George Washington Papers

To George Washington from James Maury, 30 July 1787

From James Maury

Liverpool [England] 30th July 1787


I am much obliged & highly honored by your kind Letter of the 25th February1—& beg Leave to repeat my wishes to be useful to you.

For the News of the day I inclose your Excellency some News papers, observing to you that altho’ this Country, France & prussia are hovering over the United provinces with large Fleets & Armies, yet we hope, from the generally prevailing disposition of Europe for peace, that all Matters will be adjusted without Violence.

I am happy to add that Mr Jefferson’s Amendment to Mr Morris’s Contract with France for Tobaccoe has not only had a favor[a]ble Effect on the price both here & in America, but has also—in many Instances, of which this present Conveyance is one, obtained from British Merchants a preference to the American Flag.2 I have the Honor to be with the highest Respect your excellency’s most obt & most hble St

James Maury


1GW’s letter to Maury, which is dated 24 Feb. in GW’s letter book, is printed in note 1, Maury to GW, 3 Dec. 1786.

2For the successful attempt by Thomas Jefferson and the American Committee to secure some alteration in the contract between Robert Morris and the farmers-general providing for a monopoly of the tobacco trade with France, see the editor’s note in Simon Berard to Jefferson, 6 May 1786, in Boyd, Jefferson Papers, description begins Julian P. Boyd et al., eds. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. 41 vols. to date. Princeton, N.J., 1950–. description ends 9:457–61.

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