Thomas Jefferson Papers

William J. Coffee to Thomas Jefferson, 15 February 1823

From William J. Coffee

New York Februry 15 1823

Honbl Sir

It gives me much pleasure to heare, your arm is in a State of recovery but Cant help saying that your moste Active mind must take care that you dont weary or take Cold in the fracture as you know at this season of the yeare thair is much fragility in the bones of a leg or an Arm, it would be to you a grievous misfortune to have a second fracture, and a Publick affliction and from the happyness1 that I hold in personally knowing you would I do assure you be a seceret sorrow; besides your incapability of action would be a great Loss to the University in it’s Present state. I must tharfore Conclude with a Trust that Care and Your good Constitution will yet sett all things to right by a perfect Concretion of the Bone.   With Respects & Sincere

Esteem Yours

Wm J. Coffee

Should thair be any thing that you may want from this City I hope you will Honor me with the Commands, and I now take the liberty of saying that I must leave N. York a day or two before next April


Your Bill on the other side

RC (DLC); dateline beneath signature; adjacent to signature: “To Thoms Jefferson. Esr.”; endorsed by TJ as received 23 Feb. 1823 and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “happysess.”

Index Entries

  • Coffee, William John; account with TJ search
  • Coffee, William John; and TJ’s health search
  • Coffee, William John; letters from search
  • Coffee, William John; travels of search
  • health; weather’s effect on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with W. J. Coffee search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; broken arm search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; injured in fall search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; TJ as founder of search
  • weather; effect on health search