Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Brent, 27 November 1818

To Daniel Brent

M[on]ticello Nov. 27. 18.

Dear Sir

I trouble you now, as heretofore with my letters to Europe. the bulk is rendered larger than heretofore by the addition of a book. but the trouble will be less repeated my present letters amounting in fact to letters of leave to my European correspondence. the advance of years & decline of health oblige me to withdraw from all unnecessary correspondence, and none is less necessary or interesting than this. I salute you with assurances of my great esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); dateline faint; at foot of text: “Daniel Brent esq.”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosures: (1) TJ to Destutt de Tracy, 24 Nov. 1818, and enclosure. (2) TJ to Albert Gallatin, 24 Nov. 1818. (3) TJ to David Bailie Warden, 24 Nov. 1818. (4) TJ to Peter Poinsot, 25 Nov. 1818, and enclosures. TJ to Lafayette, 23 Nov. 1818, was probably also enclosed, but see note to Brent to TJ, 10 Jan. 1819.

Index Entries

  • Brent, Daniel; letters to search
  • Brent, Daniel; TJ sends letters through search
  • State Department, U.S.; forwards letters search