Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James W. Wallace, 10 July 1821

To James W. Wallace

Monticello July 10. 21.

Dear Doctor

Your favor of June 25. is just now recieved, and with it the articles of curiosity which you are so kind as to add to my little collection. these with all your former kindnesses are thankfull[y]1 placed on their shelves. I learn with great sympathy that you have causes of unhappiness under the losses of friends of your affection.2 these are the unavoidable conditions of human life, and render it often doubtful whether existence has been given to us in kindness or in wrath. when I look back over the ranks of those with whom I have lived and loved, it is like looking over a field of battle. all fallen. nor do I feel it as a blessing to be reserved for this afflicting spectacle.3 I can feelingly therefore suffer with friends who are suffering in the same way. you express a wish to obtain some appointment from the President, but do not intimate in what line. altho’ I uniformly decline these solicitations, which are often pressed on me, yet I shall with willingness and pleasure render you any service I [can] on any indication pointing to the object of your wishes, and assure you of my affectionate attachment and respect.

Th: Jeff[erson]

PoC (DLC); on verso of left half of a reused address cover from Ann C. Morris to TJ, the other half of which was reused for TJ to Thomas F. Andrews, 10 July 1821; one word faint; at foot of text (faint): “Doctr Wal[lace]”; endorsed by TJ.

1Edge trimmed.

2Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.

3Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of condolence search
  • Monroe, James (1758–1831); and appointments search
  • Wallace, James Westwood; and package for TJ search
  • Wallace, James Westwood; letters to search
  • Wallace, James Westwood; seeks appointment search