Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas F. Andrews to Thomas Jefferson, 23 June 1821

From Thomas F. Andrews

Norfolk—June 23d 1821


By the advice of my excellent Friend Dr J. F. O. Fernandes I have the honour of addressing you a few lines respecting the nomination of Professors to the medical chairs of the Central University—Dr F (my former teacher) has honoured me highly in his recommendation to you & made me extremely anxious to obtain one of the chairs, notwithstanding I have learned that none of them can be filled for a considerable time hence. I ought not and do not desire to promote my wishes upon any other ground than that of individual merit & ability to fulfil the duties of a professorship, therefore I shall be most happy to furnish you with ample & satisfactory documents, of my qualifications, from my late Professors in Paris, Berlin Edinburgh and London, if you can give me any hopes of receiving the appointment; in which case I shall lose no time in writing to Europe.

I have understood a few days since, that only one medical professorship is contemplated; if this be correct the Professor will necessarily have a laborious task, to perform, which however may be rendered highly useful by proper arrangement.1 Three courses annually of 3 or 4 months each would be sufficient to give a class a just idea of medical science & practice. These courses might embrace the following branches viz. Anatomy, Surgery, Physiology, Pathology Nosology, Therapeutics, Midwifery & Medical Jurisprudence. To these it would be advisable to add Clinical Medicine, if the establishing a public & gratuitous dispensary were practicable.

I will use all my exertions to promote the interests & reputation of the University, if you should confer on me the honour & dignity of a professorship in an Institution which promises to shed lustre on my native state.

I have the honour to be Sir With sentiments of respect Your most Obet Sert

Thomas. F. Andrews

RC (DLC); between dateline and salutation: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre”; endorsed by TJ as received 2 July 1821 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosed in John F. Oliveira Fernandes to TJ, 25 June 1821.

1Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.

Index Entries

  • anatomy; collegiate education in search
  • Andrews, Thomas Francis; letter from search
  • Andrews, Thomas Francis; seeks professorship search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation to search
  • law; medical search
  • medicine; and jurisprudence search
  • medicine; education in search
  • medicine; midwifery search
  • medicine; nosology search
  • midwifery; collegiate education in search
  • nosology search
  • Oliveira Fernandes, John Francisco; introduces T. F. Andrews search
  • pathology; collegiate education in search
  • patronage; letters of application and recommendation to TJ search
  • pharmacy; collegiate education in search
  • physiology; collegiate education in search
  • surgery; study of search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; faculty applicants search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; medicine professorship search