Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Enclosure: Alexander Garrett’s Account with the University of Virginia, 27 November 1821


Alexander Garrett’s Account with the University of Virginia

1821—March  31, To  balance due per report of this
$ 1,296 34    By  check on Literary Fund, approved by Tho: Jefferson, $ 8,000 00
    April 16, James Oldham, draft, 500 00 Ditto      ditto      ditto, 4,000 00
Bernard Peyton, do. 1,200 00 John Patterson, per Mr. Jefferson, 3d and 4th
 instalments subscription,
500 00
Mrs. Brockenbrough, do. 30 00 1821—May1 26, James Jennings’ acct. subscription, 10 00
John M. Perry, do. 167 00 June 4, James Lindsay, 4th instalment, do. 25 00
J. Myers, do. 10 84 John Harris,         do. 250 00
C. B. Patton, do. 21 50 July 9, A. S. Brockenbrough
for James Madison, 4th instalment, sub.
250 00
J. Vowles, do. 20 80      do.     Jeremiah A. Goodman, bal. 3d, 6 00
J. Chandler, do. 5 92      do.     Edmund Anderson,    3d, 50 00
J. Nunn, do. 271 45      do.     J. B. Harvie,       3d, 125 00
Robert McCullock, do. 38 15      do.     J. C. Ragland, part    2d, 12 75
Jeremiah Yancey, do. 56 86      do.     John Winn,       3d, 74 51
John Hogg, do. 60 41      do.     Ben. Austin,       2d, 25 00
Benjamin Moore, do. 36 00      do.     Geo. W. Kinsolving,    3d, 12 50
Nimrod Bramham, do. 13 50      do.     W. H. Meriwether, bal. 3d and
part 4th instal.
57 74
William Estes, do. 18 58      do.     Jesse Garth, bal. 2d and 3d,     do. 47 50
Thomas Draffin, do. 72 63      do.     Charles Everett, bal. 1st, part 2d,   do. 25 00
Alfred Wren, do. 74 10      do.     James Monroe, part 4th,       do. 139 10
John M. Perry, do. 4 50      do.     John Rogers, 3d and 4th,       do. 100 00
Robert McCullock, do. 55 00      do.     Micajah Woods, bal. 3d, part 4th,   do. 64 00
Samuel Martin, do. 11 62½      do.     James H. Terrell, 1st and 2d,     do. 100 10
John M. Perry, do. 25 00      do.     Nelson Barksdale, 3d and 4th,     do. 100 00
Jesse Lewis, do. 32 35      do.     James Dinsmore, 4th,         do. 50 00
Richard Ware, do. 300 00      do.     John M. Perry, 4th,         do. 50 00
Nelson Barksdale, do. 197 00      do.     Hugh Chisholm, 2d, 3d and 4th,    do. 75 00
John Gorman, do. 38 00      do.     Allen Dauson, part 3d,        do. 5 00
John Neilson, do. 300 00      do.     Ben. Harden, part 3d,        do. 2 62½
Robert McCullock, do. 73 45 August 14, Check on Bank Virginia, approved by Th:
12,000 00
Lewis Mayo, do. 120 00 James O. Carr, 3d instalment, omitted 5th July,
75 00
James Leitch, do. 26 64 September 26, Check on Bank of Virginia, approved by
T. Jefferson,
1,500 00
Crenshaw Fretwell, do. 7 42 Check on Farmers’ Bank of Virginia, 1,705 24
George W. Spooner, do. 250 00 29,      ditto 386 75
John Gorman, do. 75 00      ditto 42 93
William D. Meriwether, do. 50 68 October 3,      ditto 53 61
Kelly & Norris, do. 42 21      ditto 2,173 92
William Davis, do. 30 17      ditto 3,000 00
S. Goodman, do. 35 38 November 1,      ditto 1,809 91
William Mitchell, do. 33 13      ditto 1,129 96
