George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 20 October 1789

From Alexander Hamilton

New York October 20th 1789.


Agreeably to your desire, I sit down to commit a few lines to the Post.

Nothing worth particular mention has occurred since your Departure; except a report brought by Mr Keane from So. Carolina, that McGilivray the Indian Chief had, after a short conference, left our Commissioners, declaring that what they had suggested was only a repe[ti]tion of the old Storey and inadmissible, or something to this effect.1 It is added that the lower Creeks appear’d notwithstanding, willing to go into a Treaty, but the upper ones declin’d it—Genl Knox who has particularly conversed with Mr Keane, will doubtless give you a more accurate statement of what he brings2—It seems however that he has his intelligence at second or third hand. With the utmost respect I have the honor to be Sir Your Obt and humble Servant

A. Hamilton

P.S. I have just seen a letter from a private gentleman of considerable intelligence now in N: Carolina, who gives an ill picture of the prospect there, respecting the adoption of the Constitution.


1For the negotiations of the United States commissioners to the southern Indians, see David Humphreys to GW, 21, 26, 27 Sept., 13, 28 Oct. 1789, and Henry Knox to GW, 21, 27 Nov. 1789. See also GW’s Memoranda on Indian Affairs, 1789.

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