George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Nicholas Van Staphorst, 15 March 1793

To Nicholas Van Staphorst

Philada March 15t[h] 1793


By the Brig Betsey, I have the pleasure to transmit to you triplicates of my letters of the 30th & 31st of January, and the third Exchange for 2310 Guilders.1 and am, Sir, with due consideration Yr most Obedt Ser.

Copy, in Tobias Lear’s writing, ViMtvL; LB, DLC:GW.

1For the first bill of exchange, the purpose of which was to assist the marquise de Lafayette while her husband was imprisoned, see the abovementioned letters to Van Staphorst, and GW to the Marquise de Lafayette, 31 Jan. 1793, enclosed in GW’s letter to Nicholas Van Staphorst of that date. GW had sent Van Staphorst a second bill of exchange on 4 February.

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