Samuel Philips, do. 23 59      ditto 450 00
Joseph Pitt, do. 143 12½      ditto 46 45
David Owens, do. 115 35      ditto 2,500 00
John M. Perry, in part $ 2000, do. 950 13 16, A. S. Brockenbrough, for J. C. Ragland, part 2d instalment sub. 36 75
18, Samuel Craig, (or Carey,) do. 121 80      do.     Garland Garth, part 3d     do. 62 50
20, D. W. & C. Warwick, do. 400 00      do.     A. Broadhead, 1, 2 and part 3d  do. 41 08
W. & D. Kyle, do. 88 50      do.     Micajah Wood’s bal. 4th     do. 5 00
Bernard Peyton, account, do. 97 58      do.     Reuben Maury, part 4th     do. 14 01
May 12, Joseph Antrim, do. 500 00      do.     Wm. Dunkin, 3d and 4th    do. 50 00
Jeremiah A. Goodman, do. 8 22      do.     Ch’s Harper, part 4th      do. 25 55
William Irvine, do. 26 00      do.     J. Garth, part 4th        do. 31 00
Mr. Crawford, do. 20 00      do.     Garland Garth, part 3d     do. 10 57
T. A. Blackburn, do. 9 81      do.     Isaac A. Coles, 4th       do. 50 00
G. Raggi, do. 11 00      do.     Tucker Coles, 4th        do. 120 00
A. B. Hawkins, do. 2 16      do.     Doctor Frank Carr, 2nd     do. 97 00
John Herron, do. 22 00      do.     Robert Gentry, 4th       do. 25 00
14, Jacob Hamer, do. 10 27      do.     Jno. H. Craven, part 3d     do. 93 96
Thomas Draffin, do. 113 00      do.     Ch’s Harper, bal. 4th      do. 24 50
James Dinsmore, do. 500 00      do.     John Coles,          do. 62 00
T. R. Blackburn, balance, do. 23 01      do.     Alex. Garrett, 4th        do. 125 00
John Gorman, do. 200 00 Hugh Chisholm omitted the2 1st April, 1818, being the 1st instalment his subscription, and charged to him in account with Central College, 25 00
James Leitch, do. 245 05 Jesse W. Garth omitted April, 1818, being discounted out of his subscription to the Central College, for land purchased of him, 187 50
John M. Perry, do. 25 00 23, Thomas Jefferson, part 4th instal. sub. 150 00
N. G. Rogers, do. 16 07
John M. Perry,  do.3 50 00
John Van-lew & Co. do. 500 00
David Irvine, do. 30 00
Robert McCullock, do. 200 00
John Vowles, do. 14 53
15  Samuel Mahanes, do. 129 00
Negroe Jack, do. 1 50
Joseph Brand, do. 25 41
 Same, do. 25 50
William Huntington, do. 97 33
John Vowles, do. 50 00
 Same, do. 50 00
 Same, do. 50 00
John Gorman, do. 60 00
17  John W. Durrell, do. 15 97½
John Lee, do. 11 91
18  Brockenbrough & Harvie, do. 300 00
Joseph Pitt, do. 30 00
Thomas Howard, do. 11 52
Alfred Wren, do. 53 54
Hugh Paul, do. 86 00
John M. Perry, do. 46 00
21, Negroe Sam, do. 8 00
22, John M. Perry, do. 230 00
24, Nicholas Gibson, do. 28 04
John Glenn, do. 10 00
25, John Hutchinson, do. 102 91
Henry Sprouce, do. 10 00
Joseph Miller, do. 9 88
Jacob Croft, do. 14 50
Ruth Ann McCraig, do. 23 00
William Wood, do. 18 53
Joseph Myers, do. 10 84
26, Mascolum Crawford, do. 40 00
28, Battail Reynolds, do. 40 50
Joseph Pitt, do. 21 15
June  1, Negroe Billy, do. 3 00
4, Jesse Garth, do. 105 10
John Rogers, do. 56 62
Henry Sprouce, do. 25 00
 Same, do. 25 00
Angus4 McKay, do. 60 00
Joseph Sandridge, do. 62 75
Peter Boxley, do. 434 00
