From George Washington to Elias Dayton, 6 November 1786
To Elias Dayton
Mount Vernon Novr 6th 1786
Dear Sir,
Presuming you are Presidt of the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of New Jersey, I give you the trouble of the enclosed address. If I am mistaken, you will be so good as to hand it to the right person.1
Months ago, I received a number of blank Diplomas for my Signature, which was affixed & held in readiness for Mr Peck or his order. No call has yet been for them. If a good conveyance should offer, I will forward them; but I am not much in the way of meeting this.2 With great esteem and regard I am Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt Hble Ser.
Go: Washington
2. See John Peck to GW, 16 Aug. and 4 Sept. 1786. GW seems not to have received Peck’s letter of 4 September.