Thomas Jefferson Papers

Elisha Ticknor to Thomas Jefferson, 16 November 1816

From Elisha Ticknor

Boston 16th Nov. 1816.


A few days ago I forwarded to you a second letter from my Son, and now have the pleasure to inclose to you another copy of the Invoice of your Books as received from him, with the amount of freight and duties, paid by me in this port, viz.

D   c
   Homerus 8 8vo  th. 20,16/1 =15. 50
Juvenalis 2 8vo    6,04. 4. 50
Virgilius 4 8vo    8,06. 6.
Tacitus 4 8vo    5,08. 3. 75
[Æ]schylus2 3 8vo    7,00. 5. 253
47,10. = $35, 55
Freight, Duties &c. 9, 70.
$45, 25.

The above Books are enclosed in a Box, mark’d Honorable4Thomas Jefferson, Monticello, Virginia, and shipt [on boar]d the Brig Polly, Capt. David Snow, bound to [Richmo]nd.The Box of Books I consign’d to Messrs [Gibson &] Jefferson, your Correspondents there as you requested in your letter of the 15th Aug. last. I can inform my son of the amount of the above freight and duties, &ca being $9,705 which he may charge to you in his account, or if it be more agreeable to you, it may be paid to me in Boston.

I am, sir, With high esteem and respect, Your most obedient servant.

Elisha Ticknor.

N.B. The Books were put on board the Brig Polly this day as pr Capt. D. Snow’s Receipt.

RC (MHi); with lower corner of sheet torn away; endorsed by TJ as received 11 Dec. 1816 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to William D. Meriwether, 16 Dec. 1816, on verso; addressed: “Honorable Thomas Jefferson, Monticello Virginia”; franked; postmarked Boston, 17 Nov. Enclosure not found.

1TJ here wrote “24,” the number of groschens in a thaler (taler).

2Word partially obscured by foxing.

3Column to this point inserted by TJ, with the above entries totaling $35.

4Manuscript: “Honorble.”

5Preceding three words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt ac Deperditarum Fragmenta (Aeschylus; ed. C. G. Schütz) search
  • Aeschylus; Aeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt ac Deperditarum Fragmenta (ed. C. G. Schütz) search
  • boats; transfer goods to and from Richmond search
  • books; classical search
  • classics; German scholarship on search
  • D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI (Juvenal; ed. G. A. Ruperti) search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and books acquired by TJ search
  • Heyne, Christian Gottlob; editsThe Iliad (Homer) search
  • Heyne, Christian Gottlob; edits Virgil search
  • Homer; C. G. Heyne edition ofIliad search
  • Iliad (Homer); C. G. Heyne’s edition of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Juvenal; D. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI (ed. G. A. Ruperti) search
  • Oberlin, Jeremias Jakob; edition of Tacitus by search
  • Polly (brig) search
  • Richmond, Va.; boats transfer goods to and from search
  • Ruperti, Georg Alexander; editsD. Iunii Iuvenalis Aquinatis Satirae XVI (Juvenal) search
  • Schütz, Christian Gottfried; editsAeschyli Tragoediae Quae Supersunt ac Deperditarum Fragmenta (Aeschylus) search
  • Snow, David; captain of brigPolly search
  • Tacitus; J. J. Oberlin edition of search
  • Ticknor, Elisha; and books for TJ search
  • Ticknor, Elisha; G. Ticknor sends books to search
  • Ticknor, Elisha; letters from search
  • Ticknor, George; and books for TJ search
  • Virgil; C. G. Heyne edition of search