From George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, 4 April 1792
To Thomas Jefferson
[Philadelphia] Wednesday Morning [4 April 1792]1
Dear Sir,
Am I right in understanding, as the result of the Conversation you had with Mr White, that it was his opinion Genl Morgan would serve under Officers superior to him in Rank in the Army about to be raised? I want to get the appointments closed, but wish to know, previously, whether this was Mr Whites opinion.2 Yours sincerely
G. W——n
ALS, DLC: Jefferson Papers.
1. On the cover, Jefferson docketed the letter as having been received on 4 April 1792.
2. Jefferson replied later this day: “Th: J. presents his respects to the President. mister White beleived pretty decidedly that General Morgan would serve under any officers who had been his superiors except Genl St Clair, but at the same time he said he could not engage it positively” (DNA: RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters). Before the end of March, GW had asked Jefferson to inquire of Virginia congressman Alexander White whether he thought Daniel Morgan would accept a brigadier generalship. Although GW nominated him for that rank, Morgan declined the commission (see GW to Jefferson, 30 Mar., and to the U.S. Senate, 9 April).