James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William F. Gray, 20 March 1823

From William F. Gray

Fredbg March 20th. 1823


Your favour of the 17th. as well as a former note on the subject of the Reviews,1 has been duly recd. Your wishes shall be complied with. Your subscription to the London Quarterly Review is discontinued, and I send to you by this Mail the North American Review for Jan. 1822. The subsequ[e]nt Nos. shall be forwarded as soon as I recieve them. At present I have none in store but what were already engaged. You may expect them in a week or two. Respectfully Your obt. Svt.

W. F. Gray

RC (DLC). Cover docketed by JM, probably at a later date, “Mar. 20. May 17 1823.”

1Letters not found.

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