To George Washington from James Maury, 8 October 1789
From James Maury
Liverpool 8 Octr 1789
Having already experienced the obliging Condescension with which your Excellency was pleased to honor the Offer of my Services on my settling here in the commercial Line,1 I am emboldened to inform your Excellency that, for two or three years previous to my Departure from Virginia, I had been a Candidate with the late Congress for an Appointment in the consular Department; but these Arrangements never having been fully concluded on.
I now beg Leave most respectfully to continue to your Excellency the same Tender of my Services in Case an office of the Kind shall be deemed necessary for this port,2 with the Assurance of the Satisfaction I ever shall have in my Endeavors to be useful to the Country from whence I come, and to evince the profound Respect & Veneration with which I have the Honor to be your Excellency’s most obedient & most devoted Servant
James Maury
2. When the consular service was established in June 1790, Maury was appointed United States consul at Liverpool ( , 2:75, 77).