Jacob Shucy, do. 9 60
July  1, Negroe Jack, do. 1 00
9, Joseph Antrim, do. 25 00
Isaac Raphael, do. 28 82
William Garth, do. 200 00
Jacob Fauver, do. 12 00
Jeremiah A. Goodman, do. 6 00
John Van-lew, & Co. do. 50 00
Brockenbrough & Harvie, do. 125 00
John C. Ragland, do. 12 75
John Winn, do. 74 51
John M. Perry, do. 37 50
William D. Meriwether, do. 57 74
Jesse Garth, do. 47 50
Charles Everett, do. 25 00
James Monroe, do. 139 10
John Rodgers, do. 100 00
Micajah Woods, do. 64 00
James H. Terrell, do. 100 10
Nelson Barksdale,  do.5 100 00
Hugh Chisholm, do. 75 00
James Dinsmore, do. 50 00
John M. Perry, do. 50 00
A. S. Brockenbrough, do. 45 62½
11, Samuel Wilson, do. 4 23
15, Negro William, do. 1 12½
19, James H. Terrell, do. 60 00
29, Isaac Raphael, do. 57 63
August 4, John Craddock, do. 2 14
Wolf & Raphael, do. 50 67
William Deitrick, do. 11 22
Samuel Holtsman, do. 20 00
Angus McKay, do. 12 19
David Baylor, do. 7 50
J W. Hunnecut, do. 2 44
John Lohar, do. 1 17
J. Armstrong, do. 7 69
Negro Nelson, do. 3 00
14, A S. Brockenbrough, do. 34 12
17, Timothy Miller, do. 10 00
22, John Nielson, do. 400 00
David Owens, do. 63 25
23, A. H. Brooks, do. 50 00
Joseph Pitt, do. 20 00
James McDermott, do. 72 30
John Herron, do. 43 75
Garland Garth, do. 20 37½
Negro Dick, do. 1 50
Garland Garth, do. 46 56
William Johnson, do. 6 00
John H. Craven, do. 52 46
John M. Perry, do. 30 00
Robert McCullock, do. 12 07
Angus McKay, do. 50 00
Thomas Draffin, do. 152 74
Robert McCullock, do. 53 03
Garland Garth, do. 13 75
John M. Perry, do. 100 00
John Herron, do. 20 00
John M. Perry, do. 400 00
Wolf & Raphael, do. 450 00
 Same, do. 133 58
Robert Gentry, do. 255 12½
Thomas Draffin, do. 90 23
 Same, do. 55 47
Joseph Antrim, do. 50 00
Charles Bankhead, do. 47 96
Randale McAllester, do. 40 00
Mr. Crawford, do. 20 00
A. Wren, do. 15 00
Henry Sprouce, do. 9 62½
Joseph Antrim, do. 12 00
Larkin Kirby, do. 6 00
M. Grant, do. 13 16
A. Grove, do. 9 05
Sarah Moorland, do. 1 75
 Same, do. 1 87
John Guthree, do. 20 00
G. Raggi, do. 11 00
George Wolfe, do. 6 00
Pleasants & Smith, do. 8 00
Negro Zackariah, do. 15 00
W. W. Cresey,  do.6 17 60
James Loge, do. 72 30
Reuben Maury, do. 124 31
 Same, do. 71 40
Ritchie & Gooch, do. 35 50
Alexander Sprinks, do. 72 00
Abraham Aughe, do. 13 83
Philip Coiner, do. 2 36
John Gorman, do. 300 00
William D. Meriwether, do. 83 47
James Stone, do. 40 60
Thomas Draffin, do. 47 15
Blackford, Arthur, & Co. do. 240 00
D. W. & C. Warwick, do. 1,000 00
John Brockenbrough, do. 1,000 00
J. B. Harvie, do. 1,000 00
C. B. Page, do. 61 43
Robert McCullock, do. 46 44
John M. Perry, do. 1,000 00
 Same, do. 50 00
George W. Spooner, do. 200 00
Mr. Mahanes, do. 10 00
David R. Lacey, do. 15 00
Bassett & Donahoe, do. 10 00
 Same, do. 86 86
David Irvine, do. 41 69
Temple Bailey, do. 4 80
24, John Vowles, do. 40 00
Bramham & Jones, do. 37 73
Charles Spencer, do. 55 35
Samuel Leitch, do. 11 40
Joseph Pitt, do. 61 88½
Thomas Moore, do. 30 00
James Leitch, do. 31 23
James Dinsmore, do. 420 24
John H. Craven, do. 27 62
