George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Elias Dayton, 29 January 1784

From Elias Dayton

Eliz[abe]th Town [N.J.] Janry 29th 1784


I have been honored with your Excellency’s letter of the 28th Ult. appointing Philadelphia to be the place of meeting for the general society of the Cincinnati.1

I have since been particular in complying with your Excellency’s request, by making that appointment known to the representatives of the society of this State and by urgeing in the most expressive terms, their punctual attendance. With the most sincere wishes that your Excellency may enjoy uninterrupted health & happiness I have the honor to subscribe myself with the greatest regard, Your Excellency’s Most Obedt humb:servt

Elias Dayton

ALS, DSoC. George Turner and GW, as secretary and president, respectively, of the Society of the Cincinnati, endorsed Dayton’s letter, which was read at the general meeting on 8 May 1784.

Elias Dayton (1737–1807), a storekeeper in Elizabeth Town, N.J., fought in the French and Indian War. From 1776 to 1783 he was colonel of one or another New Jersey regiment. Dayton was president of the New Jersey chapter of the Society of the Cincinnati.

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