Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Conveyance of Central College Properties to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund, 27 July 1818

Conveyance of Central College Properties to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund

To all persons to whom these presents shall come, Nelson Barksdale of the county of Albemarle, Proctor of the Central College within the same county, Greeting.

By1 virtue of the powers granted to me by certain homologous instruments of writing, signed2 and executed by the sundry subscribers,3 contributors & founders of the said College, which several4 instruments are all of the same tenor, and expressed in these words following,5 to wit, ‘Whereas6 by an act of the General assembly for appropriating a part of the revenue of the literary fund to the endowment of an University, & for the appointment of Commissioners to enquire and report to the legislature a proper site for the same, the sd Commissioners are authorised “to recieve any voluntary contributions, whether conditional or absolute, whether in land, money or other property which may be offered thro’ them to the President and Directors of the literary fund, for the benefit of the University” Be it therefore known that we the subscribers, contributors and founders of the establishment of the Central college near Charlottesville, do hereby authorise and empower the Visitors of the said College, or a majority of them, or the Proctor thereof to offer thro’ the sd Commissioners to the President & Directors of the literary fund the sd Central College with all the lands, monies, credits and other property thereunto belonging, and of the same to make an absolute conveyance: On Condition that the lands of the sd College be ultimately adopted by the legislature as the site of the sd University; in witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names.’ as by the sd several instruments with the names duly subscribed in the proper handwriting of each subscriber will more certainly appear:7 Know Ye that I the sd Nelson Barksdale, Proctor of the sd College,8 by this my deed, indented, sealed & delivered9 in consideration of the sum of one dollar to me in hand paid for the use of the10 sd College, & of the condition precedent herein after stated, do give, grant, bargain & sell, offer and convey11 to the sd President & Directors of the literary fund for the benefit of the sd University of Virginia now proposed to be established, all the lands, monies,12 credits & other property, of whatever form, nature or value, to13 the sd Central College belonging,14 wheresoever the same may be, or in whatsoever hands, to have & to hold the same to the sd President & Directors of the sd literary fund & their successors, to & for the sole use & benefit15 of the sd University of Virginia: On the Condition precedent that the lands of the sd Central16 College in the said county of Albemarle be ultimately adopted by the legislature of this Commonwealth, or by those whom they shall authorise thereto, as the site of the sd University of Virginia;17 which condition being previously fulfilled this deed is to be in full force, but otherwise to18 become void & of no effect. In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand & seal this 27th19 day of July 1818.20

Signed,  sealed } Frank Carr
& delivered in Jas Leitch Nelson Barksdale
presence of James Brown proctor to the C College

In the Office of the County Court of Albemarle the 27th day of July 1818

This Indenture was produced to me in my office the date above and Acknowledged by Nelson Barksdale Proctor to the Central College party thereto to be his hand and seal Act and deed and admitted to record According to Law


Alex: Garrett C:A:CC

MS (ViU: TJP); on indented paper; in TJ’s hand, signed by Carr, Leitch, Brown, and Barksdale, with signed postscript in Garrett’s hand; signed docket by Garrett: “Barksdale. Proctor C. College to President & Directors of the L. Fund } Deed 27th July 1818 acknowledged by Nelson Barksdale before me in my office the date above according to Law & thereupon admitted to record”; further notations in Garrett’s hand: “Examined” and “Recorded Page 238.” Dft (ViU: TJP); entirely in TJ’s hand; partially dated July 1818; endorsed by TJ: “N. Barksdale to Pres. & Dir. lity fund } Deed.” Tr (Albemarle Co. Deed Book, 21:238–9; dated 27 July 1818). Tr (Vi: RG 79, House of Delegates, Speaker, Executive Communications); entirely in Garrett’s hand, with “A Copy” and his additional attestation at foot of text; docketed by Garrett: “Barksdale Proctor to C College to President & Directors of the L Fund } Deed,” with his further notations of “Copy” and “Examined.” Enclosed in TJ to Linn Banks and Edward Watts, 20 Nov. 1818. Printed in University of Virginia Commissioners’ Report.

1Preceding this word in Dft, TJ canceled “Know ye, that.”

2Word interlined in Dft in place of “subscribed by.”

3In Dft TJ here canceled “& found.”

4Word interlined in Dft.

5Dft: “in the following words.”

6Instead of text from this point through “hereunto subscribed our names,” Dft reads “Etc.”

7Sentence interlined in Dft.

8In Dft TJ here canceled “do.”

9In Dft TJ here canceled “offer, give, grant, bargain.”

10Preceding three words interlined in Dft.

11Preceding three words interlined in Dft, with “absolutely” canceled before “convey.”

12Dft: “money.”

13Dft: “of whatever form or nature to,” interlined in place of “of.”

14Word interlined in Dft.

15Preceding two words interlined in Dft.

16Word not in Vi Tr.

17Preceding two words interlined in Dft.

18In Dft TJ here canceled “remain.”

19Word added by Barksdale in MS to space left blank in MS and Dft.

20Dft ends here.

Index Entries

  • Barksdale, Nelson; as Central College proctor search
  • Brown, James (of Charlottesville); witnesses document search
  • Carr, Frank; and Central College subscription search
  • Central College; Conveyance of Central College Properties to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund search
  • Central College Board of Visitors; and subscription search
  • Garrett, Alexander; as Albemarle Co. clerk search
  • Leitch, James; and Central College–University of Virginia subscription search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; and General Assembly search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; commissioners search
  • Virginia, University of; Establishment; Conveyance of Central College Properties to the President and Directors of the Literary Fund search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • Virginia; Literary Fund search