Thomas Draffin, do. 23 97½
Robert McCullock, do. 155 26
 Same, do. 200 00
John W. Davis, do. 20 00
Thomas Draffin, do. 48 47
John Gorman, do. 26 75
Matthew W. Maury, do. 15 00
William Hays, do. 75 00
John M. Perry, do. 103 00
Curtis Carter, do. 1,240 71
Francis Coan, do. 11 11½
John Fretwell, do. 29 19
Nimrod Bramham, do. 100 00
Hugh Paul, do. 76 00
D. Cosby, do. 50 00
27, Wm. B. Philips, do. 200 00
M. Crawford, do. 61 60
Richard Ware, do. 15 00
M. Mitchell, do. 50 78
Temple Bailey, do. 4 12½
William Watson, do. 3 50
29, Tomblinson & Knight, do. 12 50
30, Jesse Garth, do. 96 98
 Same, do. 104 72
September 4, C. Wertenbaker, do. 16 42
26, Joseph Antrim, do. 1,500 00
John M. Perry,  do.7 1,105 25
 Same, do. 600 00
29,  Same, do. 386 75
John Rodes, do. 42 93
October 3, Absolum Johnson, do. 53 61
John M. Perry, do. 2,173 92
Edward Callard, do. 23 65
18, Thomas Draffin, do. 130 65
George W. Spooner, do. 100 00
Peck & Crawford, do. 200 00
Thomas Draffin, do. 57 50
Robert McCullock, do. 88 51
Thomas Draffin, do. 125 87
George Shucey, do. 11 38
Jesse Garth, do. 33 05
19, Sheriff Albemarle Taxes, do. 34 22
William Donaghue, do. 250 00
Edward Callard, do. 17 82
20, Jesse Dold, do. 466 80
Thomas Draffin, do. 300 81
Jesse Garth, do. 291 25
22, Luther M. George, do. 27 36
23, James Black, do. 35 45
Jesse Garth, do. 157 90
Hugh Paul, do. 241 80
24, G. Raggi, do. 11 00
Joseph Pitt, do. 80 00
Mr. Palmer, do. 100 00
J. Raphael, do. 57 12
29, W. Harper, do. 50 52
November 1, William B. Philips, do. 1,809 91
A. H. Brooks, do. 1,129 96
John Gorman, do. 450 00
Basset & Donaghue, do. 46 45
5, M. Fishburn, do. 15 00
12, John Harrow, do. 309 94
Andrew Monroe, do. 64 92
Absolum Johnson, do. 46 00
Thomas W. Gooch, do. 134 00
Nimrod Bramham, do. 150 00
Michael Coiner, do. 13 46
Richard Ware, do. 50 00
Willis & Sandy, do. 2 25
G. Raggi, do. 11 00
Joseph Harper, do. 2 75
M. Palmer, do. 7 37½
John Carter, do. 4 74
Isaac Raphael, do. 39 57
A. B. Thom, do. 24 83
13, Angus McKay, do. 80 00
Joseph Pitt & son, do. 100 00
14, Jeremiah Yancey, do. 37 84
Thomas Maupin, do. 19 65
15, V. Peyton, do. 200 00
Thomas Morton, do. 75 00
William Irvine, do. 9 70
16, D. Cosby, do. 300 00
John M. Perry, bal. $ 2,000, do. 50 00
Jno. C. Ragland per A. S. Brockenbrough, 36 75
Garland Garth, do. 62 50
A. Broadhead, do. 41 08
A. S. Brockenbrough, do. 5 00
Reuben Maury,  do.8 14 01
Thomas Draffin, do. 50 00
Charles Harper, do. 25 55
Jesse Garth, do. 31 00
Garland Garth, do. 10 57
Isaac A. Coles, do. 50 00
John Coles, do. 62 00
Tucker Coles, do. 120 00
Doctr. Frank Carr, do. 97 00
Robert Gentry, do. 25 00
John H. Craven, do. 93 96
Charles Harper, do. 24 50
19, Alexander Sprinks, do. 50 00
Thomas Draffin, do. 54 26
William Huntington, do. 71 59
Thomas Jones, do. 20 00
20, Ambrose Flannagan, do. 6 00
Hugh Chisholm omitted the 1st April, 1818, the same being charged to him in acct. 25 00
Jesse W. Garth omitted April, 1818, the same being discounted out of his subscription, to the Central College, for land purchased of him, 187 50
23, Thomas Jefferson, draft, 150 00

