Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William J. Coffee, 22 March 1823

To William J. Coffee

Monto Mar. 22. 23.

Dear Sir

I recd in due time your favor of Feb. 15. mr Brockenbrough has recd a part of the ornaments & expects the rest dayly. as mine were to come with them I presume Colo Peyton has recd and forwarded them to Bedford.1 I this day inclose him an order for 100.D with a request that he will remit them to you immediately, and I some time ago informed mr Brockenbro’ that his remittance must be with you before the last day of this month. the ornaments for the interi[or] of the rooms appearing to be of the nature of potter’s ware and not of putty as usual & therefore of unknown effect with us2 I desired an experiment to be made of their adhesion to wood. one ox scull3 was accdly applied accdg to your directions and4 appears to stand well. I should be glad to know when and at what times you will be at N.Y. during the present year, in case I should have occn to write to you. if the ornaments of burnt clay5 succeed we may perhaps venture to call for those of the Rotunda in the same material, which I should expect to stand weather as well as lead.6 accept the assurce of my friendly esteem & respect.


Dft (DLC); on verso of top half of reused address cover of Joel Yancey to TJ, 25 Oct. 1821; torn at seal; at foot of text: “Mr Coffee.”

1Preceding two words interlined.

2Preceding seven words interlined.

3Preceding two words interlined.

4TJ here canceled “answered” followed by a superfluous uncanceled “and.”

5Word interlined in place of “earth.”

6Sentence added beneath signature and keyed to this point in text with a caret (mistakenly inserted before preceding period) and “if the ornamts Etc.”

Index Entries

  • architecture; architectural ornaments search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • building materials; lead search
  • clay; used in sculpturing search
  • Coffee, William John; fashions ornaments for TJ search
  • Coffee, William John; fashions ornaments for University of Virginia search
  • Coffee, William John; letters to search
  • household articles; putty search
  • lead; architectural ornaments of search
  • Peyton, Bernard; forwards goods for TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); architectural ornaments for search
  • putty search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; ornamental work search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Rotunda (library) search