Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from James Reynolds, 23 June 1792

From James Reynolds1

Philadelphia 23d June. 1792.

Honnored Sir,

Your Goodness will I hope overlook the present application you will infenately Oblige me if you Can let me have the Loan of fifty dollars. for a few days. what little money I had I put into the turnpike Scrip. and I dont like to sell At the low advance the[y] are selling at. at present. as its very low. if you Can Oblige me with that much in the morning sir you shall have it in a short time again and you Will very much Oblige your Humble and Obed. Serv.

J. R.

Alexr. Hamilton. Esq.

NB.   you will I hope pardon me in taking the liberty to Call to day. but my Necessaty is such that it Oblige me to do it: sunday evening

1This letter is printed as document No. XX in the appendix of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797.

For background to this letter, see Reynolds to H, December 15, 17, 19, 22, 1791, January 3, 17, March 24, April 3, 7, 17, 23, May 2, June 3–22, 1792; H to Reynolds, December 15, 1791, April 7, June 3–22, 1792; Maria Reynolds to H, December 15, 1791, January 23–March 18, March 24, June 2, 1792.

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