To George Washington from John Peck, 4 September 1786
From John Peck
Nomony-Hall, 4th Septr 1786.
Since I had the honor of addressing you from Piscataway,1 I have been confined by a severe intermittant which has rendered me unable to attend to the business of the Cincinnati, or indeed any other.
If the Diplomas are ready would thank you to forward them by Mr Elwood, agreeably to a written request which he will deliver for that purpose.2 I am, Sir, With Sentiments of the most perfect respect Your Very Humb. Servt
Jno. Peck
ALS, DLC:GW. Peck enclosed a “Duplicate” of this letter in his letter to GW of 5 Mar. 1787 (DLC:GW).
1. Peck’s earlier letter is dated 16 August. Nomini Hall was the place of Peck’s father-in-law Robert Carter (1728–1804) in Westmoreland County.
2. John Ellwood (Elwood), Jr., was captain of the sloop Charming Polly, the Philadelphia packet boat that made regular runs to Alexandria.