Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James Gibbon, 17 July 1821

To James Gibbon

Monticello July 17. 21.

I thank you, dear Sir, for your kindness in recieving the consignment and notifying the arrival of my books. the invoice had come to my hands a few days before in a letter from mr Rush our Minister at London. this I now inclose with the request to deliver the box to Colo Peyton, who will be so kind as to pay the duty & other expences and forward them to me by waggon or boat whichever first occurs. with my thanks be pleased to accept the assurance of my great esteem & respect

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of Tarlton Saunders to TJ, 9 Apr. 1821; at foot of text: “Colo Gibbons”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: Invoice of Books from Lackington, Hughes & Company, 14 Mar. 1821, printed above as enclosure to Richard Rush to TJ, 22 May 1821.

Index Entries

  • Gibbon, James; and books for TJ search
  • Gibbon, James; letters to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; packing and shipping of search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Rush, Richard; and books for TJ search