Joseph Milligan to Thomas Jefferson, 4 June 1816
From Joseph Milligan
Georgetown June 4th 1816
Dear Sir
Your esteemed favour of the 18th May was1 received on the 25th,
I received the manuscript but it was not in time to issue the prospectus before the end of the Session of Congress, as it was longer in coming than I expected I engaged to print the laws of the last Session of Congress for the department of State that will keep me employed to the 4th of July, about that time I will issue a prospectus and Commence the work and get it out as Soon as practicable The enclosure2 in yours of the 18 May shall be duly attended to
I have Suffered much inconvenience by a weakness in my Eyes ever since November last which prevents me from writing by candle light and my other Engagements are So many3 during the day that I frequently fail in attending to the writing part of my business as I could wish
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Millegan Joseph” received 17 June 1816 and so recorded in SJL.
Milligan was engaged to print the Acts passed at the First Session of the Fourteenth Congress of the United States [Georgetown, 1816].
1. Milligan here canceled “duly.”
2. Manuscript: “exclosure.”
3. Manuscript: “may.”
Index Entries
- A Treatise on Political Economy (Destutt de Tracy) search
- books; published by J. Milligan search
- Congress, U.S.; acts of published search
- Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude; A Treatise on Political Economy search
- health; vision loss search
- Milligan, Joseph; and Destutt de Tracy’sTreatise on Political Economy search
- Milligan, Joseph; health of search
- Milligan, Joseph; letters from search
- Milligan, Joseph; publishes books search
- political economy; works on search