To Thomas Jefferson from David Ross, [14? January 1781]
From David Ross
Sunday Evening [14? January 1781]
Since I had the pleasure of seeing you have mentioned to several of my acquaintances the necessity of rebuilding the publick Work houses &c. They mention some excellent workmen at present in the Militia that would gladly engage and carry with them many workmen black and white. I recommend your Excellency to Mr. Thos. Pleasants and Capt. John Pleasants who can inform you of a considerable number of hands necessary at present.
I am with great regard Your huml Servt.,
David Ross
RC (Vi); addressed: “His Excellency the Governor”; endorsed: “David Ross’s Letter recd Jany 81.” This letter was probably written on Sunday 14 Jan. See TJ’s letter to the Person Employed to Collect Workmen, 15 Jan. 1781.