To George Washington from Isaac Huger, 12 October 1792
From Isaac Huger
Charleston S. Carolina Octr 12th 1792.
From the confidential hints given to me of the many essential services rendered by Mr John Clark (formerly of Pennsylvania) to the late Colo. John Laurens, who commanded the Light Troops in the late American Southern Army, some months before the British evacuated this City, who’s services were afterwards explained to me by the Late Genl Greene, induces me from Justice and Gratitude to recommend the said Mr John Clark to your Excellency’s particular notice. I had the Satisfaction of knowing him several years in this City; during which he has been employed in public Offices of the highest importance to this State; and for three years past he has had the principal management of the Late Shff’s Office for Charlestown Distt; and has always in these employments conducted himself with Strict probity—these Services will, I presume incline your Excellency to view him favorably—And pardon the Liberty I have taken to Address you on the Occasion.1 I am Sir, with respect yr obdt and very hble sert
Isc Huger.
ALS, DLC:GW. The docket reads: “recd Decr 18th 1792.”
1. The previous year, after returning to his home state of Pennsylvania, John Clark had applied unsuccessfully for appointment as U.S. auditor, citing his experience as an auditor in the Continental army (see Clark to GW, 2 Sept. 1791, Thomas Hartley to GW, 7 Oct. 1791). Although Clark now had the recommendation of Huger, a prominent South Carolina planter, Revolutionary War general, and the current federal marshal of South Carolina, he did not receive a federal appointment at this time. On 27 Sept. 1794 Clark wrote GW from “York Borough,” Pa., this time to offer his services as an aide-de-camp to GW while the president led the army in its suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion (DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters). GW declined Clark’s offer, implying that the necessity of remaining in Philadelphia while Congress met would limit severely his own military activity and thus negate the need for Clark’s services (GW to John Clark, 6 Oct. 1794, ALS, sold by Christie’s, catalog FLAVIA 7286, item 258, 17–18 May 1991). See also 77, 79–80, 85. Known as John Clark, Jr., during the Revolutionary War, he often is confused with John Clark (d. 1844), also from Pennsylvania, who was a major in the 1791 levies and in the 3d Sub-Legion in 1792, and who was promoted to lieutenant colonel commandant in 1793 (see GW to the U.S. Senate, 9 April 1792, 22 Feb. 1793 [first letter]).