Enclosure: To the Marquise de Lafayette, 31 January 1793
To the Marquise de Lafayette
Philadelphia 31st January 1793
If I had words that could convey to you an adequate idea of my feelings on the present Situation of Mr de la Fayette, this letter would appear to you in a different garb.1 The sole object in writing to you now, is to inform you that I have deposited in the hands of Mr Nicholas Van Staphurst of Amsterdam, Two thousand three hundred and ten guilders holland currency, equal to two hundred guineas subject to your orders.
This sum is, I am certain, the least I am indebted for services rendered me by Mr de la Fayette, of which I never yet have received the account. I could add much, but it is best perhaps that I should say little on this subject. Your goodness will supply my deficiency.2
The uncertanty of your situation (after all the enquiries I have made) has occasioned a delay in this address and remittance; and even now, the measure adopted is more the effect of a desire to find where you are, than from any knowledge I have obtained of your residence.
At all times, and under all circumstances, you, and yours, will possess the regard3 of him who has the honor to be Your most obedient & Most Hble Servant
Go: Washington
ALS (duplicate), DLC: James Monroe Papers; ADfS, MdHi: Bonaparte Collection; LB, DLC:GW.
1. For Lafayette’s capture and imprisonment by Austrian and Prussian forces, see Marquise de Lafayette to GW, 12 Mar., and notes 3, 7.
2. At this place in the draft, GW wrote and then crossed out the following sentence: “This letter must be considered as coming from me in my private character—as a public man I cannot at this moment address myself to you.”
3. On the draft GW wrote “affectionate regards.”