George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, August 1771

Cash Accounts

[August 1771]

Augt 5— To Ditto [cash] receivd for a Weather £ 0.15.0
13— To Ditto receivd for 25 Weathers @ 15/ 18.15.0
15— To Ditto for Ferriages 0.17.3
18— To Ferriages1 0.14.9
19— To Weaving Receivd from Mr Whiting 0.18.92
20— To Cash of Peter Wise for Wagonage 3. 0.0
28— To Ferriages 1. 7.6
31— To Ditto 0. 7.6
2— By two Load of Stone from the Falls 6. 0.0
By taking up Harry when runaway3 1.16.0
By Cards 0. 5.3
11— By Lund Washington 2 half Joes 4.12.6
12— By James Cleveland 100 Silver Dollars4 30. 0.0
13— By 180 Bushels of Oyster shells @ 20/ 1.16.0
16— By Saml Moulds for 3 Load of Stone—Falls 9. 0.0
19— By Charity5 0. 6.0
By William Bushby’s Acct in full6 3. 7.3
By Peter Gaulat for Mr Jno. P. Custis 0.15.0
23— By Mr James Connell in full7 2.10.0
By Mr [William] Ramsay Postage of Letters 3. 8.4
29— By Saml Moulds for a Load of Stone 3. 0.0
By 176 Bushls of Oyster shells 1.16.0
30— By Dominicus Gubner 1. 0.0

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 340, 344.

1GW assumed the management of Posey’s ferry at Mount Vernon when he began renting it in 1770 prior to buying it in 1772. See John West, Jr., to GW, 26 April 1769, n.2. At some time this month, GW petitioned the Charles County (Md.) court to open and maintain “the road that leads from Portobacco Road to Mr [Thomas Hanson] Marshalls land opposite to poseys Ferry which Said Road is Very much frequented by Travellers.” The court ordered Benjamin Ward and Peter Dent to “View the within Road and make Report thereof to the next Court” (MdAA: Charles County Court Records, Liber T, no. 3 [1770–72], 376).

2Francis Whiting (d. 1775) paid GW for the weaving of “7½ yds of a 1100 Jean’s,” delivered 18 June 1770 (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 126). In 1773 Whiting rented a parcel of GW’s Bullskin land in Frederick County.

3On 2 Aug. GW was “At home all day a writing Letters & Advertisements of Harry who run away the 29th. Ulto” (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 3:45). Harry was a slave on the new farm by the ferry at Mount Vernon. See Memorandum: List of Tithables, 14 June 1771 and 10 June 1772.

4This was initial payment for James Cleveland’s share of wheat made under his management at River farm (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 312).

5GW was in Alexandria on 19, 20, and 21 Aug. for the meeting of the Fairfax County court. He spent the night of 20 Aug. at his new house on the corner of Pitt and Cameron streets.

7James Connell was a cabinetmaker. He worked on GW’s new house in Alexandria (see Cash Accounts, April 1770, n.7).

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