Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Destutt de Tracy, 24 November 1818

To Destutt de Tracy

Monticello Nov. 24. 18.

[D]ear Sir

I am at length enabled to write to you with some degree of courage, because I can accompany my letter with a copy of the translation of your valuable book on Political economy, which at length we have got thro’ the press. the horrible delay has proceeded from the unfaithful conduct of the 1st and 2d undertakers of the work, and my great distance from them. this put it out of my power to urge them but by way of letter, which they little regarded. the premier jet of the translation was very defective both in style & sense. the latter I have rendered entirely faithful; the former could not be made what the original merited. I have ventured to insert a single note, which is at page 202. where you treat of the subject of taxation. the taxes of France & the names by which they are designated, being those used in the text, their significations would be not at all understood here. I subjoined therefore in a note a more general view, and one better understood here, to which the reader would be able to apply your principles. I hope this book will become the Amanuensis of our students and statesmen, and will improve us in a science in which of all others we have blundered most.

It would give me great joy to learn that your health is improved, & that you may still be enabled to compleat the Encyclopedie Ideologique in which you have advanced so far. my own health is failing. my strength has been declining rapidly the few last years, the mere effect of age, and I am just now recovering from an illness of three months, which will leave me, I apprehend, in but a shattered condition.

I pray you to accept the assurance of my great esteem and consideration.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of John H. Cocke to TJ, 10 July 1818; edge trimmed; at foot of text: “M. Destutt Tracy”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: Destutt de Tracy, Treatise on Political Economy description begins Destutt de Tracy, A Treatise on Political Economy; to which is prefixed a supplement to a preceding work on the understanding, or Elements of Ideology, Georgetown, 1817 [1818]; Poor, Jefferson’s Library, 11 (no. 700) description ends . Enclosed in TJ to Albert Gallatin, 24 Nov. 1818, and TJ to Daniel Brent, 27 Nov. 1818.

The earlier undertakers of the work were William Duane and Thomas Ritchie. premier jet: “first attempt.” TJ’s single note explaining tax classifications used in Destutt de Tracy, Treatise on Political Economy description begins Destutt de Tracy, A Treatise on Political Economy; to which is prefixed a supplement to a preceding work on the understanding, or Elements of Ideology, Georgetown, 1817 [1818]; Poor, Jefferson’s Library, 11 (no. 700) description ends , is printed above at 6 Apr. 1816.

Index Entries

  • A Treatise on Political Economy (Destutt de Tracy) search
  • Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude; A Treatise on Political Economy search
  • Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude; health of search
  • Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude; letters to search
  • Duane, William; and Destutt de Tracy’s works search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; sends books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; illness of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Note for Destutt de Tracy’sTreatise on Political Economy search
  • political economy; TJ’s note for Destutt de Tracy’sTreatise on Political Economy search
  • Ritchie, Thomas; and works of Destutt de Tracy search
  • taxes; in France search