW also opened another account with Mrs. McKenzie when he set up his guardian account (ViLxW) for Martha Parke Custis in 1761.

23Thomas Dansie paid GW two years’ interest (£10) on 7 Dec. 1760, and then paid an additional £2.7 on 15 April 1761 when Dansie’s bond was signed over to Martha Parke Custis as part of her inheritance (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 151). At Martha Parke Custis’s death in 1773, the loan was assigned to her brother as part of his moiety of her estate. Dansie had been married to Frances Parke Custis, Martha Washington’s sister-in-law, and his present wife, Ann Dandridge, was Martha Washington’s first cousin.

24GW received £210 in 1761 as three years’ interest, and Bernard Moore’s bond of £1,400 was then assigned to Martha Parke Custis as part of her share of the estate (ibid.). At her death, it came to £1,747.8.8 sterling in unpaid principal and interest.

25Claiborne’s loan was assigned to Martha Parke Custis in 1761 and went to John Parke Custis at her death (Ledger B, 215–216).

26This loan was assigned to Martha Parke Custis in 1761. At her death, Burwell Bassett owed her, including the principal and interest on this loan, a total of £3,530.18, which was assigned to John Parke Custis (ibid.).

27William Dandridge made regular interest payments on this loan to Martha Parke Custis after it was assigned to her in 1761, and on her death it was assigned to her brother (ibid.).

28On 4 Nov. 1760 John Robinson paid £500 on this loan for Thomas Moore (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 108) and £250 on 7 Nov. 1761 (ibid., 142), leaving a balance of £806.7.4 owed to Martha Parke Custis. In November 1770, the unpaid interest due brought the total to £1,152.5.2, which GW reduced by £104.5. by acquiring two slaves and a bay mare at Thomas Moore’s estate sale. Carter Braxton paid off the debt in June 1770 with his bond for £1,050 (ibid., 204), and at Martha Parke Custis’s death the Braxton bond and one year’s interest of £52.10 due was assigned to John Parke Custis (Ledger B, 215–16).

29John Mercer met no interest payments on this loan assigned to Martha Parke Custis before his death in 1768. His son James Mercer as executor of his father’s estate gave Martha Parke Custis a mortgage of £1,109.11.6 in 1771 for the unpaid interest. See GW’s Guardian Account Book, 4 Nov. 1771, and Ledger B, 221. Bond and mortgage for a total of £3,209.11.6 were taken by GW as part of his wife’s moiety in Martha Parke Custis’s estate (Ledger B, 215).

30Bartholomew Dandridge met none of the interest payments on this bond assigned to his niece Martha Parke Custis and instead covered his arrearages with bonds of £150, £207.4.1, and £143.11.9 sterling (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 110; Ledger B, 215). At her death the three bonds plus yet more unpaid interest came to £1,219.9.4, most of which was assigned to GW in the settling of his stepdaughter’s estate.

31Because of protested bills of exchange and unpaid interest this debt from money originally owed John Custis was £273.12.4 currency in April 1762 when John Robinson paid it off in cash to GW (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 145).

Index Entries