George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Walton, 30 August 1789

From George Walton

Duplicate, via Charleston

sir,Augusta [Ga.] 30 August, 1789.

Although I have been employed in the service of America, in various lines, and almost without interruption, since the commencement of the public meetings and discussions which led to the Revolution, I do not recollect ever to have solicited an appointment. Nor should I now trouble you on such a subject, if it had not been suggested that my desire of serving in the Judiciary of the Union might be doubted at New York. Having a predilection for that particular department of service, I take the occasion of informing you, Sir, that I feel a solicitude to devote my future time and reflections to the further use of our now common Country, in the office of Judge of the District of Georgia. At the same time I am free to declare, that I feel perfectly disposed to give way to talents more happy, and to integrity better established. Your placing me on the nomination for that appointment, will have the double effect of giving confidence to my public exertions, and of confirming me in those habits of esteem and veneration with which I have always been, Sir, Your most Obedient, And most Hble Servant,

Geo. Walton.


For an identification of Walton, see his letter to GW, 11 Mar. 1789. Walton was elected governor of Georgia in 1789. In 1796 he again approached GW concerning a public appointment, having reached that stage in his career when he would “willingly undertake some federal Employment. Having long served in the Judiciary of that state, my habits and predilections are in that line; and I should have been content to have been continued on the ground I had left: but I have been excluded from the appointments. . . . Under this unpleasant prospect, I am induced to offer my services to attend the Running of the Southern Boundary of the United States. . . . Advancing to a declining period of my life my principal aim in this address is, to place myself in view for service, when a fit occasion shall offer” (1 April 1796, DLC:GW). On 20 Aug. 1796 he again wrote GW, this time applying for the post of district judge of Georgia left vacant by the resignation of Nathaniel Pendleton. Robert Morris wrote GW on 13 Sept. 1796, strongly supporting Walton’s bid for the judgeship. Both letters are in DLC:GW. Walton received no federal appointment under GW’s administration.

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