From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 25 September 1789
To Alexander Hamilton
[New York] 25th Sepr 1789.
Dear Sir,
From a great variety of characters who have made a tender of their services for Suitable Offices, I have selected the following. If Mr Jay & you will take the further trouble of running them over to see if among them there can be found one, who, under all circumstances is more eligable for the Post Office than Col. O.1—I shall be obliged to you both for your opinions thereon by Eleven ’Oclock—Another Paper which is enclosed, will shew how the appointments stand to this time.2 And, that you may have the matter fully before you, I shall add that, it is my present intention to nominate Mr Jefferson for Secretary of State, and Mr Edmd Randolph as Attorney Genl; though their acceptance is problamatical—especially the latter. Yrs Sincerely
Go: Washington
ALS, DLC: Hamilton Papers.
2. This enclosure, “A List of persons holding Offices of a general Nature with the states to which they belong annexed,” in Tobias Lear’s handwriting, is in DLC: Hamilton Papers.