James Gibbon to Thomas Jefferson, 13 July 1821
From James Gibbon
Custom House Richmond July 13. 1821
Dr Sir
I yesterday recd a letter of the 17t May covering a bill of loading to me, for a box of Books on board the Sh. Henry Clay from London, which Ship, tho arriv’d has not yet reported—
The letter is from our Consul at London & requests I wou’d write you, for your directions1
This I find woud have been unecssary as Capt Peyton has been with me on the subject had2 the Consull transmitted an invoice at the same time, which it is not unlikely may have been enclos’d to you
Shou’d this be the fact Sir, be pleas’d to send it to me by mail, as it will forbid the necssity of opening the package—
Capt Peyton will forward it when it arrives— Im Sir
J Gibbon Coll
If the invoice shoud not be with you, it is quite probable we may find it in the top of the case—this you know Sir is an essentiall to the ascertaing the duty—
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 16 July 1821 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Bernard Peyton, 27 Sept. 1822, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello Albermarle County—Va”; franked; postmarked.
our consul: Thomas Aspinwall. The invoice Richard Rush transmitted to TJ is printed above as an enclosure to Rush’s letter of 22 May 1821.
1. Manuscript: “diections.”
2. Gibbon here canceled: “Mr Rush.”
Index Entries
- Aspinwall, Thomas; consul at London search
- Gibbon, James; and books for TJ search
- Gibbon, James; as collector at Richmond search
- Gibbon, James; letters from search
- Henry Clay (ship) search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; packing and shipping of search
- Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
- Rush, Richard; and books for TJ search