Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William D. Meriwether, 16 December 1816

To William D. Meriwether

Monticello Dec. 16.1 16


On my return from Bedford after an absence of 7. weeks I find here a great accumulation of letters and other business. as soon as I can dispatch the most pressing of these, I will take up the transactions with the representatives of mr Henderson and prepare a statement of the account for rents. this done I shall put the matter into the hands of my grandson to settle with you and to arbitrate if necessary. I will give you notice when I have got the account ready, and will lose no time in getting it ready. Accept the assurance of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Elisha Ticknor to TJ, 16 Nov. 1816; at foot of text: “Capt Wm D. Meriwether”; endorsed by TJ.

The representatives were Thomas Hornsby and John T. Wood. TJ’s grandson was Thomas Jefferson Randolph.

1Reworked from “17.”

Index Entries

  • Henderson, Bennett; lands of search
  • Henderson case; claims by minor heirs search
  • Hornsby, Frances Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Thomas Walker Hornsby’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Hornsby, Thomas Walker; and Milton lands search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and Henderson case search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; letters to search
  • Nelson, Nancy Crawford Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Matthew Nelson’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ returns from search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and Henderson case search
  • rent; due from Henderson lands search
  • Wood, John T.; and Milton lands search
  • Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife); and Milton lands search