Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to David Ross, 2 February 1781

To David Ross

In Council February 2d. 1781.


I do myself the pleasure of inclosing your appointment as Commercial Agent to this State. The General Assembly have by their Act declared that they will make good all your Engagements and thereby pledged the faith of the State to supply any deficiency of the Funds put into your hands or any accidental losses which may occur. To which I have only to add an assurance that every aid and facility shall be furnished you which are in the power of the Executive.

I am with much respect Sir Your most Obt. Huml Servant,

Tho Jefferson

Tr (ViWC); written below Tr of the Commission, dated 23 Jan. 1781, appointing David Ross “Commercial Agent for this Commonwealth.” FC and another Tr of the letter are in Vi.

See TJ to Ross, 29 Jan. 1781. The general assembly … by their act: An Act for the more effectual and speedy clothing of the army, under the terms of which Ross was appointed; it was passed at the Oct. 1780 session (Hening, description begins William W. Hening, The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia description ends x, 376–8).

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