$ 41,405 12½ 9
Bursar his salary of one pr. centum at $ 41,405 12½, disbursed as above, 414 05
1821—Novr. 27, Balance remaining in the Treasury this date, 447 84

861 8910

$ 42,267 01½ 11 $ 42, 267 01½

The foregoing is an account of the receipts and disbursements of money by the Bursar of the University of Virginia from the thirty-first day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, to the twenty-seventh day of November, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, inclusive, shewing a balance in the Treasury of four hundred and forty-seven dollars eighty-four cents. The subjoined general account page 26, has been prepared to present a condensed view of the receipts into, and disbursements from, the Treasuries of the Central College, and University, from the commencement of the former to this date. The subjoined statement of the unappropriated Funds of the University, is prepared to present a view of the nature and amount of that fund. The exhibit marked A, is a copy of the accounts of the University with the Literary Fund for loans and annual appropriations; the exhibit marked B, is a statement of the subscriptions to the late Central College, shewing the total subscribed, the part paid, and the part yet due. All of which are respectfully reported, and submitted to the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, this twenty-seventh day of November, 1821.

ALEX: GARRETT, Bursar, U. Va.

Printed in Report and Documents for 1821 description begins Report and Documents respecting the University of Virginia, Richmond, 1821, containing a 29 Nov. 1821 report by the Board of Visitors and supporting documents description ends , 14–25; with page numbers, internal headings, and running totals at breaks of pages editorially omitted. Also enclosed in TJ to Thomas Mann Randolph, 4 Dec. 1821.

j. myers (joseph myers): Jasper Myers. j. chandler: T. Chandler. allen dauson: Allen Dawson. samuel craig, (or carey,): Samuel Cary. wm. dunkin: William Dunkum. t. a. blackburn: Thomas R. Blackburn. jacob hamer: Jacob Harner. john w. durrell: John W. Durrett. mascolum crawford: Malcolm F. Crawford. jacob shucy: Jacob Shuey. philip coiner: Philip Koiner. george shucey: George Shuey. j. raphael: Isaac Raphael. michael coiner: Michael Koiner. a. b. thom: Abia B. Thorn.

the exhibit marked a is enclosure no. 5 below. the exhibit marked b was not printed in Report and Documents for 1821 description begins Report and Documents respecting the University of Virginia, Richmond, 1821, containing a 29 Nov. 1821 report by the Board of Visitors and supporting documents description ends and has not been found.

1Year and month supplied from editorially omitted running total preceding entry.

2Report and Documents: “omittedthe.”

3Word, at top of new page, editorially changed from “draft” followed by a comma.

4Report and Documents: “Augus,” here and below.

5Word, at top of new page, editorially changed from “draft” followed by a comma.

6Word, at top of new page, editorially changed from “draft” followed by a comma.

7Word, at top of new page, editorially changed from “draft” followed by a comma.

8Word, at top of new page, editorially changed from “draft” followed by a comma.

9Total editorially shifted to the left to fall beneath horizontal rule.

10Total editorially shifted to the left to fall beneath horizontal rule.

11The correct total for the numbers in this column is $42,267.22½. Here and in adjacent column, totals editorially shifted to the left to fall beneath horizontal rules.

