George Washington Papers

To George Washington from George Walton, 22 August 1789

From George Walton

Augusta [Ga.] 22 August 1789


The enclosed copy of an affidavit, the original of which is deposited in our archives, is one among the many proofs existing of the unfriendly conduct of the Spaniards with respect to our black people1—It is transmitted to you to form a part of the documents which it is expected you will make the foundation of some discussions with the Spanish Minister before the rising of the National legislature. I am, Sirs, Your most obedient Servant,

Geo. Walton.

LS, DNA:PCC, item 78.

1The enclosure was probably a resolution of the Georgia executive council, 17 July 1789, that “His Honor the Governor be requested to write to the President of the Union, and to the Deputies of this State in Congress, on the subject of the Spaniards harboring the Slaves of the Citizens of this State, and to press that measures be taken for having them restored. And preventing it in future” (MS journal of the Georgia executive council, 41, in Microfilm Collection of Early State Records). The plural salutation probably indicates that the same letter was sent to the Georgia delegation in Congress.

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