Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to David Ross, 29 January 1781

To David Ross

Richmond January 29th. 1781


As it will be necessary that every Proposition relating to the trading Department should in future be referred to you, I take the Liberty of inclosing the within extract to you. I am to desire with Respect to this as well as every other one to be sent you hereafter that you will not consider our Transmission of them as ever amounting to a Recommendation to enter into Treaty on them. If you shall think them worth no further notice, you will take no further notice of them. If otherwise you will do on them what you think best.

Th: Jefferson

FC (Vi). Enclosed “extract” has not been identified.

On 23 Jan. the proceedings of the Council record that “Mr. David Ross having been desired to undertake the Office of commercial Agent, and having been in the exercise of that Office from the twenty seventh day of December last; The Board advise that his appointment be now entered, and be considered as having taken place from the said 27th day of December one thousand seven hundred and eighty” (Va. Council Jour. description begins Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends , ii, 278). The commission was not sent to Ross until 2 Feb.; see TJ’s letter to David Ross of that date.

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