Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to William D. Meriwether, 30 December 1816

To William D. Meriwether

Monticello Dec. 30. 16.


I have put into the hands of my grandson the papers and notes relative to the rents due to the three younger representatives of the late mr Henderson, and have left to him entirely the settlement of them, and whatever he does I will confirm and execute. he sets out to Richmond this morning, will return on Saturday, & then be always ready to finish the business. I am Sir

Your humble servt

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of left half of reused address cover of George Logan to TJ, 16 Oct. 1816; at foot of text: “Capt Wm D. Meriwether”; endorsed by TJ.

TJ’s grandson was Thomas Jefferson Randolph. The three younger representatives of Bennett Henderson’s estate were his daughters Frances Henderson Hornsby, Lucy Henderson Wood, and Nancy C. Henderson Nelson.

Index Entries

  • Henderson, Bennett; lands of search
  • Henderson case; claims by minor heirs search
  • Hornsby, Frances Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Thomas Walker Hornsby’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; and Henderson case search
  • Meriwether, William Douglas; letters to search
  • Nelson, Nancy Crawford Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Matthew Nelson’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and Henderson case search
  • rent; due from Henderson lands search
  • Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife); and Milton lands search