Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from James Reynolds, 23 April 1792

From James Reynolds1

Philadelphia 23d. April. 1792.


I am sorry I am in this disagreeable sutivation which Obliges me to trouble you So offen as I do. but I hope it wont be long before it will be In my power to discharge what I am indebted to you Nothing will give me greater pleasure I must Sir ask the loan of thirty dollars more from you, which I shall asteem as a particular favour. and you may Rest ashured that I will pay you with Strickest Justice. for the Reliefe you have aforded me, the Inclosed is the Receipt2 for the thirty dollars. I shall wate at your Office. Sir for an answer I am sir your very Humble Servant

James Reynolds

Alexr. Hamilton Esqr.

1This letter is printed as document No. XVI in the appendix of the “Reynolds Pamphlet,” August 31, 1797.

For background to this letter, see Reynolds to H, December 15, 17, 19, 22, 1791, January 3, 17, March 24, April 3, 7, 17, 1792; H to Reynolds, December 15, 1791, April 7, 1792; Maria Reynolds to H, December 15, 1791, January 23–March 18, March 24, 1792.

2Receipt not found.

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