From George Washington to the United States House of Representatives, 8 May 1789
To the United States House of Representatives
[New York 8 May 1789]
Your very affectionate Address produces emotions which I know not how to express. I feel that my past endeavours in the Service of Country are far overpaid by its goodness: and I fear much that my future ones may not fulfil your kind anticipation. All that I can promise is, that they will be invariably directed by an honest and an ardent zeal. Of this resource my heart assures me. For all beyond, I rely on the wisdom and patriotism of those with whom I am to co-operate, and a continuance of the blessings of Heaven on our beloved Country.
George Washington
ALS, VtBennM; copy, DNA: RG 233, entry 1; LB, DLC:GW.
For background to this document, see the address of the United States House of Representatives to GW, 5 May 1789, source note. GW’s reply to the House of Representatives’s address presumably was drawn up by James Madison. See GW to Madison, 5 and 17 May 1789.