Tarlton Saunders to Thomas Jefferson, 9 April 1821
From Tarlton Saunders
Richmond 9th April 1821
Dear Sir
I omitted to inform you in my Letter of the 7th, that the Bond of Colo John Bolling decs’d for £52.19.8 bearing Interest from the 6th march 1790 which you left with Mr Lyle for Collection is still unpaid, the Bond was not assigned to Mr Lyle, all the payments made by Mr Edwd Bolling as Executor of his Father have been applied to the Credit of Colo Bollings 6 Bonds to Kippen & Co on which there is still a Balance due of £489.,,10.,,6 with interest from the 9th Septem 1807, Mr Lyle never instituted suit upon either the Bond to you or those to Kippen & Co; I shall call on Mr Edward Bolling on my way up the Country and know the prospect of payment, and shall not omit reminding him of the Bond due to you, I very much fear from what I heard Mr Lyle say in his life time, that the Estate has been Exceedingly injudiciously managed, how far the Securities may be responsible I have yet to learn, any information you may have of their situation will be thankfully received, the Securities for Edward the Executor, are Robert Bolling & Archd Bolling.—
Flour readily brings $3½ pbbl Tobacco $5 to $10 as in quality, Bills on London 6½ to 7 pCent premium, with much regard and respect I remain Dear Sir
Tarlton Saunders
RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 12 Apr. 1821 and so recorded in SJL; with additional notation by TJ above endorsement: “Lyle James.” RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to James Gibbon, 17 July 1821, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson esquire Monticello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 9 Apr.
pbbl: “per barrel.”
Index Entries
- Bolling, Archibald; as security for E. Bolling search
- Bolling, Edward; debt to TJ search
- Bolling, John (1737–1800) (TJ’s brother-in-law); and TJ’s debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company search
- Bolling, Robert; as security for E. Bolling search
- currency; exchange of search
- flour; price of search
- Henderson, McCaul & Company (Scottish firm); TJ’s debt to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company search
- Kippen & Company (Glasgow firm) search
- Lyle, James (1726–1812); agent for Henderson, McCaul & Company search
- Lyle, James (1798–1850); as administrator of estate of J. Lyle (1726–1812) search
- Richmond, Va.; flour prices at search
- Richmond, Va.; tobacco prices at search
- Saunders, Tarlton; and TJ’s debt to Henderson, McCaul & Company search
- Saunders, Tarlton; letters from search
- tobacco; price of in Richmond search