Index Entries

  • African Americans; and University of Virginia search
  • Albemarle County, Va.; sheriff of search
  • Anderson, Edmund; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Antrim, Joseph; and plastering at Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Armstrong, James; and University of Virginia search
  • Aughe, Abraham; and University of Virginia search
  • Austin, Benjamin (of Charlottesville); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Bailey, Temple; and University of Virginia search
  • Bankhead, Charles Lewis (Ann Cary Randolph Bankhead’s husband); and University of Virginia search
  • Bank of Virginia (Richmond); and University of Virginia search
  • Barksdale, Nelson; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Barksdale, Nelson; and University of Virginia search
  • Bassett & Donaghue (Donahoe) (firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Baylor, David; and University of Virginia search
  • Billy (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Black, James; and University of Virginia search
  • Blackburn, Thomas R.; and University of Virginia search
  • Blackford, Arthur & Company (Shenandoah Co. firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Boxley, Peter; and University of Virginia search
  • Bramham, Nimrod; and University of Virginia search
  • Bramham & Jones (Charlottesville firm); and Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Brand, Joseph (d.1826); and University of Virginia search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • Brockenbrough, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Brockenbrough, Lucy (Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s wife); and University of Virginia search
  • Brockenbrough & Harvie (Richmond firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Brodhead (Broadhead), Achilles; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Brodhead (Broadhead), Achilles; and University of Virginia search
  • Brooks, Absalom H.; and University of Virginia search
  • Callard, Edward; and University of Virginia search
  • Carr, Frank; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Carr, Frank; and University of Virginia search
  • Carr, James O.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Carter, Curtis; as brick mason for University of Virginia search
  • Carter, John (brick maker); and University of Virginia search
  • Cary, Samuel (of Virginia); and University of Virginia search
  • Central College; subscription for search
  • Chandler, T.; and University of Virginia search
  • Chisholm, Hugh; and brickwork for Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Chisholm, Hugh; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Coan, Francis; and University of Virginia search
  • Coles, Isaac A.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Coles, Isaac A.; and University of Virginia search
  • Coles, John (1774–1848); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Coles, John (1774–1848); and University of Virginia search
  • Coles, Tucker; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Coles, Tucker; and University of Virginia search
  • Cosby, Dabney; as brick mason for University of Virginia search
  • Craddock (Cradock), John (boatman); and University of Virginia search
  • Craven, John H.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Craven, John H.; and University of Virginia search
  • Crawford, Malcolm F.; as builder for University of Virginia search
  • Cresey, W. W.; and University of Virginia search
  • Croft, Jacob; and University of Virginia search
  • D. W. & C. Warwick (Richmond firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Davis, John Winn; and University of Virginia search
  • Davis, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Dawson, Allen; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Dick (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Dietrich, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Dinsmore, James; as builder for Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Dold, Jesse; and University of Virginia search
  • Donaghue (Donahue), William; and University of Virginia search
  • Draffen, Thomas; and University of Virginia search
  • Dunkum, William; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Durrett, John W.; and University of Virginia search
  • Estes, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Everette, Charles; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Everette, Charles; and University of Virginia search
  • Farmers’ Bank of Virginia (Richmond); and University of Virginia search
  • Fauver, Jacob; and University of Virginia search
  • Fishburn, M.; and University of Virginia search
  • Flanagan, Ambrose; and University of Virginia search
  • Fretwell, Crenshaw; and University of Virginia search
  • Fretwell, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Garrett, Alexander; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Garrett, Alexander; as University of Virginia bursar search
  • Garth, Garland; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Garth, Garland; and University of Virginia search
  • Garth, Jesse; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Garth, Jesse; and University of Virginia search
  • Garth, Jesse Winston; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Garth, Jesse Winston; sells land to Central College search
  • Garth, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Gentry, Robert; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Gentry, Robert; and University of Virginia search
  • George, Luther M.; and University of Virginia search
  • Gibson, Nicholas; and University of Virginia search
  • Glenn, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Gooch, Thomas W.; and University of Virginia search
  • Goodman, Jeremiah Augustus; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Goodman, Jeremiah Augustus; and University of Virginia search
  • Goodman, Samuel; and University of Virginia search
  • Gorman, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Grant, M.; and University of Virginia search
  • Grove, A.; and University of Virginia search
  • Guthrie (Guthree), John; and University of Virginia search
  • Hardin, Benjamin; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Harner, Jacob; and University of Virginia search
  • Harper, Charles; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Harper, Charles; and University of Virginia search
  • Harper, Joseph; and University of Virginia search
  • Harper, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Harris, John (d.1832); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Harrow, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Harvie, Jaquiline Burwell; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Harvie, Jaquiline Burwell; and University of Virginia search
  • Hawkins, Abner B.; and University of Virginia search
  • Hays, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Herron, John; as overseer at University of Virginia search
  • Hogg, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Holtzman, Samuel; and University of Virginia search
  • Howard, Thomas (of Virginia); and University of Virginia search
  • Hunnicutt, J. W.; and University of Virginia search
  • Huntington, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Hutchinson, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Irvine, David; and University of Virginia search
