Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Brown to Thomas Jefferson, 5 March 1819

From James Brown

Mar. 5. 1819—

Enclosed you have 4 Copies of the advertisement, the remaining 2 Shall be made out by to morrow morning, one of those now Sent is Somewhat Soiled from lending out, if you think it is too much So to be Sent on to its destin’d place, you will let me know to morrow & I will make another Copy, I have not had time to compare them with the original, you will please give them a glance over & correct errors if any.


RC (MHi); dateline beneath signature; addressed: “Mr. Thomas Jefferson Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Brown J.” received the day it was written. Enclosure: four copies of Nelson Barksdale and TJ, Advertisement for Workmen for the University of Virginia, [by 3 Mar. 1819].

James Brown, clerk, worked for and with the Charlottesville merchant James Leitch from 1818 until at least 1821 (Conveyance of Central College Properties to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, 27 July 1818; note to TJ to Thomas Cooper, 22 Jan. 1819; Brown to TJ, 20 Feb., 17 July 1821).

Index Entries

  • Barksdale, Nelson; Advertisement for Workmen for the University of Virginia search
  • Brown, James (of Charlottesville); and advertisement for workmen for University of Virginia search
  • Brown, James (of Charlottesville); identified search
  • Brown, James (of Charlottesville); letters from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Advertisement for Workmen for the University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; builders for search