Thomas Jefferson to Thomas F. Andrews, 10 July 1821
To Thomas F. Andrews
Monticello July 10. 21
Your favor of June 23. has been duly recieved, and I am sorry it is not in my power to say a word on the appointmen[t] of Professors to our University. I explained in my letter to Dr Fernandes the circumstances on which the opening of the instituti[on] would depend. these make it uncertain whether it may be soon or many years hence. during this uncertainty the Visitors form no decisions as to Professors. the applications are numerous, and more so in the Medical than any other line. they of course lie over, awaiting the measures of the legislature. I pray you to accept the assurances of my great respect.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC); on verso of right half of a reused address cover from Ann C. Morris to TJ, the other half of which was reused for TJ to James W. Wallace, 10 July 1821; edge trimmed; at foot of text: “Doctr Andrews”; endorsed by TJ.
Index Entries
- Andrews, Thomas Francis; letter to search
- Andrews, Thomas Francis; seeks professorship search
- medicine; education in search
- Morris, Ann Cary Randolph (Martha Jefferson Randolph’s sister-in-law; Gouverneur Morris’s wife); mentioned search
- Oliveira Fernandes, John Francisco; introduces T. F. Andrews search
- Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and faculty recruitment search
- Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
- Virginia, University of; Establishment; opening of search
- Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; faculty applicants search
- Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; medicine professorship search
- Virginia; General Assembly search