  • Irvine (Irving), William; and University of Virginia search
  • Jack (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Jennings, James; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Johnson, Absalom; and University of Virginia search
  • Johnson, William (boatman); and University of Virginia search
  • John Van Lew & Company (Richmond firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Jones, Thomas; and University of Virginia search
  • Joseph Pitt & Sons (firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Kelly & Norris (Charlottesville firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Kinsolving, George Washington; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Kirby, Larkin; and University of Virginia search
  • Koiner, Michael; and University of Virginia search
  • Koiner, Philip; and University of Virginia search
  • Lacey, David R.; and University of Virginia search
  • Lee, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Leitch, James; and University of Virginia search
  • Leitch, Samuel (1790–1870); and University of Virginia search
  • Lewis, Jesse Pitman; and Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Lindsay, James; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Literary Fund; University of Virginia Board of Visitors reports to search
  • Loge, James; and University of Virginia search
  • Lohar (Lohor), John; and University of Virginia search
  • Madison, James (1751–1836); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Mahanes, Samuel; and University of Virginia search
  • Martin, Samuel; and University of Virginia search
  • Maupin, Thomas; and University of Virginia search
  • Maury, Matthew W.; and University of Virginia search
  • Maury, Reuben; and Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Maury, Reuben; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Mayo, Lewis; and University of Virginia search
  • McAllister, Randall; and University of Virginia search
  • McCraig, Ruth Ann; and University of Virginia search
  • McCulloch, Robert; and University of Virginia search
  • McDermot, James; and University of Virginia search
  • McKay (MKay), Angus; and University of Virginia search
  • Merewether, William H.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Miller, Joseph (contractor); and University of Virginia search
  • Miller, Timothy; and University of Virginia search
  • Mitchell, M.; and University of Virginia search
  • Mitchell, William (contractor); and University of Virginia search
  • Monroe, Andrew; and University of Virginia search
  • Monroe, James (1758–1831); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Monroe, James (1758–1831); and University of Virginia search
  • Moore, Benjamin; and University of Virginia search
  • Moore, Thomas; and University of Virginia search
  • Moreland (Moorland), Sarah; and University of Virginia search
  • Morton, Thomas (of Virginia); and University of Virginia search
  • Myers, Jasper; and University of Virginia search
  • Neilson (Nelson), John; as builder for Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Nelson (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Nunn, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Oldham, James; as builder for University of Virginia search
  • Owens, David; and University of Virginia search
  • Page, Carter B.; and University of Virginia search
  • Palmer, M.; and University of Virginia search
  • Palmer, Mr.; and University of Virginia search
  • Patterson, John; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Patton, C. B.; and University of Virginia search
  • Paul, Hugh; and University of Virginia search
  • Peck & Crawford (firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Perry, John M.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Perry, John M.; as builder for Central College–University of Virginia search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and University of Virginia search
  • Peyton, Valentine; and University of Virginia search
  • Philips, Samuel; and University of Virginia search
  • Phillips, William B.; as brick mason for University of Virginia search
  • Pitt, Joseph; as builder for University of Virginia search
  • Pleasants & Smith (Lynchburg firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Raggi, Giacomo; as stonecutter at University of Virginia search
  • Ragland, John C.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Ragland, John C.; and University of Virginia search
  • Raphael, Isaac; and University of Virginia search
  • Reynolds, Battail (Batail); and University of Virginia search
  • Ritchie & Gooch (Richmond firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Rodes, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Rogers, John (of Albemarle Co.); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Rogers, John (of Albemarle Co.); and University of Virginia search
  • Rogers, N. G.; and University of Virginia search
  • Sam (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Sandidge (Sandridge), Joseph; and University of Virginia search
  • Sandy (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Shuey, George; and University of Virginia search
  • Shuey, Jacob; and University of Virginia search
  • Spencer, Charles; and University of Virginia search
  • Spinks (Sprinks), Alexander; and University of Virginia search
  • Spooner, George Wilson; as builder for University of Virginia search
  • Sprouce, Henry; and University of Virginia search
  • Stone, James; and University of Virginia search
  • Terrell, James H.; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Terrell, James H.; and University of Virginia search
  • Thorn, Abia B.; as brick mason for University of Virginia search
  • Tomlinson & Knight (firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; Alexander Garrett’s account with the University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; funding for search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; annual reports of search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; African Americans (free and enslaved) employed at search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; building costs search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; women paid search
  • Vowles, John; and University of Virginia search
  • Ware, Richard; as carpenter for University of Virginia search
  • Watson, William; and University of Virginia search
  • Wertenbaker, Christian; and University of Virginia search
  • William (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • William & David Kyle (Richmond firm); and University of Virginia search
  • Willis (African American); and University of Virginia search
  • Wilson, Samuel; and University of Virginia search
  • Winn, John (d.1837); and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Winn, John (d.1837); and University of Virginia search
  • Wolfe, George; and University of Virginia search
  • Wolfe & Raphael (Charlottesville firm); and University of Virginia search
  • women; paid by University of Virginia search
  • Wood, William (d. ca.1822); and University of Virginia search
  • Woods, Micajah; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Woods, Micajah; and University of Virginia search
  • Wren, Alfred; and University of Virginia search
  • Yancey, Jeremiah; and University of Virginia search
  • Zachariah (African American); and University of Virginia search