Thomas Jefferson Papers

Daniel Brent to Thomas Jefferson, 15 May 1818

From Daniel Brent

washington, Dept of State, May 15. 1818.

Dear Sir,

I have just had the Honor to receive your note of the 12th, enclosing an open Letter for mr Gallatin at Paris, which I immediately sealed, and one for mr Beasley at Havre, and requesting that I would give these Letters a Conveyance, with the public Despatches.

I have the satisfaction to inform you that they will forthwith be sent to the Collector of the Customs at Baltimore, with a request to him from this Department, that he will forward them by the earliest opportunity he may have to their respective destinations.

I have the Honour to remain, with sentiments of the greatest respect & Esteem,

Dear Sir, your obedt & very humble servt

Daniel Brent.

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 23 May 1818 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to William Alston, 6 Oct. 1818, on verso; addressed: “Mr Jefferson, Monticello”; franked; postmarked.

The collector of the customs at baltimore was James H. McCulloch.

Index Entries

  • Beasley, Reuben Gaunt; as agent in London search
  • Brent, Daniel; letters from search
  • Brent, Daniel; TJ sends letters through search
  • Gallatin, Albert; as minister plenipotentiary to France search
  • McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); collector at Baltimore search
  • State Department, U.S.; forwards letters search