Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from James Reynolds, 17 April 1792

From James Reynolds1

Philadelphia 17th. April. 1792.


I am sorry to be the barer of So disagreeable. an unhappy infermation. I must tell you Sir that I have bin the most unhappiest man, for this five days in Existance, which you aught to be the last person I ever Should tell my troubls to. ever Sence the night you Calld and gave her the Blank Paper. She has treated me more Cruel than pen cant paint out. and Ses that She is determed never to be a wife to me any more, and Ses that it Is a plan of ours. what has past god knows I Freely forgive you and dont wish to give you fear or pain a moment on the account of it. now Sir I hope you will give me your advise as freely as if Nothing had eve passed Between us I think it is in your power to make matter all Easy again. and I suppose you to be that Man of fealling that you would wish to make every person happy Where it in your power I shall wate to See you at the Office if its Convenant. I am sir with Asteem yours

James Reynolds

Alexr. Hamilton Esqr.

1This letter is printed as document No. XV in the appendix of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797.

For background to this letter, see Reynolds to H, December 15, 17, 19, 22, 1791, January 3, 17, March 24, April 3, 7, 1792; H to Reynolds, December 15, 1791, April 7, 1792; Maria Reynolds to H, December 15, 1791, January 23–March 18, March 24, 1792.

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